using System.Security.Cryptography; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; namespace Novacoin { public abstract class Hash { /// /// Computes the SHA256 hash for the input data using the managed library. /// protected static SHA256Managed _hasher256 = new SHA256Managed(); /// /// Array of digest bytes. /// protected byte[] _hashBytes = null; /// /// Hash size, must be overriden /// public virtual int hashSize { get; } public byte[] hashBytes { get { return _hashBytes; } } /// /// Initializes an empty instance of the Hash class. /// public Hash() { _hashBytes = Enumerable.Repeat(0, hashSize).ToArray(); } /// /// Initializes a new instance of Hash class with first 20 bytes from supplied list /// /// List of bytes public Hash(IEnumerable bytes) { _hashBytes = bytes.Take(hashSize).ToArray(); } public Hash(byte[] bytes) { _hashBytes = bytes; } public bool IsZero() { return !_hashBytes.Any(b => b != 0); } public override string ToString() { return Interop.ToHex(Interop.ReverseBytes(_hashBytes)); } } }