#!/usr/bin/python from __future__ import division import argparse import os import random import sqlite3 import subprocess import sys import traceback from twisted.internet import defer, reactor from twisted.web import server import bitcoin_p2p import conv import db import expiring_dict import jsonrpc import p2p import p2pool import util import worker_interface class Chain(object): def __init__(self, chain_id_data): self.chain_id_data = chain_id_data self.last_p2pool_block_hash = p2pool.chain_id_type.unpack(chain_id_data)['last_p2pool_block_hash'] self.share2s = {} # hash -> share2 self.highest = util.Variable(None) # hash self.requesting = set() self.request_map = {} def accept(self, share, net): if share.chain_id_data != self.chain_id_data: raise ValueError('share does not belong to this chain') if share.hash in self.share2s: return 'dup' if share.previous_share_hash is None: previous_height, previous_share2 = -1, None elif share.previous_share_hash not in self.share2s: return 'orphan' else: previous_share2 = self.share2s[share.previous_share_hash] previous_height = previous_share2.height height = previous_height + 1 share2 = share.check(self, height, previous_share2, net) # raises exceptions if share2.share is not share: raise ValueError() self.share2s[share.hash] = share2 if self.highest.value is None or height > self.share2s[self.highest.value].height: self.highest.set(share.hash) return 'good' def get_highest_share2(self): return self.share2s[self.highest.value] if self.highest.value is not None else None @defer.inlineCallbacks def get_last_p2pool_block_hash(current_block_hash, get_block, net): block_hash = current_block_hash while True: if block_hash == net.ROOT_BLOCK: defer.returnValue(block_hash) block = yield get_block(block_hash) coinbase_data = block['txns'][0]['tx_ins'][0]['script'] try: coinbase = p2pool.coinbase_type.unpack(coinbase_data, ignore_extra=True) except bitcoin_p2p.EarlyEnd: pass else: try: if coinbase['identifier'] == net.IDENTIFIER: payouts = {} for tx_out in block['txns'][0]['tx_outs']: payouts[tx_out['script']] = payouts.get(tx_out['script'], 0) + tx_out['value'] subsidy = sum(payouts.itervalues()) if coinbase['subsidy'] == subsidy: if payouts.get(net.SCRIPT, 0) >= subsidy//64: defer.returnValue(block_hash) except Exception: print print 'Error matching block:' print 'block:', block traceback.print_exc() print block_hash = block['header']['previous_block'] @defer.inlineCallbacks def getwork(bitcoind): while True: try: getwork_df, height_df = bitcoind.rpc_getwork(), bitcoind.rpc_getblocknumber() getwork, height = conv.BlockAttempt.from_getwork((yield getwork_df)), (yield height_df) except: print print 'Error getting work from bitcoind:' traceback.print_exc() print yield util.sleep(1) continue defer.returnValue((getwork, height)) @defer.inlineCallbacks def main(args): try: net = p2pool.Testnet if args.testnet else p2pool.Main print name print # connect to bitcoind over JSON-RPC and do initial getwork url = 'http://%s:%i/' % (args.bitcoind_address, args.bitcoind_rpc_port) print "Testing bitcoind RPC connection to '%s' with authorization '%s:%s'..." % (url, args.bitcoind_rpc_username, args.bitcoind_rpc_password) bitcoind = jsonrpc.Proxy(url, (args.bitcoind_rpc_username, args.bitcoind_rpc_password)) work, height = yield getwork(bitcoind) print ' ...success!' print ' Current block hash: %x height: %i' % (work.previous_block, height) print # connect to bitcoind over bitcoin-p2p and do checkorder to get pubkey to send payouts to print "Testing bitcoind P2P connection to '%s:%s'..." % (args.bitcoind_address, args.bitcoind_p2p_port) factory = bitcoin_p2p.ClientFactory(args.testnet) reactor.connectTCP(args.bitcoind_address, args.bitcoind_p2p_port, factory) while True: try: res = yield (yield