/** * Novacoin classes library * Copyright (C) 2015 Alex D. (balthazar.ad@gmail.com) * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ using System; using System.Text; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics.Contracts; using System.IO; using System.Numerics; namespace Novacoin { [Serializable] public class BlockException : Exception { public BlockException() { } public BlockException(string message) : base(message) { } public BlockException(string message, Exception inner) : base(message, inner) { } } /// /// Represents the block. Block consists of header, transaction array and header signature. /// public class CBlock { /// /// Maximum block size is 1Mb. /// public const uint nMaxBlockSize = 1000000; /// /// Sanity threshold for amount of sigops. /// public const uint nMaxSigOps = 20000; /// /// Block header. /// public CBlockHeader header; /// /// Transactions array. /// public CTransaction[] vtx; /// /// Block header signature. /// public byte[] signature = new byte[0]; /// /// Copy constructor. /// /// CBlock instance. public CBlock(CBlock b) { header = new CBlockHeader(b.header); vtx = new CTransaction[b.vtx.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < b.vtx.Length; i++) { vtx[i] = new CTransaction(b.vtx[i]); } signature = new byte[b.signature.Length]; b.signature.CopyTo(signature, 0); } /// /// Parse byte sequence and initialize new block instance /// /// Bytes sequence. public CBlock (byte[] blockBytes) { try { var stream = new MemoryStream(blockBytes); var reader = new BinaryReader(stream); // Fill the block header fields header = new CBlockHeader(ref reader); // Parse transactions list vtx = CTransaction.ReadTransactionsList(ref reader); // Read block signature signature = reader.ReadBytes((int)VarInt.ReadVarInt(ref reader)); reader.Close(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new BlockException("Deserialization failed", e); } } public CBlock() { // Initialize empty array of transactions. Please note that such // configuration is not valid real block since it has to provide // at least one transaction. vtx = new CTransaction[0]; } public bool CheckBlock(bool fCheckPOW = true, bool fCheckMerkleRoot = true, bool fCheckSig = true) { var uniqueTX = new List(); // tx hashes uint nSigOps = 0; // total sigops // Basic sanity checkings if (vtx.Length == 0 || Size > nMaxBlockSize) { return false; } bool fProofOfStake = IsProofOfStake; // First transaction must be coinbase, the rest must not be if (!vtx[0].IsCoinBase) { return false; } if (!vtx[0].CheckTransaction()) { return false; } uniqueTX.Add(vtx[0].Hash); nSigOps += vtx[0].LegacySigOpCount; if (fProofOfStake) { // Proof-of-STake related checkings. Note that we know here that 1st transactions is coinstake. We don't need // check the type of 1st transaction because it's performed earlier by IsProofOfStake() // nNonce must be zero for proof-of-stake blocks if (header.nNonce != 0) { return false; } // Coinbase output should be empty if proof-of-stake block if (vtx[0].vout.Length != 1 || !vtx[0].vout[0].IsEmpty) { return false; } // Check coinstake timestamp if (header.nTime != vtx[1].nTime) { return false; } // Check proof-of-stake block signature if (fCheckSig && !SignatureOK) { return false; } if (!vtx[1].CheckTransaction()) { return false; } uniqueTX.Add(vtx[1].Hash); nSigOps += vtx[1].LegacySigOpCount; } else { // Check proof of work matches claimed amount if (fCheckPOW && !CheckProofOfWork(header.Hash, header.nBits)) { return false; } // Check timestamp if (header.nTime > NetInfo.FutureDrift(NetInfo.GetAdjustedTime())) { return false; } // Check coinbase timestamp if (header.nTime < NetInfo.PastDrift(vtx[0].nTime)) { return false; } } // Iterate all transactions starting from second for proof-of-stake block // or first for proof-of-work block for (int i = fProofOfStake ? 