using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Security.Cryptography; namespace Novacoin { /// /// Representation of scrypt hash /// public class ScryptHash256 : Hash { // 32 bytes public override int hashSize { get { return 32; } } public ScryptHash256() : base() { } public ScryptHash256(byte[] bytesArray) : base(bytesArray) { } public ScryptHash256(IList bytesList) : base(bytesList) { } /// /// Calculate scrypt hash and return new instance of ScryptHash256 class /// /// Byte sequence to hash /// Hashing result instance public static ScryptHash256 Compute256(IEnumerable inputBytes) { uint[] V = new uint[(131072 + 63) / sizeof(uint)]; byte[] dataBytes = inputBytes.ToArray(); byte[] keyBytes1 = PBKDF2Sha256GetBytes(128, dataBytes, dataBytes, 1); uint[] X = Interop.ToUInt32Array(keyBytes1); uint i, j, k; for (i = 0; i < 1024; i++) { Array.Copy(X, 0, V, i * 32, 32); xor_salsa8(ref X, 0, ref X, 16); xor_salsa8(ref X, 16, ref X, 0); } for (i = 0; i < 1024; i++) { j = 32 * (X[16] & 1023); for (k = 0; k < 32; k++) X[k] ^= V[j + k]; xor_salsa8(ref X, 0, ref X, 16); xor_salsa8(ref X, 16, ref X, 0); } byte[] xBytes = Interop.LEBytes(X); byte[] keyBytes2 = PBKDF2Sha256GetBytes(32, dataBytes, xBytes, 1); return new ScryptHash256(keyBytes2); } private static byte[] PBKDF2Sha256GetBytes(int dklen, byte[] password, byte[] salt, int iterationCount) { using (var hmac = new HMACSHA256(password)) { int hashLength = hmac.HashSize / 8; if ((hmac.HashSize & 7) != 0) hashLength++; int keyLength = dklen / hashLength; if ((long)dklen > (0xFFFFFFFFL * hashLength) || dklen < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("dklen"); if (dklen % hashLength != 0) keyLength++; byte[] extendedkey = new byte[salt.Length + 4]; Buffer.BlockCopy(salt, 0, extendedkey, 0, salt.Length); using (var ms = new System.IO.MemoryStream()) { for (int i = 0; i < keyLength; i++) { extendedkey[salt.Length] = (byte)(((i + 1) >> 24) & 0xFF); extendedkey[salt.Length + 1] = (byte)(((i + 1) >> 16) & 0xFF); extendedkey[salt.Length + 2] = (byte)(((i + 1) >> 8) & 0xFF); extendedkey[salt.Length + 3] = (byte)(((i + 1)) & 0xFF); byte[] u = hmac.ComputeHash(extendedkey); Array.Clear(extendedkey, salt.Length, 4); byte[] f = u; for (int j = 1; j < iterationCount; j++) { u = hmac.ComputeHash(u); for (int k = 0; k < f.Length; k++) { f[k] ^= u[k]; } } ms.Write(f, 0, f.Length); Array.Clear(u, 0, u.Length); Array.Clear(f, 0, f.Length); } byte[] dk = new byte[dklen]; ms.Position = 0; ms.Read(dk, 0, dklen); ms.Position = 0; for (long i = 0; i < ms.Length; i++) { ms.WriteByte(0); } Array.Clear(extendedkey, 0, extendedkey.Length); return dk; } } } private static void xor_salsa8(ref uint[] B, int indexB, ref uint[] Bx, int indexBx) { uint x00, x01, x02, x03, x04, x05, x06, x07, x08, x09, x10, x11, x12, x13, x14, x15; byte i; x00 = (B[indexB + 0] ^= Bx[indexBx + 0]); x01 = (B[indexB + 1] ^= Bx[indexBx + 1]); x02 = (B[indexB + 2] ^= Bx[indexBx + 2]); x03 = (B[indexB + 3] ^= Bx[indexBx + 3]); x04 = (B[indexB + 4] ^= Bx[indexBx + 4]); x05 = (B[indexB + 5] ^= Bx[indexBx + 5]); x06 = (B[indexB + 6] ^= Bx[indexBx + 6]); x07 = (B[indexB + 7] ^= Bx[indexBx + 7]); x08 = (B[indexB + 8] ^= Bx[indexBx + 8]); x09 = (B[indexB + 9] ^= Bx[indexBx + 9]); x10 = (B[indexB + 10] ^= Bx[indexBx + 10]); x11 = (B[indexB + 11] ^= Bx[indexBx + 11]); x12 = (B[indexB + 12] ^= Bx[indexBx + 12]); x13 = (B[indexB + 13] ^= Bx[indexBx + 13]); x14 = (B[indexB + 14] ^= Bx[indexBx + 14]); x15 = (B[indexB + 15] ^= Bx[indexBx + 15]); Func R = (a, b) => (((a) << (b)) | ((a) >> (32 - (b)))); for (i = 0; i < 8; i += 2) { /* Operate on columns. */ x04 ^= R(x00 + x12, 7); x09 ^= R(x05 + x01, 7); x14 ^= R(x10 + x06, 7); x03 ^= R(x15 + x11, 7); x08 ^= R(x04 + x00, 9); x13 ^= R(x09 + x05, 9); x02 ^= R(x14 + x10, 9); x07 ^= R(x03 + x15, 9); x12 ^= R(x08 + x04, 13); x01 ^= R(x13 + x09, 13); x06 ^= R(x02 + x14, 13); x11 ^= R(x07 + x03, 13); x00 ^= R(x12 + x08, 18); x05 ^= R(x01 + x13, 18); x10 ^= R(x06 + x02, 18); x15 ^= R(x11 + x07, 18); /* Operate on rows. */ x01 ^= R(x00 + x03, 7); x06 ^= R(x05 + x04, 7); x11 ^= R(x10 + x09, 7); x12 ^= R(x15 + x14, 7); x02 ^= R(x01 + x00, 9); x07 ^= R(x06 + x05, 9); x08 ^= R(x11 + x10, 9); x13 ^= R(x12 + x15, 9); x03 ^= R(x02 + x01, 13); x04 ^= R(x07 + x06, 13); x09 ^= R(x08 + x11, 13); x14 ^= R(x13 + x12, 13); x00 ^= R(x03 + x02, 18); x05 ^= R(x04 + x07, 18); x10 ^= R(x09 + x08, 18); x15 ^= R(x14 + x13, 18); } B[indexB + 0] += x00; B[indexB + 1] += x01; B[indexB + 2] += x02; B[indexB + 3] += x03; B[indexB + 4] += x04; B[indexB + 5] += x05; B[indexB + 6] += x06; B[indexB + 7] += x07; B[indexB + 8] += x08; B[indexB + 9] += x09; B[indexB + 10] += x10; B[indexB + 11] += x11; B[indexB + 12] += x12; B[indexB + 13] += x13; B[indexB + 14] += x14; B[indexB + 15] += x15; } } }