from Abe.abe import hash_to_address, decode_check_address from Abe.DataStore import DataStore as Datastore_class from Abe import DataStore, readconf, BCDataStream, deserialize, util, base58 import binascii import thread, traceback, sys, urllib, operator from json import dumps, loads from Queue import Queue import time class AbeStore(Datastore_class): def __init__(self, config): conf = DataStore.CONFIG_DEFAULTS args, argv = readconf.parse_argv( [], conf) args.dbtype = config.get('database','type') if args.dbtype == 'sqlite3': args.connect_args = { 'database' : config.get('database','database') } elif args.dbtype == 'MySQLdb': args.connect_args = { 'db' : config.get('database','database'), 'user' : config.get('database','username'), 'passwd' : config.get('database','password') } elif args.dbtype == 'psycopg2': args.connect_args = { 'database' : config.get('database','database') } Datastore_class.__init__(self,args) self.tx_cache = {} self.mempool_keys = {} self.bitcoind_url = 'http://%s:%s@%s:%s/' % ( config.get('bitcoind','user'), config.get('bitcoind','password'), config.get('bitcoind','host'), config.get('bitcoind','port')) self.address_queue = Queue() self.dblock = thread.allocate_lock() def import_block(self, b, chain_ids=frozenset()): #print "import block" block_id = super(AbeStore, self).import_block(b, chain_ids) for pos in xrange(len(b['transactions'])): tx = b['transactions'][pos] if 'hash' not in tx: tx['hash'] = util.double_sha256(tx['tx']) tx_id = self.tx_find_id_and_value(tx) if tx_id: self.update_tx_cache(tx_id) else: print "error: import_block: no tx_id" return block_id def update_tx_cache(self, txid): inrows = self.get_tx_inputs(txid, False) for row in inrows: _hash = self.binout(row[6]) address = hash_to_address(chr(0), _hash) if self.tx_cache.has_key(address): print "cache: invalidating", address self.tx_cache.pop(address) self.address_queue.put(address) outrows = self.get_tx_outputs(txid, False) for row in outrows: _hash = self.binout(row[6]) address = hash_to_address(chr(0), _hash) if self.tx_cache.has_key(address): print "cache: invalidating", address self.tx_cache.pop(address) self.address_queue.put(address) def safe_sql(self,sql, params=(), lock=True): try: if lock: self.dblock.acquire() ret = self.selectall(sql,params) except: print "sql error", sql ret = [] finally: if lock: self.dblock.release() return ret def get_tx_outputs(self, tx_id, lock=True): return self.safe_sql("""SELECT txout.txout_pos, txout.txout_scriptPubKey, txout.txout_value, nexttx.tx_hash, nexttx.tx_id, txin.txin_pos, pubkey.pubkey_hash FROM txout LEFT JOIN txin ON (txin.txout_id = txout.txout_id) LEFT JOIN pubkey ON (pubkey.pubkey_id = txout.pubkey_id) LEFT JOIN tx nexttx ON (txin.tx_id = nexttx.tx_id) WHERE txout.tx_id = %d ORDER BY txout.txout_pos """%(tx_id), (), lock) def get_tx_inputs(self, tx_id, lock=True): return self.safe_sql(""" SELECT txin.txin_pos, txin.txin_scriptSig, txout.txout_value, COALESCE(prevtx.tx_hash, u.txout_tx_hash), prevtx.tx_id, COALESCE(txout.txout_pos, u.txout_pos), pubkey.pubkey_hash FROM txin LEFT JOIN txout ON (txout.txout_id = txin.txout_id) LEFT JOIN pubkey ON (pubkey.pubkey_id = txout.pubkey_id) LEFT JOIN tx prevtx ON (txout.tx_id = prevtx.tx_id) LEFT JOIN unlinked_txin u ON (u.txin_id = txin.txin_id) WHERE txin.tx_id = %d ORDER BY txin.txin_pos """%(tx_id,), (), lock) def get_address_out_rows(self, dbhash): return self.safe_sql(""" SELECT b.block_nTime, cc.chain_id, b.block_height, 1, b.block_hash, tx.tx_hash, tx.tx_id, txin.txin_pos, -prevout.txout_value FROM chain_candidate cc JOIN block b ON (b.block_id = cc.block_id) JOIN block_tx ON (block_tx.block_id = b.block_id) JOIN tx ON (tx.tx_id = block_tx.tx_id) JOIN txin