#!/usr/bin/python from __future__ import division import argparse import datetime import itertools import os import random import sqlite3 import struct import sys import time import json import signal import traceback from twisted.internet import defer, reactor, task from twisted.web import server, resource from twisted.python import log from nattraverso import portmapper, ipdiscover import bitcoin.p2p, bitcoin.getwork, bitcoin.data from util import db, expiring_dict, jsonrpc, variable, deferral, math from . import p2p, worker_interface, skiplists import p2pool.data as p2pool import p2pool as p2pool_init @deferral.retry('Error getting work from bitcoind:', 3) @defer.inlineCallbacks def getwork(bitcoind, ht, net): try: work = yield bitcoind.rpc_getmemorypool() defer.returnValue(dict( version=work['version'], previous_block_hash=int(work['previousblockhash'], 16), transactions=[bitcoin.data.tx_type.unpack(x.decode('hex')) for x in work['transactions']], subsidy=work['coinbasevalue'], time=work['time'], target=bitcoin.data.FloatingIntegerType().unpack(work['bits'].decode('hex')[::-1]) if isinstance(work['bits'], (str, unicode)) else bitcoin.data.FloatingInteger(work['bits']), )) except jsonrpc.Error, e: if e.code != -32601: raise print "---> Update your bitcoind to support the 'getmemorypool' RPC call. Not including transactions in generated blocks! <---" work = bitcoin.getwork.BlockAttempt.from_getwork((yield bitcoind.rpc_getwork())) try: subsidy = net.BITCOIN_SUBSIDY_FUNC(ht.getHeight(work.previous_block)) except ValueError: subsidy = net.BITCOIN_SUBSIDY_FUNC(1000) defer.returnValue(dict( version=work.version, previous_block_hash=work.previous_block, transactions=[], subsidy=subsidy, time=work.timestamp, target=work.block_target, )) @deferral.retry('Error getting payout script from bitcoind:', 1) @defer.inlineCallbacks def get_payout_script(factory): res = yield (yield factory.getProtocol()).check_order(order=bitcoin.p2p.Protocol.null_order) if res['reply'] == 'success': defer.returnValue(res['script']) elif res['reply'] == 'denied': defer.returnValue(None) else: raise ValueError('Unexpected reply: %r' % (res,)) @deferral.retry('Error creating payout script:', 10) @defer.inlineCallbacks def get_payout_script2(bitcoind, net): defer.returnValue(bitcoin.data.pubkey_hash_to_script2(bitcoin.data.address_to_pubkey_hash((yield bitcoind.rpc_getaccountaddress('p2pool')), net))) @defer.inlineCallbacks def main(args): try: print 'p2pool (version %s)' % (p2pool_init.__version__,) print try: from . import draw except ImportError: draw = None print "Install Pygame and PIL to enable visualizations! Visualizations disabled." print # connect to bitcoind over JSON-RPC and do initial getwork url = 'http://%s:%i/' % (args.bitcoind_address, args.bitcoind_rpc_port) print '''Testing bitcoind RPC connection to '%s' with username '%s'...''' % (url, args.bitcoind_rpc_username) bitcoind = jsonrpc.Proxy(url, (args.bitcoind_rpc_username, args.bitcoind_rpc_password)) good = yield deferral.retry('Error while checking bitcoind identity:', 1)(args.net.BITCOIN_RPC_CHECK)(bitcoind) if not good: print " Check failed! Make sure that you're connected to the right bitcoind with --bitcoind-rpc-port!" return temp_work = yield deferral.retry('Error while testing getwork:', 1)(defer.inlineCallbacks(lambda: defer.returnValue(bitcoin.getwork.BlockAttempt.from_getwork((yield bitcoind.rpc_getwork())))))() print ' ...success!' print ' Current block hash: %x' % (temp_work.previous_block,) print # connect to bitcoind over bitcoin-p2p and do checkorder to get pubkey to send payouts to print '''Testing bitcoind P2P connection to '%s:%s'...''' % (args.bitcoind_address, args.bitcoind_p2p_port) factory = bitcoin.p2p.ClientFactory(args.net) reactor.connectTCP(args.bitcoind_address, args.bitcoind_p2p_port, factory) my_script = yield get_payout_script(factory) if args.pubkey_hash is None: if my_script is None: print ' IP transaction denied ... falling back to sending to address.' my_script = yield get_payout_script2(bitcoind, args.net) else: my_script = bitcoin.data.pubkey_hash_to_script2(args.pubkey_hash) print ' ...success!' print ' Payout script:', bitcoin.data.script2_to_human(my_script, args.net) print print 