factory.getProtocol()).check_order(order=bitcoin_p2p.Protocol.null_order) if res['reply'] != 'success': print print 'Error getting payout script:' print res print continue my_script = res['script'] except: print print 'Error getting payout script:' traceback.print_exc() print else: break yield util.sleep(1) print ' ...success!' print ' Payout script:', my_script.encode('hex') print @defer.inlineCallbacks def real_get_block(block_hash): block = yield (yield factory.getProtocol()).get_block(block_hash) print 'Got block %x' % (block_hash,) defer.returnValue(block) get_block = util.DeferredCacher(real_get_block, expiring_dict.ExpiringDict(3600)) chains = expiring_dict.ExpiringDict(300) def get_chain(chain_id_data): return chains.setdefault(chain_id_data, Chain(chain_id_data)) # information affecting work that should trigger a long-polling update current_work = util.Variable(None) # information affecting work that should not trigger a long-polling update current_work2 = util.Variable(None) share_dbs = [db.SQLiteDict(sqlite3.connect(filename, isolation_level=None), 'shares') for filename in args.store_shares] @defer.inlineCallbacks def set_real_work(): work, height = yield getwork(bitcoind) last_p2pool_block_hash = (yield get_last_p2pool_block_hash(work.previous_block, get_block, net)) chain = get_chain(p2pool.chain_id_type.pack(dict(last_p2pool_block_hash=last_p2pool_block_hash, bits=work.bits))) current_work.set(dict( version=work.version, previous_block=work.previous_block, bits=work.bits, height=height + 1, current_chain=chain, highest_p2pool_share2=chain.get_highest_share2(), last_p2pool_block_hash=last_p2pool_block_hash, )) current_work2.set(dict( timestamp=work.timestamp, )) print 'Searching for last p2pool-generated block...' yield set_real_work() print ' ...success!' print ' Matched block %x' % (current_work.value['last_p2pool_block_hash'],) print # setup p2p logic and join p2pool network def share_share2(share2, ignore_peer=None): for peer in p2p_node.peers.itervalues(): if peer is ignore_peer: continue peer.send_share(share2.share) share2.flag_shared() def p2p_share(share, peer=None): if share.hash <= conv.bits_to_target(share.header['bits']): print 'GOT BLOCK! Passing to bitcoind! %x' % (share.hash,) if factory.conn is not None: factory.conn.send_block(block=share.as_block()) else: print 'No bitcoind connection! Erp!' chain = get_chain(share.chain_id_data) res = chain.accept(share, net) if res == 'good': share2 = chain.share2s[share.hash] hash_data = bitcoin_p2p.HashType().pack(share.hash) share1_data = p2pool.share1.pack(share.as_share1()) for share_db in share_dbs: share_db[hash_data] = share1_data if chain is current_work.value['current_chain']: print 'Accepted share, passing to peers. Hash: %x' % (share.hash,) share_share2(share2, peer) else: print 'Accepted share to non-current chain. Hash: %x' % (share.hash,) elif res == 'dup': print 'Got duplicate share, ignoring. Hash: %x' % (share.hash,) elif res == 'orphan': print 'Got share referencing unknown share, requesting past shares from peer. Hash: %x' % (share.hash,) if peer is None: raise ValueError() peer.send_gettobest( chain_id=p2pool.chain_id_type.unpack(share.chain_id_data), have=random.sample(chain.share2s.keys(), min(8, len(chain.share2s))) + [chain.share2s[chain.highest.value].share.hash] if chain.highest.value is not None else [], ) else: raise ValueError('unknown result from chain.accept - %r' % (res,)) w = dict(current_work.value) w['highest_p2pool_share2'] = w['current_chain'].get_highest_share2() current_work.set(w) def p2p_share_hash(chain_id_data, hash, peer): chain = get_chain(chain_id_data) if chain is current_work.value['current_chain']: if hash not in chain.share2s: if hash not in chain.requesting: print "Got share hash, requesting! Hash: %x" % (hash,) peer.send_getshares(chain_id=p2pool.chain_id_type.unpack(chain_id_data), hashes=[hash]) chain.requesting.add(hash) reactor.callLater(5, chain.requesting.remove, hash) else: print "Got share hash, already requested, ignoring. Hash: %x" % (hash,) else: print "Got share hash, already have, ignoring. Hash: %x" % (hash,) else: print "Got share hash to non-current chain, storing. Hash: %x" % (hash,) if hash not in chain.request_map: chain.request_map[hash] = peer def p2p_get_to_best(chain_id_data, have, peer): chain = get_chain(chain_id_data) if chain.highest.value is None: return def get_down(share_hash): blocks = [] while True: blocks.append(share_hash) if share_hash not in chain.share2s: break share2 = chain.share2s[share_hash] if share2.share.previous_share_hash is None: break share_hash = share2.share.previous_share_hash return blocks chain_hashes = get_down(chain.highest.value) have2 = set() for hash_ in have: have2 |= set(get_down(hash_)) for share_hash in reversed(chain_hashes): if share_hash in have2: continue peer.send_share(chain.share2s[share_hash].share, full=True) # doesn't have to be full ... but does that still guarantee ordering? def p2p_get_shares(chain_id_data, hashes, peer): chain = get_chain(chain_id_data) for hash_ in hashes: if hash_ in chain.share2s: peer.send_share(chain.share2s[hash_].share, full=True) print 'Joining p2pool network using TCP port %i...' % (args.p2pool_port,) def parse(x): if ':' in x: ip, port = x.split(':') return ip, int(port) else: return ip, {False: 9333, True: 19333}[args.testnet] if args.testnet: nodes = [('', 19333)] else: nodes = [('', 9333)] p2p_node = p2p.Node( current_work=current_work, port=args.p2pool_port, testnet=args.testnet, addr_store=db.SQLiteDict(sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'addrs.dat'), isolation_level=None), 'addrs'), mode=0 if args.low_bandwidth else 1, preferred_addrs=map(parse, args.p2pool_nodes) + nodes, ) p2p_node.handle_share = p2p_share p2p_node.handle_share_hash = p2p_share_hash p2p_node.handle_get_to_best = p2p_get_to_best p2p_node.handle_get_shares = p2p_get_shares p2p_node.start() # send share when the chain changes to their chain def work_changed(new_work): #print 'Work changed:', new_work chain = new_work['current_chain'] for share2 in chain.share2s.itervalues(): if not share2.shared: print 'Sharing share of switched to chain. Hash:', share2.share.hash share_share2(share2) for hash, peer in chain.request_map.iteritems(): if hash not in chain.share2s: peer.send_getshares(hashes=[hash]) current_work.changed.watch(work_changed) print ' ...success!' print # start listening for workers with a JSON-RPC server print 'Listening for workers on port %i...' % (args.worker_port,) # setup worker logic merkle_root_to_transactions = expiring_dict.ExpiringDict(300) def compute(state): generate_txn, shares = p2pool.generate_transaction( last_p2pool_block_hash=state['last_p2pool_block_hash'], previous_share2=state['highest_p2pool_share2'], add_script=my_script, subsidy=50*100000000 >> state['height']//210000, nonce=random.randrange(2**64), net=net, ) print 'Generating, have', shares.count(my_script) - 2, 'share(s) in the current chain.' transactions = [generate_txn] # XXX merkle_root = bitcoin_p2p.merkle_hash(transactions) merkle_root_to_transactions[merkle_root] = transactions # will stay for 1000 seconds ba = conv.BlockAttempt(state['version'], state['previous_block'], merkle_root, current_work2.value['timestamp'], state['bits']) return ba.getwork(net.TARGET_MULTIPLIER) def got_response(data): # match up with transactions header = conv.decode_data(data) transactions = merkle_root_to_transactions.get(header['merkle_root'], None) if transactions is None: print "Couldn't link returned work's merkle root with its transactions - should only happen if you recently restarted p2pool" return False