ON (txin.tx_id = tx.tx_id) JOIN txout prevout ON (txin.txout_id = prevout.txout_id) JOIN pubkey ON (pubkey.pubkey_id = prevout.pubkey_id) WHERE pubkey.pubkey_hash = ? AND cc.in_longest = 1""", (dbhash,)) def get_address_out_rows_memorypool(self, dbhash): return self.safe_sql(""" SELECT 1, tx.tx_hash, tx.tx_id, txin.txin_pos, -prevout.txout_value FROM tx JOIN txin ON (txin.tx_id = tx.tx_id) JOIN txout prevout ON (txin.txout_id = prevout.txout_id) JOIN pubkey ON (pubkey.pubkey_id = prevout.pubkey_id) WHERE pubkey.pubkey_hash = ? """, (dbhash,)) def get_address_in_rows(self, dbhash): return self.safe_sql(""" SELECT b.block_nTime, cc.chain_id, b.block_height, 0, b.block_hash, tx.tx_hash, tx.tx_id, txout.txout_pos, txout.txout_value FROM chain_candidate cc JOIN block b ON (b.block_id = cc.block_id) JOIN block_tx ON (block_tx.block_id = b.block_id) JOIN tx ON (tx.tx_id = block_tx.tx_id) JOIN txout ON (txout.tx_id = tx.tx_id) JOIN pubkey ON (pubkey.pubkey_id = txout.pubkey_id) WHERE pubkey.pubkey_hash = ? AND cc.in_longest = 1""", (dbhash,)) def get_address_in_rows_memorypool(self, dbhash): return self.safe_sql( """ SELECT 0, tx.tx_hash, tx.tx_id, txout.txout_pos, txout.txout_value FROM tx JOIN txout ON (txout.tx_id = tx.tx_id) JOIN pubkey ON (pubkey.pubkey_id = txout.pubkey_id) WHERE pubkey.pubkey_hash = ? """, (dbhash,)) def get_history(self, addr): cached_version = self.tx_cache.get( addr ) if cached_version is not None: return cached_version version, binaddr = decode_check_address(addr) if binaddr is None: return None dbhash = self.binin(binaddr) rows = [] rows += self.get_address_out_rows( dbhash ) rows += self.get_address_in_rows( dbhash ) txpoints = [] known_tx = [] for row in rows: try: nTime, chain_id, height, is_in, blk_hash, tx_hash, tx_id, pos, value = row except: print "cannot unpack row", row break tx_hash = self.hashout_hex(tx_hash) txpoint = { "timestamp": int(nTime), "height": int(height), "is_input": int(is_in), "block_hash": self.hashout_hex(blk_hash), "tx_hash": tx_hash, "tx_id": int(tx_id), "index": int(pos), "value": int(value), } txpoints.append(txpoint) known_tx.append(self.hashout_hex(tx_hash)) # todo: sort them really... txpoints = sorted(txpoints, key=operator.itemgetter("timestamp")) # read memory pool rows = [] rows += self.get_address_in_rows_memorypool( dbhash ) rows += self.get_address_out_rows_memorypool( dbhash ) address_has_mempool = False for row in rows: is_in, tx_hash, tx_id, pos, value = row tx_hash = self.hashout_hex(tx_hash) if tx_hash in known_tx: continue # this means that pending transactions were added to the db, even if they are not returned by getmemorypool address_has_mempool = True # this means pending transactions are returned by getmemorypool if tx_hash not in self.mempool_keys: continue #print "mempool", tx_hash txpoint = { "timestamp": 0, "height": 0, "is_input": int(is_in), "block_hash": 'mempool', "tx_hash": tx_hash, "tx_id": int(tx_id), "index": int(pos), "value": int(value), } txpoints.append(txpoint) for txpoint in txpoints: tx_id = txpoint['tx_id'] txinputs = [] inrows = self.get_tx_inputs(tx_id) for row in inrows: _hash = self.binout(row[6]) address = hash_to_address(chr(0), _hash) txinputs.append(address) txpoint['inputs'] = txinputs txoutputs = [] outrows = self.get_tx_outputs(tx_id) for row in outrows: _hash = self.binout(row[6]) address = hash_to_address(chr(0), _hash) txoutputs.append(address) txpoint['outputs'] = txoutputs # for all unspent inputs, I want their scriptpubkey. (actually I could deduce it from the address) if not txpoint['is_input']: # detect if already redeemed... for row in outrows: if row[6] == dbhash: break else: raise #row = self.get_tx_output(tx_id,dbhash) # pos, script, value, o_hash, o_id, o_pos, binaddr = row # if not redeemed, we add the script if row: if not row[4]: txpoint['raw_output_script'] = row[1] # cache result if not address_has_mempool: self.tx_cache[addr] = txpoints return txpoints def get_status(self,addr): # get address status, i.e. the last block for that address. tx_points = self.get_history(addr) if not tx_points: status = None else: lastpoint = tx_points[-1] status = lastpoint['block_hash'] # this is a temporary hack; move it up once old clients have disappeared if status == 'mempool': # and session['version'] != "old": status = status + ':%d'% len(tx_points) return status def memorypool_update(store): ds = BCDataStream.BCDataStream() previous_transactions = store.mempool_keys store.mempool_keys = [] postdata = dumps({"method": 'getmemorypool', 'params': [], 'id':'jsonrpc'}) respdata = urllib.urlopen(store.bitcoind_url, postdata).read() r = loads(respdata) if r['error'] != None: return v = r['result'].get('transactions') for hextx in v: ds.clear() ds.write(hextx.decode('hex')) tx = deserialize.parse_Transaction(ds) tx['hash'] = util.double_sha256(tx['tx']) tx_hash = store.hashin(tx['hash']) store.mempool_keys.append(tx_hash) if store.tx_find_id_and_value(tx): pass else: tx_id = store.import_tx(tx, False) store.update_tx_cache(tx_id) store.commit() def send_tx(self,tx): postdata = dumps({"method": 'importtransaction', 'params': [tx], 'id':'jsonrpc'}) respdata = urllib.urlopen(self.bitcoind_url, postdata).read() r = loads(respdata) if r['error'] != None: msg = r['error'].get('message') out = "error: transaction rejected by memorypool: " + msg + "\n" + tx else: out = r['result'] return out def main_iteration(store): try: store.dblock.acquire() store.catch_up() store.memorypool_update() block_number = store.get_block_number(1) except IOError: print "IOError: cannot reach bitcoind" block_number = 0 except: traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) block_number = 0 finally: store.dblock.release() return block_number def catch_up(store): # if there is an exception, do rollback and then re-raise the exception for dircfg in store.datadirs: try: store.catch_up_dir(dircfg) except Exception, e: store.log.exception("Failed to catch up %s", dircfg) store.rollback() raise e from processor import Processor class BlockchainProcessor(Processor): def __init__(self, config): Processor.__init__(self) = AbeStore(config) self.block_number = -1 self.watched_addresses = [] def process(self, request): message_id = request['id'] method = request['method'] params = request.get('params',[]) result = '' if method == 'blockchain.numblocks.subscribe': result = self.block_number elif method == 'blockchain.address.subscribe': address = params[0] self.watch_address(address) status = result = status elif method == 'blockchain.address.get_history': address = params[0] result = address ) elif method == 'blockchain.transaction.broadcast': txo =[0]) print "sent tx:", txo result = txo else: print "unknown method", request if result != '': response = { 'id':message_id, 'result':result } self.push_response(response) def watch_address(self, addr): if addr not in self.watched_addresses: self.watched_addresses.append(addr) def run(self): old_block_number = None while not self.shared.stopped(): self.block_number = if self.block_number != old_block_number: old_block_number = self.block_number print "block number:", self.block_number self.push_response({ 'method':'blockchain.numblocks.subscribe', 'params':[self.block_number] }) while True: try: addr = except: break if addr in self.watched_addresses: status = addr ) self.push_response({ 'method':'blockchain.address.subscribe', 'params':[addr, status] }) time.sleep(10)