'Loading cached block headers...' ht = bitcoin.p2p.HeightTracker(factory, args.net.NAME + '_headers.dat') print ' ...done loading %i cached block headers.' % (len(ht.tracker.shares),) print tracker = p2pool.OkayTracker(args.net) ss = p2pool.ShareStore(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]), args.net.NAME + '_shares.'), args.net) known_verified = set() print "Loading shares..." for i, (mode, contents) in enumerate(ss.get_shares()): if mode == 'share': if contents.hash in tracker.shares: continue contents.shared = True contents.stored = True contents.time_seen = 0 tracker.add(contents) if len(tracker.shares) % 1000 == 0 and tracker.shares: print " %i" % (len(tracker.shares),) elif mode == 'verified_hash': known_verified.add(contents) else: raise AssertionError() print " ...inserting %i verified shares..." % (len(known_verified),) for h in known_verified: if h not in tracker.shares: ss.forget_verified_share(h) continue tracker.verified.add(tracker.shares[h]) print " ...done loading %i shares!" % (len(tracker.shares),) print tracker.added.watch(lambda share: ss.add_share(share)) tracker.verified.added.watch(lambda share: ss.add_verified_hash(share.hash)) tracker.removed.watch(lambda share: ss.forget_share(share.hash)) tracker.verified.removed.watch(lambda share: ss.forget_verified_share(share.hash)) peer_heads = expiring_dict.ExpiringDict(300) # hash -> peers that know of it # information affecting work that should trigger a long-polling update current_work = variable.Variable(None) # information affecting work that should not trigger a long-polling update current_work2 = variable.Variable(None) work_updated = variable.Event() requested = expiring_dict.ExpiringDict(300) @defer.inlineCallbacks def set_real_work1(): work = yield getwork(bitcoind, ht, args.net) changed = work['previous_block_hash'] != current_work.value['previous_block'] if current_work.value is not None else True current_work.set(dict( version=work['version'], previous_block=work['previous_block_hash'], target=work['target'], best_share_hash=current_work.value['best_share_hash'] if current_work.value is not None else None, aux_work=current_work.value['aux_work'] if current_work.value is not None else None, )) current_work2.set(dict( transactions=work['transactions'], subsidy=work['subsidy'], clock_offset=time.time() - work['time'], last_update=time.time(), )) if changed: set_real_work2() def set_real_work2(): best, desired = tracker.think(ht, current_work.value['previous_block'], time.time() - current_work2.value['clock_offset']) t = dict(current_work.value) t['best_share_hash'] = best current_work.set(t) t = time.time() for peer2, share_hash in desired: if share_hash not in tracker.tails: # was received in the time tracker.think was running continue last_request_time, count = requested.get(share_hash, (None, 0)) if last_request_time is not None and last_request_time - 5 < t < last_request_time + 10 * 1.5**count: continue potential_peers = set() for head in tracker.tails[share_hash]: potential_peers.update(peer_heads.get(head, set())) potential_peers = [peer for peer in potential_peers if peer.connected2] if count == 0 and peer2 is not None and peer2.connected2: peer = peer2 else: peer = random.choice(potential_peers) if potential_peers and random.random() > .2 else peer2 if peer is None: continue print 'Requesting parent share %s from %s' % (p2pool.format_hash(share_hash), '%s:%i' % peer.addr) peer.send_getshares( hashes=[share_hash], parents=2000, stops=list(set(tracker.heads) | set( tracker.get_nth_parent_hash(head, min(max(0, tracker.get_height_and_last(head)[0] - 1), 10)) for head in tracker.heads ))[:100], ) requested[share_hash] = t, count + 1 print 'Initializing work...' yield set_real_work1() set_real_work2() print ' ...success!' print @defer.inlineCallbacks def set_merged_work(): if not args.merged_url: return while True: merged = jsonrpc.Proxy(args.merged_url, (args.merged_userpass,)) auxblock = yield deferral.retry('Error while calling merged getauxblock:', 1)(merged.rpc_getauxblock)() x = dict(current_work.value) x['aux_work'] = dict( hash=int(auxblock['hash'], 16), target=bitcoin.data.HashType().unpack(auxblock['target'].decode('hex')), chain_id=auxblock['chainid'], ) #print