2 : 1; i < vtx.Length; i++) { var tx = vtx[i]; // Reject coinbase transactions at non-zero index if (tx.IsCoinBase) { return false; } // Reject coinstake transactions at index != 1 if (tx.IsCoinStake) { return false; } // Check transaction timestamp if (header.nTime < tx.nTime) { return false; } // Check transaction consistency if (!tx.CheckTransaction()) { return false; } // Add transaction hash into list of unique transaction IDs uniqueTX.Add(tx.Hash); // Calculate sigops count nSigOps += tx.LegacySigOpCount; } // Check for duplicate txids. if (uniqueTX.Count != vtx.Length) { return false; } // Reject block if validation would consume too much resources. if (nSigOps > nMaxSigOps) { return false; } // Check merkle root if (fCheckMerkleRoot && hashMerkleRoot != header.merkleRoot) { return false; } return true; } private bool CheckProofOfWork(uint256 hash, uint nBits) { uint256 nTarget = new uint256(); nTarget.Compact = nBits; // Check range if (nTarget > NetInfo.nProofOfWorkLimit) { // nBits below minimum work return false; } // Check proof of work matches claimed amount if (hash > nTarget) { // hash doesn't match nBits return false; } return true; } /// /// Is this a Proof-of-Stake block? /// public bool IsProofOfStake { get { return (vtx.Length > 1 && vtx[1].IsCoinStake); } } /// /// Was this signed correctly? /// public bool SignatureOK { get { if (IsProofOfStake) { if (signature.Length == 0) { return false; // No signature } txnouttype whichType; IList solutions; if (!ScriptCode.Solver(vtx[1].vout[1].scriptPubKey, out whichType, out solutions)) { return false; // No solutions found } if (whichType == txnouttype.TX_PUBKEY) { CPubKey pubkey; try { pubkey = new CPubKey(solutions[0]); } catch (Exception) { return false; // Error while loading public key } return pubkey.VerifySignature(header.Hash, signature); } } else { // Proof-of-Work blocks have no signature return true; } return false; } } /// /// Get instance as sequence of bytes /// /// Byte sequence public static implicit operator byte[] (CBlock b) { var stream = new MemoryStream(); var writer = new BinaryWriter(stream); writer.Write(b.header); writer.Write(VarInt.EncodeVarInt(b.vtx.LongLength)); foreach (var tx in b.vtx) { writer.Write(tx); } writer.Write(VarInt.EncodeVarInt(b.signature.LongLength)); writer.Write(b.signature); var resultBytes = stream.ToArray(); writer.Close(); return resultBytes; } /// /// Serialized size /// public uint Size { get { uint nSize = 80 + VarInt.GetEncodedSize(vtx.Length); // CBlockHeader + NumTx foreach (var tx in vtx) { nSize += tx.Size; } nSize += VarInt.GetEncodedSize(signature.Length) + (uint)signature.Length; return nSize; } } /// /// Get transaction offset inside block. /// /// Transaction index. /// Offset in bytes from the beginning of block header. public uint GetTxOffset(int nTx) { Contract.Requires(nTx >= 0 && nTx < vtx.Length, "Transaction index you've specified is incorrect."); uint nOffset = 80 + VarInt.GetEncodedSize(vtx.Length); // CBlockHeader + NumTx for (int i = 0; i < nTx; i++) { nOffset += vtx[i].Size; } return nOffset; } /// /// Merkle root /// public uint256 hashMerkleRoot { get { var merkleTree = new List(); foreach (var tx in vtx) { merkleTree.AddRange(CryptoUtils.ComputeHash256(tx)); } int levelOffset = 0; for (int nLevelSize = vtx.Length; nLevelSize > 1; nLevelSize = (nLevelSize + 1) / 2) { for (int nLeft = 0; nLeft < nLevelSize; nLeft += 2) { int nRight = Math.Min(nLeft + 1, nLevelSize - 1); var left = merkleTree.GetRange((levelOffset + nLeft) * 32, 32).ToArray(); var right = merkleTree.GetRange((levelOffset + nRight) * 32, 32).ToArray(); merkleTree.AddRange(CryptoUtils.ComputeHash256(ref left, ref right)); } levelOffset += nLevelSize; } return (merkleTree.Count == 0) ? 