share = p2pool.Share(header=header, txns=transactions) print 'GOT SHARE! %x' % (share.hash,) try: p2p_share(share) except: print print 'Error processing data received from worker:' traceback.print_exc() print return False else: return True reactor.listenTCP(args.worker_port, server.Site(worker_interface.WorkerInterface(current_work, compute, got_response))) print ' ...success!' print # done! print 'Started successfully!' print while True: yield set_real_work() yield util.sleep(1) except: print print 'Fatal error:' traceback.print_exc() print reactor.stop() if __name__ == '__main__': try: __version__ = subprocess.Popen(['svnversion', os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.read().strip() except: __version__ = 'unknown' name = 'p2pool (version %s)' % (__version__,) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=name) parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version=__version__) parser.add_argument('-t', '--testnet', help='use the testnet; make sure you change the ports too', action='store_true', default=False, dest='testnet') parser.add_argument('-s', '--store-shares', metavar='FILENAME', help='write shares to a database (not needed for normal usage)', type=str, action='append', default=[], dest='store_shares') p2pool_group = parser.add_argument_group('p2pool interface') p2pool_group.add_argument('-p', '--p2pool-port', metavar='PORT', help='use TCP port PORT to listen for connections (default: 9333 normally, 19333 for testnet) (forward this port from your router!)', type=int, action='store', default=None, dest='p2pool_port') p2pool_group.add_argument('-n', '--p2pool-node', metavar='ADDR[:PORT]', help='connect to existing p2pool node at ADDR listening on TCP port PORT (defaults to 9333 normally, 19333 for testnet), in addition to builtin addresses', type=str, action='append', default=[], dest='p2pool_nodes') parser.add_argument('-l', '--low-bandwidth', help='trade lower bandwidth usage for higher latency (reduced efficiency)', action='store_true', default=False, dest='low_bandwidth') worker_group = parser.add_argument_group('worker interface') worker_group.add_argument('-w', '--worker-port', metavar='PORT', help='listen on PORT for RPC connections from miners asking for work and providing responses (default: 9332)', type=int, action='store', default=9332, dest='worker_port') bitcoind_group = parser.add_argument_group('bitcoind interface') bitcoind_group.add_argument('--bitcoind-address', metavar='BITCOIND_ADDRESS', help='connect to a bitcoind at this address (default:', type=str, action='store', default='', dest='bitcoind_address') bitcoind_group.add_argument('--bitcoind-rpc-port', metavar='BITCOIND_RPC_PORT', help='connect to a bitcoind at this port over the RPC interface - used to get the current highest block via getwork (default: 8332)', type=int, action='store', default=8332, dest='bitcoind_rpc_port') bitcoind_group.add_argument('--bitcoind-p2p-port', metavar='BITCOIND_P2P_PORT', help='connect to a bitcoind at this port over the p2p interface - used to submit blocks and get the pubkey to generate to via an IP transaction (default: 8333 normally. 18333 for testnet)', type=int, action='store', default=None, dest='bitcoind_p2p_port') bitcoind_group.add_argument(metavar='BITCOIND_RPC_USERNAME', help='bitcoind RPC interface username', type=str, action='store', dest='bitcoind_rpc_username') bitcoind_group.add_argument(metavar='BITCOIND_RPC_PASSWORD', help='bitcoind RPC interface password', type=str, action='store', dest='bitcoind_rpc_password') args = parser.parse_args() if args.bitcoind_p2p_port is None: args.bitcoind_p2p_port = {False: 8333, True: 18333}[args.testnet] if args.p2pool_port is None: args.p2pool_port = {False: 9333, True: 19333}[args.testnet] reactor.callWhenRunning(main, args) reactor.run()