x['aux_work'] current_work.set(x) yield deferral.sleep(1) set_merged_work() start_time = time.time() - current_work2.value['clock_offset'] # setup p2p logic and join p2pool network def share_share(share, ignore_peer=None): for peer in p2p_node.peers.itervalues(): if peer is ignore_peer: continue #if p2pool_init.DEBUG: # print "Sending share %s to %r" % (p2pool.format_hash(share.hash), peer.addr) peer.send_shares([share]) share.flag_shared() def p2p_shares(shares, peer=None): if len(shares) > 5: print 'Processing %i shares...' % (len(shares),) new_count = 0 for share in shares: if share.hash in tracker.shares: #print 'Got duplicate share, ignoring. Hash: %s' % (p2pool.format_hash(share.hash),) continue new_count += 1 #print 'Received share %s from %r' % (p2pool.format_hash(share.hash), share.peer.addr if share.peer is not None else None) tracker.add(share) if shares and peer is not None: peer_heads.setdefault(shares[0].hash, set()).add(peer) if new_count: set_real_work2() if len(shares) > 5: print '... done processing %i shares. New: %i Have: %i/~%i' % (len(shares), new_count, len(tracker.shares), 2*args.net.CHAIN_LENGTH) @tracker.verified.added.watch def _(share): if share.bitcoin_hash <= share.header['target']: print print 'GOT BLOCK! Passing to bitcoind! %s bitcoin: %x' % (p2pool.format_hash(share.hash), share.bitcoin_hash,) print if factory.conn.value is not None: factory.conn.value.send_block(block=share.as_block(tracker, args.net)) else: print 'No bitcoind connection! Erp!' def p2p_share_hashes(share_hashes, peer): t = time.time() get_hashes = [] for share_hash in share_hashes: if share_hash in tracker.shares: continue last_request_time, count = requested.get(share_hash, (None, 0)) if last_request_time is not None and last_request_time - 5 < t < last_request_time + 10 * 1.5**count: continue print 'Got share hash, requesting! Hash: %s' % (p2pool.format_hash(share_hash),) get_hashes.append(share_hash) requested[share_hash] = t, count + 1 if share_hashes and peer is not None: peer_heads.setdefault(share_hashes[0], set()).add(peer) if get_hashes: peer.send_getshares(hashes=get_hashes, parents=0, stops=[]) def p2p_get_shares(share_hashes, parents, stops, peer): parents = min(parents, 1000//len(share_hashes)) stops = set(stops) shares = [] for share_hash in share_hashes: for share in itertools.islice(tracker.get_chain_known(share_hash), parents + 1): if share.hash in stops: break shares.append(share) print 'Sending %i shares to %s:%i' % (len(shares), peer.addr[0], peer.addr[1]) peer.send_shares(shares, full=True) print 'Joining p2pool network using TCP port %i...' % (args.p2pool_port,) def parse(x): if ':' in x: ip, port = x.split(':') return ip, int(port) else: return x, args.net.P2P_PORT nodes = set([ ('', args.net.P2P_PORT), ('', args.net.P2P_PORT), ('', args.net.P2P_PORT), ('', args.net.P2P_PORT), ]) for host in [ 'p2pool.forre.st', 'dabuttonfactory.com', ]: try: nodes.add(((yield reactor.resolve(host)), args.net.P2P_PORT)) except: log.err(None, 'Error resolving bootstrap node IP:') p2p_node = p2p.Node( current_work=current_work, port=args.p2pool_port, net=args.net, addr_store=db.SQLiteDict(sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]), 'addrs.dat'), isolation_level=None), args.net.NAME), mode=0 if args.low_bandwidth else 1, preferred_addrs=set(map(parse, args.p2pool_nodes)) | nodes, ) p2p_node.handle_shares = p2p_shares p2p_node.handle_share_hashes = p2p_share_hashes p2p_node.handle_get_shares = p2p_get_shares p2p_node.start() # send share when the chain changes to their chain def work_changed(new_work): #print 'Work changed:', new_work for share in tracker.get_chain_known(new_work['best_share_hash']): if share.shared: break share_share(share, share.peer) current_work.changed.watch(work_changed) print ' ...success!' print @defer.inlineCallbacks def upnp_thread(): while True: try: is_lan, lan_ip = yield ipdiscover.get_local_ip() if is_lan: pm = yield portmapper.get_port_mapper() yield pm._upnp.add_port_mapping(lan_ip, args.p2pool_port, args.p2pool_port, 'p2pool', 'TCP') # XXX try to forward external correct port? except defer.TimeoutError: pass except: if p2pool_init.DEBUG: log.err(None, "UPnP error:") yield