import bitcoin import threading import time class ExpiryQueue(threading.Thread): def __init__(self): self.lock = threading.Lock() self.items = [] threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.daemon = True def run(self): # Garbage collection while True: with self.lock: self.items = [i for i in self.items if not i.stopped()] time.sleep(0.1) def add(self, item): with self.lock: self.items.append(item) expiry_queue = ExpiryQueue() class StatementLine: def __init__(self, output_point): self.lock = threading.Lock() self.output_point = output_point self.output_loaded = None self.input_point = None self.input_loaded = None def is_loaded(self): with self.lock: if self.output_loaded is None: return False elif (self.input_point is not False and self.input_loaded is None): return False return True class PaymentHistory: def __init__(self, chain): self.chain = chain self.lock = threading.Lock() self.statement = [] self._stopped = False def run(self, address, handle_finish): self.address = address self.handle_finish = handle_finish pubkey_hash = bitcoin.address_to_short_hash(address) self.chain.fetch_outputs(pubkey_hash, self.start_loading) def start_loading(self, ec, output_points): with self.lock: for outpoint in output_points: statement_line = StatementLine(outpoint) self.statement.append(statement_line) self.chain.fetch_spend(outpoint, bitcoin.bind(self.load_spend, bitcoin._1, bitcoin._2, statement_line)) self.load_tx_info(outpoint, statement_line, False) def load_spend(self, ec, inpoint, statement_line): with statement_line.lock: if ec: statement_line.input_point = False else: statement_line.input_point = inpoint self.finish_if_done() self.load_tx_info(inpoint, statement_line, True) def finish_if_done(self): with self.lock: if any(not line.is_loaded() for line in self.statement): return result = [] for line in self.statement: line.input_loaded["value"] = -line.output_loaded["value"] result.append(line.input_loaded) result.append(line.output_loaded) self.handle_finish(result) self.stop() def stop(self): with self.lock: self._stopped = True def stopped(self): with self.lock: return self._stopped def load_tx_info(self, point, statement_line, is_input): info = {} info["tx_hash"] = str(point.hash) info["pos"] = point.index info["is_in"] = 1 if is_input else 0 self.chain.fetch_transaction_index(point.hash, bitcoin.bind(self.tx_index, bitcoin._1, bitcoin._2, bitcoin._3, statement_line, info)) def tx_index(self, ec, block_depth, offset, statement_line, info): info["height"] = block_depth self.chain.fetch_block_header_by_depth(block_depth, bitcoin.bind(self.block_header, bitcoin._1, bitcoin._2, statement_line, info)) def block_header(self, ec, blk_head, statement_line, info): info["time"] = blk_head.timestamp info["blk_hash"] = str(bitcoin.hash_block_header(blk_head)) tx_hash = bitcoin.hash_digest(info["tx_hash"]) self.chain.fetch_transaction(tx_hash, bitcoin.bind(self.load_tx, bitcoin._1, bitcoin._2, statement_line, info)) def load_tx(self, ec, tx, statement_line, info): outputs = [] for tx_out in tx.outputs: script = tx_out.output_script if script.type() == bitcoin.payment_type.pubkey_hash: pkh = bitcoin.short_hash(str(script.operations()[2].data)) outputs.append(bitcoin.public_key_hash_to_address(pkh)) else: outputs.append("Unknown") info["outputs"] = outputs info["inputs"] = [None for i in range(len(tx.inputs))] if info["is_in"] == 1: info["inputs"][info["pos"]] = self.address else: info["value"] = tx.outputs[info["pos"]].value if not [empty_in for empty_in in info["inputs"] if empty_in is None]: # We have the sole input assert(info["is_in"] == 1) with statement_line.lock: statement_line.input_loaded = info self.finish_if_done() for tx_idx, tx_in in enumerate(tx.inputs): if info["is_in"] == 1 and info["pos"] == tx_idx: continue self.chain.fetch_transaction(tx_in.previous_output.hash, bitcoin.bind(self.load_input, bitcoin._1, bitcoin._2, tx_in.previous_output.index, statement_line, info, tx_idx)) def load_input(self, ec, tx, index, statement_line, info, inputs_index): script = tx.outputs[index].output_script if script.type() == bitcoin.payment_type.pubkey_hash: pkh = bitcoin.short_hash(str(script.operations()[2].data)) info["inputs"][inputs_index] = \ bitcoin.public_key_hash_to_address(pkh) else: info["inputs"][inputs_index] = "Unknown" if not [empty_in for empty_in in info["inputs"] if empty_in is None]: with statement_line.lock: if info["is_in"] == 1: statement_line.input_loaded = info else: statement_line.output_loaded = info self.finish_if_done() def payment_history(chain, address, handle_finish): ph = PaymentHistory(chain) expiry_queue.add(ph), handle_finish) if __name__ == "__main__": def finish(result): print result service = bitcoin.async_service(1) prefix = "/home/genjix/libbitcoin/database" chain = bitcoin.bdb_blockchain(service, prefix) address = "1LzBzVqEeuQyjD2mRWHes3dgWrT9titxvq" print "Looking up", address payment_history(chain, address, finish) raw_input()