0 : (uint256)merkleTree.GetRange(merkleTree.Count-32, 32).ToArray(); } } public override string ToString() { var sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendFormat("CBlock(\n header={0},\n", header.ToString()); foreach(var tx in vtx) { sb.AppendFormat("{0}", tx.ToString()); } if (IsProofOfStake) { sb.AppendFormat(", signature={0}, signatureOK={1}\n", Interop.ToHex(signature), SignatureOK); } sb.Append(")"); return sb.ToString(); } /// /// Calculate proof-of-work reward. /// /// Packed difficulty representation. /// Amount of fees. /// Reward value. public static ulong GetProofOfWorkReward(uint nBits, ulong nFees) { // NovaCoin: subsidy is cut in half every 64x multiply of PoW difficulty // A reasonably continuous curve is used to avoid shock to market // (nSubsidyLimit / nSubsidy) ** 6 == bnProofOfWorkLimit / bnTarget // // Human readable form: // // nSubsidy = 100 / (diff ^ 1/6) // // Please note that we're using bisection to find an approximate solutuion BigInteger bnSubsidyLimit = NetInfo.nMaxMintProofOfWork; uint256 nTarget = 0; nTarget.Compact = nBits; BigInteger bnTarget = new BigInteger(nTarget); BigInteger bnTargetLimit = new BigInteger(NetInfo.nProofOfWorkLimit); BigInteger bnLowerBound = CTransaction.nCent; BigInteger bnUpperBound = bnSubsidyLimit; while (bnLowerBound + CTransaction.nCent <= bnUpperBound) { BigInteger bnMidValue = (bnLowerBound + bnUpperBound) / 2; if (bnMidValue * bnMidValue * bnMidValue * bnMidValue * bnMidValue * bnMidValue * bnTargetLimit > bnSubsidyLimit * bnSubsidyLimit * bnSubsidyLimit * bnSubsidyLimit * bnSubsidyLimit * bnSubsidyLimit * bnTarget) bnUpperBound = bnMidValue; else bnLowerBound = bnMidValue; } ulong nSubsidy = (ulong)bnUpperBound; nSubsidy = (nSubsidy / CTransaction.nCent) * CTransaction.nCent; return Math.Min(nSubsidy, NetInfo.nMaxMintProofOfWork) + nFees; } public static ulong GetProofOfStakeReward(ulong nCoinAge, uint nBits, uint nTime) { ulong nRewardCoinYear, nSubsidy, nSubsidyLimit = 10 * CTransaction.nCoin; if (nTime > NetInfo.nDynamicStakeRewardTime) { // Stage 2 of emission process is PoS-based. It will be active on mainNet since 20 Jun 2013. BigInteger bnRewardCoinYearLimit = NetInfo.nMaxMintProofOfStake; // Base stake mint rate, 100% year interest uint256 nTarget = 0; nTarget.Compact = nBits; BigInteger bnTarget = new BigInteger(nTarget); BigInteger bnTargetLimit = new BigInteger(NetInfo.GetProofOfStakeLimit(0, nTime)); // NovaCoin: A reasonably continuous curve is used to avoid shock to market BigInteger bnLowerBound = CTransaction.nCent, // Lower interest bound is 1% per year bnUpperBound = bnRewardCoinYearLimit, // Upper interest bound is 100% per year bnMidPart, bnRewardPart; while (bnLowerBound + CTransaction.nCent <= bnUpperBound) { BigInteger bnMidValue = (bnLowerBound + bnUpperBound) / 2; if (nTime < NetInfo.nStakeCurveSwitchTime) { // // Until 20 Oct 2013: reward for coin-year is cut in half every 64x multiply of PoS difficulty // // (nRewardCoinYearLimit / nRewardCoinYear) ** 6 == bnProofOfStakeLimit / bnTarget // // Human readable form: nRewardCoinYear = 1 / (posdiff ^ 1/6) // bnMidPart = bnMidValue * bnMidValue * bnMidValue * bnMidValue * bnMidValue * bnMidValue; bnRewardPart = bnRewardCoinYearLimit * bnRewardCoinYearLimit * bnRewardCoinYearLimit * bnRewardCoinYearLimit * bnRewardCoinYearLimit * bnRewardCoinYearLimit; } else { // // Since 20 Oct 2013: reward for coin-year is cut in half every 8x multiply of PoS difficulty // // (nRewardCoinYearLimit / nRewardCoinYear) ** 3 == bnProofOfStakeLimit / bnTarget // // Human readable form: nRewardCoinYear = 1 / (posdiff ^ 1/3) // bnMidPart = bnMidValue * bnMidValue * bnMidValue; bnRewardPart = bnRewardCoinYearLimit * bnRewardCoinYearLimit * bnRewardCoinYearLimit; } if (bnMidPart * bnTargetLimit > bnRewardPart * bnTarget) bnUpperBound = bnMidValue; else bnLowerBound = bnMidValue; } nRewardCoinYear = (ulong)bnUpperBound; nRewardCoinYear = Math.Min((nRewardCoinYear / CTransaction.nCent) * CTransaction.nCent, NetInfo.nMaxMintProofOfStake); } else { // Old creation amount per coin-year, 5% fixed stake mint rate nRewardCoinYear = 5 * CTransaction.nCent; } nSubsidy = nCoinAge * nRewardCoinYear * 33 / (365 * 33 + 8); // Set reasonable reward limit for large inputs since 20 Oct 2013 // // This will stimulate large holders to use smaller inputs, that's good for the network protection if (NetInfo.nStakeCurveSwitchTime < nTime) { nSubsidy = Math.Min(nSubsidy, nSubsidyLimit); } return nSubsidy; } } }