deferral.sleep(random.expovariate(1/120)) if args.upnp: upnp_thread() # start listening for workers with a JSON-RPC server print 'Listening for workers on port %i...' % (args.worker_port,) # setup worker logic merkle_root_to_transactions = expiring_dict.ExpiringDict(300) run_identifier = struct.pack(' current_work2.value['last_update'] + 60: raise jsonrpc.Error(-12345, u'lost contact with bitcoind') if state['aux_work'] is not None: aux_str = '\xfa\xbemm' + bitcoin.data.HashType().pack(state['aux_work']['hash'])[::-1] + struct.pack(' timestamp: print 'Toff', timestamp2 - timestamp timestamp = timestamp2 target2 = p2pool.coinbase_type.unpack(generate_tx['tx_ins'][0]['script'])['share_data']['target'] times[p2pool.coinbase_type.unpack(generate_tx['tx_ins'][0]['script'])['share_data']['nonce']] = time.time() #print 'SENT', 2**256//p2pool.coinbase_type.unpack(generate_tx['tx_ins'][0]['script'])['share_data']['target'] return bitcoin.getwork.BlockAttempt(state['version'], state['previous_block'], merkle_root, timestamp, state['target'], target2) my_shares = set() doa_shares = set() times = {} def got_response(data, user): try: # match up with transactions header = bitcoin.getwork.decode_data(data) transactions = merkle_root_to_transactions.get(header['merkle_root'], None) if transactions is None: print '''Couldn't link returned work's merkle root with its transactions - should only happen if you recently restarted p2pool''' return False block = dict(header=header, txs=transactions) hash_ = bitcoin.data.block_header_type.hash256(block['header']) if hash_ <= block['header']['target'] or p2pool_init.DEBUG: if factory.conn.value is not None: factory.conn.value.send_block(block=block) else: print 'No bitcoind connection! Erp!' if hash_ <= block['header']['target']: print print 'GOT BLOCK! Passing to bitcoind! bitcoin: %x' % (hash_,) print try: aux_pow = dict( merkle_tx=dict( tx=transactions[0], block_hash=hash_, merkle_branch=[x['hash'] for x in p2pool.calculate_merkle_branch(transactions, 0)], index=0, ), merkle_branch=[], index=0, parent_block_header=header, ) a, b = transactions[0]['tx_ins'][0]['script'][-32-8:-8].encode('hex'), bitcoin.data.aux_pow_type.pack(aux_pow).encode('hex') #print a, b merged = jsonrpc.Proxy(args.merged_url, (args.merged_userpass,)) def _(res): print "MERGED RESULT:", res merged.rpc_getauxblock(a, b).addBoth(_) except: log.err(None, 'Error while processing merged mining POW:') target = p2pool.coinbase_type.unpack(transactions[0]['tx_ins'][0]['script'])['share_data']['target'] if hash_ > target: print 'Worker submitted share with hash > target:\nhash : %x\ntarget: %x' % (hash_, target) return False share = p2pool.Share.from_block(block) my_shares.add(share.hash) if share.previous_hash != current_work.value['best_share_hash']: doa_shares.add(share.hash) print 'GOT SHARE! %s %s prev %s age %.2fs' % (user, p2pool.format_hash(share.hash), p2pool.format_hash(share.previous_hash), time.time() - times[share.nonce]) + (' DEAD ON ARRIVAL' if share.previous_hash != current_work.value['best_share_hash'] else '') good = share.previous_hash == current_work.value['best_share_hash'] # maybe revert back to tracker being non-blocking so 'good' can be more accurate? p2p_shares([share]) # eg. good = share.hash == current_work.value['best_share_hash'] here return good except: log.err(None, 'Error processing data received from worker:') return False web_root = worker_interface.WorkerInterface(current_work, compute, got_response, args.net) def get_rate(): if current_work.value['best_share_hash'] is not None: height, last = tracker.get_height_and_last(current_work.value['best_share_hash']) att_s = p2pool.get_pool_attempts_per_second(tracker, current_work.value['best_share_hash'], args.net, min(height - 1, 720)) fracs = [read_stale_frac(share) for share in itertools.islice(tracker.get_chain_known(current_work.value['best_share_hash']), 120) if read_stale_frac(share) is not None] return json.dumps(int(att_s / (1. - (math.median(fracs) if fracs else 0)))) return json.dumps(None) def get_users(): height, last = tracker.get_height_and_last(current_work.value['best_share_hash']) weights, total_weight = tracker.get_cumulative_weights(current_work.value['best_share_hash'], min(height, 720), 