import bitcoin import stratum import threading import time import composed class Backend: def __init__(self): # Create 3 thread-pools each with 1 thread self.network_service = bitcoin.async_service(1) self.disk_service = bitcoin.async_service(1) self.mempool_service = bitcoin.async_service(1) self.hosts = bitcoin.hosts(self.network_service) self.handshake = bitcoin.handshake(self.network_service) = self.protocol = bitcoin.protocol(self.network_service, self.hosts, self.handshake, db_prefix = "/home/genjix/libbitcoin/database" self.blockchain = bitcoin.bdb_blockchain(self.disk_service, db_prefix) self.poller = bitcoin.poller(self.blockchain) self.transaction_pool = \ bitcoin.transaction_pool(self.mempool_service, self.blockchain) self.protocol.subscribe_channel(self.monitor_tx) self.session = \ bitcoin.session(self.hosts, self.handshake,, self.protocol, self.blockchain, self.poller, self.transaction_pool) self.session.start(self.handle_start) def handle_start(self, ec): if ec: print "Error starting backend:", ec def stop(self): self.session.stop(self.handle_stop) def handle_stop(self, ec): if ec: print "Error stopping backend:", ec print "Stopped backend" def monitor_tx(self, node): # We will be notified here when connected to new bitcoin nodes # Here we subscribe to new transactions from them which we # add to the transaction_pool. That way we can track which # transactions we are interested in. node.subscribe_transaction( bitcoin.bind(self.recv_tx, bitcoin._1, bitcoin._2, node)) # Re-subscribe to next new node self.protocol.subscribe_channel(self.monitor_tx) def recv_tx(self, ec, tx, node): if ec: print "Error with new transaction:", ec return tx_hash = bitcoin.hash_transaction(tx) # If we want to ignore this transaction, we can set # the 2 handlers to be null handlers that do nothing., bitcoin.bind(self.tx_confirmed, bitcoin._1, tx_hash), bitcoin.bind(self.handle_mempool_store, bitcoin._1, tx_hash)) # Re-subscribe to new transactions from node node.subscribe_transaction( bitcoin.bind(self.recv_tx, bitcoin._1, bitcoin._2, node)) def handle_mempool_store(self, ec, tx_hash): if ec: print "Error storing memory pool transaction", tx_hash, ec else: print "Accepted transaction", tx_hash def tx_confirmed(self, ec, tx_hash): if ec: print "Problem confirming transaction", tx_hash, ec else: print "Confirmed", tx_hash class GhostValue: def __init__(self): self.event = threading.Event() self.value = None def get(self): self.event.wait() return self.value def set(self, value): self.value = value self.event.set() class NumblocksSubscribe: def __init__(self, backend): self.backend = backend self.lock = threading.Lock() self.backend.blockchain.subscribe_reorganize(self.reorganize) self.backend.blockchain.fetch_last_depth(self.set_last_depth) self.latest = GhostValue() self.subscribed = [] def subscribe(self, session, request): last = self.latest.get() session.push_response({"id": request["id"], "result": last}) with self.lock: self.subscribed.append((session, request)) def set_last_depth(self, ec, last_depth): if ec: print "Error retrieving last depth", ec else: self.latest.set(last_depth) def reorganize(self, ec, fork_point, arrivals, replaced): latest = fork_point + len(arrivals) self.latest.set(latest) subscribed = self.spring_clean() for session, request in subscribed: session.push_response({"id": request["id"], "result": latest}) self.backend.blockchain.subscribe_reorganize(self.reorganize) def spring_clean(self): with self.lock: self.subscribed = [sub for sub in self.subscribed if not sub[0].stopped()] return self.subscribed[:] class AddressGetHistory: def __init__(self, backend): self.backend = backend def get(self, session, request): address = str(request["params"]) composed.payment_history(self.backend.blockchain, address, bitcoin.bind(self.respond, session, request, bitcoin._1)) def respond(self, session, request, result): session.push_response({"id": request["id"], "result": result}) class LibbitcoinProcessor(stratum.Processor): def __init__(self): self.backend = Backend() self.numblocks_subscribe = NumblocksSubscribe(self.backend) self.address_get_history = AddressGetHistory(self.backend) stratum.Processor.__init__(self) def stop(self): self.backend.stop() def process(self, session): request = session.pop_request() print "New request (lib)", request if request["method"] == "numblocks.subscribe": self.numblocks_subscribe.subscribe(session, request) elif request["method"] == "address.get_history": self.address_get_history.get(session, request) elif request["method"] == "server.banner": session.push_response({"id": request["id"], "result": "libbitcoin using python-bitcoin bindings"}) # Execute and when ready, you call # session.push_response(response) def run(stratum): print "Warning: pre-alpha prototype. Full of bugs." processor = LibbitcoinProcessor() stratum.start(processor)