/** * Novacoin classes library * Copyright (C) 2015 Alex D. (balthazar.ad@gmail.com) * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ using System; using System.Text; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Diagnostics.Contracts; using System.Numerics; namespace Novacoin { [Serializable] public class TransactionConstructorException : Exception { public TransactionConstructorException() { } public TransactionConstructorException(string message) : base(message) { } public TransactionConstructorException(string message, Exception inner) : base(message, inner) { } } /// /// Represents the transaction. /// public class CTransaction { /// /// One cent = 10000 satoshis. /// public const ulong nCent = 10000; /// /// One coin = 1000000 satoshis. /// public const ulong nCoin = 1000000; /// /// Sanity checking threshold. /// public const ulong nMaxMoney = 2000000000 * nCoin; public const ulong nMinTxFee = nCent / 10; public const ulong nMinRelayTxFee = nCent / 50; public const ulong nMinTxoutAmount = nCent / 100; /// /// Maximum transaction size is 250Kb /// public const uint nMaxTxSize = 250000; public enum MinFeeMode { GMF_BLOCK, GMF_RELAY, GMF_SEND, } /// /// Version of transaction schema. /// public uint nVersion; /// /// Transaction timestamp. /// public uint nTime; /// /// Array of transaction inputs /// public CTxIn[] vin; /// /// Array of transaction outputs /// public CTxOut[] vout; /// /// Block height or timestamp when transaction is final /// public uint nLockTime; /// /// Initialize an empty instance /// public CTransaction() { // Initialize empty input and output arrays. Please note that such // configuration is not valid for real transaction, you have to supply // at least one input and one output. nVersion = 1; nTime = 0; vin = new CTxIn[0]; vout = new CTxOut[0]; nLockTime = 0; } /// /// Initialize new instance as a copy of another transaction /// /// Transaction to copy from public CTransaction(CTransaction tx) { nVersion = tx.nVersion; nTime = tx.nTime; vin = new CTxIn[tx.vin.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < vin.Length; i++) { vin[i] = new CTxIn(tx.vin[i]); } vout = new CTxOut[tx.vout.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < vout.Length; i++) { vout[i] = new CTxOut(tx.vout[i]); } nLockTime = tx.nLockTime; } /// /// Attempts to execute all transaction scripts and validate the results. /// /// Checking result. public bool VerifyScripts() { if (IsCoinBase) { return true; } TxOutItem txOutCursor = null; for (int i = 0; i < vin.Length; i++) { var outpoint = vin[i].prevout; if (!CBlockStore.Instance.GetTxOutCursor(outpoint, ref txOutCursor)) return false; if (!ScriptCode.VerifyScript(vin[i].scriptSig, txOutCursor.scriptPubKey, this, i, (int)scriptflag.SCRIPT_VERIFY_P2SH, 0)) return false; } return true; } /// /// Calculate amount of signature operations without trying to properly evaluate P2SH scripts. /// public uint LegacySigOpCount { get { uint nSigOps = 0; foreach (var txin in vin) { nSigOps += txin.scriptSig.GetSigOpCount(false); } foreach (var txout in vout) { nSigOps += txout.scriptPubKey.GetSigOpCount(false); } return nSigOps; } } /// /// Basic sanity checkings /// /// Checking result public bool CheckTransaction() { if (Size > nMaxTxSize || vin.Length == 0 || vout.Length == 0) { return false; } // Check for empty or overflow output values ulong nValueOut = 0; for (int i = 0; i < vout.Length; i++) { CTxOut txout = vout[i]; if (txout.IsEmpty && !IsCoinBase && !IsCoinStake) { // Empty outputs aren't allowed for user transactions. return false; } nValueOut += txout.nValue; if (!MoneyRange(nValueOut)) { return false; } } // Check for duplicate inputs var InOutPoints = new List(); foreach (var txin in vin) { if (InOutPoints.IndexOf(txin.prevout) != -1) { // Duplicate