2**256) res = {} for script in sorted(weights, key=lambda s: weights[s]): res[bitcoin.data.script2_to_human(script, args.net)] = weights[script]/total_weight return json.dumps(res) class WebInterface(resource.Resource): def __init__(self, func, mime_type): self.func, self.mime_type = func, mime_type def render_GET(self, request): request.setHeader('Content-Type', self.mime_type) return self.func() web_root.putChild('rate', WebInterface(get_rate, 'application/json')) web_root.putChild('users', WebInterface(get_users, 'application/json')) web_root.putChild('fee', WebInterface(lambda: json.dumps(args.worker_fee), 'application/json')) if draw is not None: web_root.putChild('chain_img', WebInterface(lambda: draw.get(tracker, current_work.value['best_share_hash']), 'image/png')) reactor.listenTCP(args.worker_port, server.Site(web_root)) print ' ...success!' print # done! # do new getwork when a block is heard on the p2p interface def new_block(block_hash): work_updated.happened() factory.new_block.watch(new_block) print 'Started successfully!' print ht.updated.watch(set_real_work2) @defer.inlineCallbacks def work1_thread(): while True: flag = work_updated.get_deferred() try: yield set_real_work1() except: log.err() yield defer.DeferredList([flag, deferral.sleep(random.uniform(1, 10))], fireOnOneCallback=True) @defer.inlineCallbacks def work2_thread(): while True: try: set_real_work2() except: log.err() yield deferral.sleep(random.expovariate(1/20)) work1_thread() work2_thread() if hasattr(signal, 'SIGALRM'): def watchdog_handler(signum, frame): print 'Watchdog timer went off at:' traceback.print_stack() signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, watchdog_handler) task.LoopingCall(signal.alarm, 30).start(1) def read_stale_frac(share): if len(share.nonce) != 20: return None a, b = struct.unpack(" current_work2.value['last_update'] + 60: print '''---> LOST CONTACT WITH BITCOIND for 60 seconds, check that it isn't frozen or dead <---''' if current_work.value['best_share_hash'] is not None: height, last = tracker.get_height_and_last(current_work.value['best_share_hash']) if height > 2: att_s = p2pool.get_pool_attempts_per_second(tracker, current_work.value['best_share_hash'], args.net, min(height - 1, 720)) weights, total_weight = tracker.get_cumulative_weights(current_work.value['best_share_hash'], min(height, 720), 2**100) shares, stale_doa_shares, stale_not_doa_shares = get_share_counts(True) stale_shares = stale_doa_shares + stale_not_doa_shares fracs = [read_stale_frac(share) for share in itertools.islice(tracker.get_chain_known(current_work.value['best_share_hash']), 120) if read_stale_frac(share) is not None] print 'Pool: %sH/s in %i shares (%i/%i verified) Recent: %.02f%% >%sH/s Shares: %i (%i orphan, %i dead) Peers: %i' % ( math.format(int(att_s / (1. - (math.median(fracs) if fracs else 0)))), height, len(tracker.verified.shares), len(tracker.shares), weights.get(my_script, 0)/total_weight*100, math.format(int(weights.get(my_script, 0)*att_s//total_weight / (1. - (math.median(fracs) if fracs else 0)))), shares, stale_not_doa_shares, stale_doa_shares, len(p2p_node.peers), ) + (' FDs: %i R/%i W' % (len(reactor.getReaders()), len(reactor.getWriters())) if p2pool_init.DEBUG else '') if fracs: med = math.median(fracs) print 'Median stale proportion:', med if shares: print ' Own:', stale_shares/shares if med < .99: print ' Own efficiency: %.02f%%' % (100*(1 - stale_shares/shares)/(1 - med),) except: log.err() except: log.err(None, 'Fatal error:') finally: reactor.stop() def run(): class FixedArgumentParser(argparse.ArgumentParser): def _read_args_from_files(self, arg_strings): # expand arguments referencing files new_arg_strings = [] for arg_string in arg_strings: # for regular arguments, just add them back into the list if not arg_string or arg_string[0] not in self.fromfile_prefix_chars: new_arg_strings.append(arg_string) # replace arguments referencing files with the file content else: try: args_file = open(arg_string[1:]) try: arg_strings = [] for arg_line in args_file.read().splitlines(): for arg in self.convert_arg_line_to_args(arg_line): arg_strings.append(arg) arg_strings = self._read_args_from_files(arg_strings) new_arg_strings.extend(arg_strings) finally: args_file.close() except IOError: err = sys.exc_info()[1] self.error(str(err)) # return the modified argument list return new_arg_strings def convert_arg_line_to_args(self, arg_line): return [arg for arg in arg_line.split() if arg.strip()] parser = FixedArgumentParser(description='p2pool (version %s)' % (p2pool_init.