""" Generic methods to retreive the IP address of the local machine. TODO: Example @author: Raphael Slinckx @copyright: Copyright 2005 @license: LGPL @contact: U{raphael@slinckx.net} @version: 0.1.0 """ __revision__ = "$id" import random, socket, logging from twisted.internet import defer, reactor from twisted.internet.protocol import DatagramProtocol from twisted.internet.error import CannotListenError from twisted.internet.interfaces import IReactorMulticast from nattraverso.utils import is_rfc1918_ip, is_bogus_ip def get_local_ip(): """ Returns a deferred which will be called with a 2-uple (lan_flag, ip_address) : - lan_flag: - True if it's a local network (RFC1918) - False if it's a WAN address - ip_address is the actual ip address @return: A deferred called with the above defined tuple @rtype: L{twisted.internet.defer.Deferred} """ # first we try a connected udp socket, then via multicast logging.debug("Resolving dns to get udp ip") result = reactor.resolve('A.ROOT-SERVERS.NET') result.addCallbacks(_get_via_connected_udp, lambda x:_get_via_multicast()) return result def get_external_ip(): """ Returns a deferred which will be called with a 2-uple (wan_flag, ip_address): - wan_flag: - True if it's a WAN address - False if it's a LAN address - None if it's a localhost ( address - ip_address: the most accessible ip address of this machine @return: A deferred called with the above defined tuple @rtype: L{twisted.internet.defer.Deferred} """ return get_local_ip().addCallbacks(_on_local_ip, _on_no_local_ip) #Private---------- def _on_upnp_external_found(ipaddr): """ Called when an external ip is found through UPNP. @param ipaddr: The WAN ip address @type ipaddr: an IP string "x.x.x.x" """ return (True, ipaddr) def _on_no_upnp_external_found(error, ipaddr): """ Called when the UPnP device failed to return external address. @param ipaddr: The LAN ip address @type ipaddr: an IP string "x.x.x.x" """ return (False, ipaddr) def _on_local_ip(result): """ Called when we got the local ip of this machine. If we have a WAN address, we return immediately, else we try to discover ip address through UPnP. @param result: a tuple (lan_flag, ip_addr) @type result: a tuple (bool, ip string) """ local, ipaddr = result if not local: return (True, ipaddr) else: logging.debug("Got local ip, trying to use upnp to get WAN ip") import nattraverso.pynupnp return nattraverso.pynupnp.get_external_ip().addCallbacks( _on_upnp_external_found, lambda x: _on_no_upnp_external_found(x, ipaddr)) def _on_no_local_ip(error): """ Called when we could not retreive by any mean the ip of this machine. We simply assume there is no connectivity, and return localhost address. """ return (None, "") def _got_multicast_ip(ipaddr): """ Called when we received the ip address via udp multicast. @param ipaddr: an ip address @type ipaddr: a string "x.x.x.x" """ return (is_rfc1918_ip(ipaddr), ipaddr) def _get_via_multicast(): """ Init a multicast ip address discovery. @return: A deferred called with the discovered ip address @rtype: L{twisted.internet.defer.Deferred} @raise Exception: When an error occurs during the multicast engine init """ try: # Init multicast engine IReactorMulticast(reactor) except: raise logging.debug("Multicast ping to retrieve local IP") return _discover_multicast().addCallback(_got_multicast_ip) def _get_via_connected_udp(ipaddr): """ Init a UDP socket ip discovery. We do a dns query, and retreive our ip address from the connected udp socket. @param ipaddr: The ip address of a dns server @type ipaddr: a string "x.x.x.x" @raise RuntimeError: When the ip is a bogus ip ( or alike) """ udpprot = DatagramProtocol() port = reactor.listenUDP(0, udpprot) udpprot.transport.connect(ipaddr, 7) localip = udpprot.transport.getHost().host port.stopListening() if is_bogus_ip(localip): raise RuntimeError, "Invalid IP address returned" else: return (is_rfc1918_ip(localip), localip) class _LocalNetworkMulticast(DatagramProtocol): def __init__(self, nonce): from p2pool.util import variable self.nonce = nonce self.address_received = variable.Event() def datagramReceived(self, dgram, addr): """Datagram received, we callback the IP address.""" logging.debug("Received multicast pong: %s; addr:%r", dgram, addr) if dgram != self.nonce: return self.address_received.happened(addr[0]) @defer.inlineCallbacks def _discover_multicast(): """ Local IP discovery protocol via multicast: - Broadcast 3 ping multicast packet with "ping" in it - Wait for an answer - Retrieve the ip address from the returning packet, which is ours """ nonce = str(random.randrange(2**64)) p = _LocalNetworkMulticast(nonce) # 5 different UDP ports ports = [11000+random.randint(0, 5000) for port in range(5)] for attempt, port in enumerate(ports): try: mcast = reactor.listenMulticast(port, p) mcast_port = port except CannotListenError: if attempt < 5: print "Trying another multicast UDP port", port else: raise else: break try: yield mcast.joinGroup('', socket.INADDR_ANY) try: logging.debug("Sending multicast ping") for i in xrange(3): p.transport.write(nonce, ('', mcast_port)) address, = yield p.address_received.get_deferred(5) finally: mcast.leaveGroup('', socket.INADDR_ANY) finally: mcast.stopListening() defer.returnValue(address)