input. return false; } InOutPoints.Add(txin.prevout); } if (IsCoinBase) { if (vin[0].scriptSig.Size < 2 || vin[0].scriptSig.Size > 100) { // Script size is invalid return false; } } else { foreach (var txin in vin) { if (txin.prevout.IsNull) { // Null input in non-coinbase transaction. return false; } } } return true; } public bool IsFinal(uint nBlockHeight = 0, uint nBlockTime = 0) { // Time based nLockTime if (nLockTime == 0) { return true; } if (nBlockHeight == 0) { nBlockHeight = uint.MaxValue; // TODO: stupid stub here, should be best height instead. } if (nBlockTime == 0) { nBlockTime = NetInfo.GetAdjustedTime(); } if (nLockTime < (nLockTime < NetInfo.nLockTimeThreshold ? nBlockHeight : nBlockTime)) { return true; } foreach (var txin in vin) { if (!txin.IsFinal) { return false; } } return true; } /// /// Parse byte sequence and initialize new instance of CTransaction /// /// Byte sequence public CTransaction(byte[] txBytes) { try { var stream = new MemoryStream(txBytes); var reader = new BinaryReader(stream); nVersion = reader.ReadUInt32(); nTime = reader.ReadUInt32(); int nInputs = (int)VarInt.ReadVarInt(ref reader); vin = new CTxIn[nInputs]; for (int nCurrentInput = 0; nCurrentInput < nInputs; nCurrentInput++) { // Fill inputs array vin[nCurrentInput] = new CTxIn(); vin[nCurrentInput].prevout = new COutPoint(reader.ReadBytes(36)); int nScriptSigLen = (int)VarInt.ReadVarInt(ref reader); vin[nCurrentInput].scriptSig = new CScript(reader.ReadBytes(nScriptSigLen)); vin[nCurrentInput].nSequence = reader.ReadUInt32(); } int nOutputs = (int)VarInt.ReadVarInt(ref reader); vout = new CTxOut[nOutputs]; for (int nCurrentOutput = 0; nCurrentOutput < nOutputs; nCurrentOutput++) { // Fill outputs array vout[nCurrentOutput] = new CTxOut(); vout[nCurrentOutput].nValue = reader.ReadUInt64(); int nScriptPKLen = (int)VarInt.ReadVarInt(ref reader); vout[nCurrentOutput].scriptPubKey = new CScript(reader.ReadBytes(nScriptPKLen)); } nLockTime = reader.ReadUInt32(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new TransactionConstructorException("Deserialization failed", e); } } /// /// Serialized size /// public uint Size { get { uint nSize = 12; // nVersion, nTime, nLockLime nSize += VarInt.GetEncodedSize(vin.Length); nSize += VarInt.GetEncodedSize(vout.Length); foreach (var input in vin) { nSize += input.Size; } foreach (var output in vout) { nSize += output.Size; } return nSize; } } /// /// Read transactions array which is encoded in the block body. /// /// Bytes sequence /// Transactions array internal static CTransaction[] ReadTransactionsList(ref BinaryReader reader) { try { // Read amount of transactions int nTransactions = (int)VarInt.ReadVarInt(ref reader); var tx = new CTransaction[nTransactions]; for (int nTx = 0; nTx < nTransactions; nTx++) { // Fill the transactions array tx[nTx] = new CTransaction(); tx[nTx].nVersion = reader.ReadUInt32(); tx[nTx].nTime = reader.ReadUInt32(); // Inputs array tx[nTx].vin = CTxIn.ReadTxInList(ref reader); // outputs array tx[nTx].vout = CTxOut.ReadTxOutList(ref reader); tx[nTx].nLockTime = reader.ReadUInt32(); } return tx; } catch (Exception e) { throw new TransactionConstructorException("Deserialization failed", e); } } public bool IsCoinBase { get { return (vin.Length == 1 && vin[0].prevout.IsNull && vout.Length >= 1); } } public bool IsCoinStake { get { return (vin.Length > 0 && (!vin[0].prevout.IsNull) && vout.Length >= 2 && vout[0].IsEmpty); } } /// /// Transaction hash /// public uint256 Hash { get { return CryptoUtils.ComputeHash256(this); } } /// /// Amount of novacoins spent by this transaction. /// public ulong nValueOut { get { ulong nValueOut = 0; foreach (var txout in vout) { nValueOut += txout.nValue; Contract.Assert(MoneyRange(txout.nValue) && MoneyRange(nValueOut)); } return nValueOut; } } /// /// A sequence of bytes, which corresponds to the current state of CTransaction. /// public static implicit operator byte[] (CTransaction tx) { var stream = new MemoryStream(); var writer = new BinaryWriter(stream); writer.Write(tx.nVersion); writer.Write(tx.nTime); writer.Write(VarInt.EncodeVarInt(tx.vin.LongLength)); foreach (var input in tx.vin) { writer.Write(input); } writer.Write(VarInt.EncodeVarInt(tx.vout.LongLength)); foreach (var output in tx.vout) { writer.Write(output); } writer.Write(tx.nLockTime); var resultBytes = stream.ToArray(); writer.Close(); return resultBytes; } public override string ToString() { var sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendFormat("CTransaction(\n nVersion={0},\n nTime={1},\n", nVersion, nTime); foreach (var txin in vin) { sb.AppendFormat(" {0},\n", txin); } foreach (var txout in vout) { sb.AppendFormat(" {0},\n", txout); } sb.AppendFormat("\nnLockTime={0}\n)", nLockTime); return sb.ToString(); } public static bool MoneyRange(ulong nValue) { return (nValue <= nMaxMoney); } /// /// Get total sigops. /// /// Inputs map. /// Amount of sigops. public uint GetP2SHSigOpCount(ref Dictionary inputs) { if (IsCoinBase) { return 0; } uint nSigOps = 0; for (var i = 0; i < vin.Length; i++) { var prevout = GetOutputFor(vin[i], ref inputs); if (prevout.scriptPubKey.IsPayToScriptHash) { nSigOps += prevout.scriptPubKey.GetSigOpCount(vin[i].scriptSig); } } return nSigOps; } /// /// Get sum of inputs spent by this transaction. /// /// Reference to innputs map. /// Sum of inputs. public ulong GetValueIn(ref Dictionary inputs) { if (IsCoinBase) { return 0; } ulong nResult = 0; for (int i = 0; i < vin.Length; i++) { nResult += GetOutputFor(vin[i], ref inputs).nValue; } return nResult; } /// /// Helper method to find output in the map. /// /// Transaction input. /// eference to inuts map. /// Parent output. private CTxOut GetOutputFor(CTxIn input, ref Dictionary inputs) { if (!inputs.ContainsKey(input.prevout)) { throw new Exception("No such input"); } var outItem = inputs[input.prevout]; return new CTxOut(outItem.nValue, outItem.scriptPubKey); } internal bool GetCoinAge(ref Dictionary inputs, out ulong nCoinAge) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public ulong GetMinFee(uint nBlockSize, bool fAllowFree, MinFeeMode mode) { ulong nMinTxFee = CTransaction.nMinTxFee, nMinRelayTxFee = CTransaction.nMinRelayTxFee; uint nBytes = Size; if (IsCoinStake) { // Enforce 0.01 as minimum fee for old approach or coinstake nMinTxFee = nCent; nMinRelayTxFee = nCent; if (nTime < NetInfo.nStakeValidationSwitchTime) { // Enforce zero size for compatibility with old blocks. nBytes = 0; } } // Base fee is either nMinTxFee or nMinRelayTxFee ulong nBaseFee = (mode == MinFeeMode.GMF_RELAY) ? nMinRelayTxFee : nMinTxFee; uint nNewBlockSize = nBlockSize + nBytes; ulong nMinFee = (1 + (ulong)nBytes / 1000) * nBaseFee; if (fAllowFree) { if (nBlockSize == 1) { // Transactions under 1K are free if (nBytes < 1000) nMinFee = 0; } else { // Free transaction area if (nNewBlockSize < 27000) nMinFee = 0; } } // To limit dust spam, require additional MIN_TX_FEE/MIN_RELAY_TX_FEE for // each non empty output which is less than 0.01 // // It's safe to ignore empty outputs here, because these inputs are allowed // only for coinbase and coinstake transactions. foreach (var txout in vout) { if (txout.nValue < nCent && !txout.IsEmpty) { nMinFee += nBaseFee; } } var nMaxBlockSizeGen = CBlock.nMaxBlockSize / 2; // Raise the price as the block approaches full if (nBlockSize != 1 && nNewBlockSize >= nMaxBlockSizeGen / 2) { if (nNewBlockSize >= nMaxBlockSizeGen) { return nMaxMoney; } nMinFee *= nMaxBlockSizeGen / (nMaxBlockSizeGen - nNewBlockSize); } if (!MoneyRange(nMinFee)) { nMinFee = nMaxMoney; } return nMinFee; } } }