__version__,), fromfile_prefix_chars='@') parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version=p2pool_init.__version__) parser.add_argument('--net', help='use specified network (default: bitcoin)', action='store', choices=sorted(x for x in p2pool.nets if 'testnet' not in x), default='bitcoin', dest='net_name') parser.add_argument('--testnet', help='''use the network's testnet''', action='store_const', const=True, default=False, dest='testnet') parser.add_argument('--debug', help='debugging mode', action='store_const', const=True, default=False, dest='debug') parser.add_argument('-a', '--address', help='generate to this address (defaults to requesting one from bitcoind)', type=str, action='store', default=None, dest='address') parser.add_argument('--logfile', help='''log to specific file (defaults to .log in run_p2pool.py's directory)''', type=str, action='store', default=None, dest='logfile') parser.add_argument('--merged-url', help='call getauxblock on this url to get work for merged mining', type=str, action='store', default=None, dest='merged_url') parser.add_argument('--merged-userpass', help='merge daemon user and password, separated by a colon. Example: ncuser:ncpass', type=str, action='store', default=None, dest='merged_userpass') p2pool_group = parser.add_argument_group('p2pool interface') p2pool_group.add_argument('--p2pool-port', metavar='PORT', help='use TCP port PORT to listen for connections (default: 9333 normally, 19333 for testnet) (forward this port from your router!)', type=int, action='store', default=None, dest='p2pool_port') p2pool_group.add_argument('-n', '--p2pool-node', metavar='ADDR[:PORT]', help='connect to existing p2pool node at ADDR listening on TCP port PORT (defaults to 9333 normally, 19333 for testnet), in addition to builtin addresses', type=str, action='append', default=[], dest='p2pool_nodes') parser.add_argument('-l', '--low-bandwidth', help='trade lower bandwidth usage for higher latency (reduced efficiency)', action='store_true', default=False, dest='low_bandwidth') parser.add_argument('--disable-upnp', help='''don't attempt to forward port 9333 (19333 for testnet) from the WAN to this computer using UPnP''', action='store_false', default=True, dest='upnp') worker_group = parser.add_argument_group('worker interface') worker_group.add_argument('-w', '--worker-port', metavar='PORT', help='listen on PORT for RPC connections from miners asking for work and providing responses (default: bitcoin: 9332 namecoin: 9331 ixcoin: 9330 i0coin: 9329 solidcoin: 9328 litecoin: 9327, +10000 for testnets)', type=int, action='store', default=None, dest='worker_port') worker_group.add_argument('-f', '--fee', metavar='FEE_PERCENTAGE', help='''charge workers mining to their own bitcoin address (by setting their miner's username to a bitcoin address) this percentage fee to mine on your p2pool instance. Amount displayed at . default: 0''', type=float, action='store', default=0, dest='worker_fee') bitcoind_group = parser.add_argument_group('bitcoind interface') bitcoind_group.add_argument('--bitcoind-address', metavar='BITCOIND_ADDRESS', help='connect to a bitcoind at this address (default:', type=str, action='store', default='', dest='bitcoind_address') bitcoind_group.add_argument('--bitcoind-rpc-port', metavar='BITCOIND_RPC_PORT', help='connect to a bitcoind at this port over the RPC interface - used to get the current highest block via getwork (default: 8332 ixcoin: 8338 i0coin: 7332 litecoin: 9332)', type=int, action='store', default=None, dest='bitcoind_rpc_port') bitcoind_group.add_argument('--bitcoind-p2p-port', metavar='BITCOIND_P2P_PORT', help='connect to a bitcoind at this port over the p2p interface - used to submit blocks and get the pubkey to generate to via an IP transaction (default: 8333 namecoin: 8334 ixcoin: 8337 i0coin: 7333 solidcoin: 7555 litecoin: 9333, +10000 for testnets)', type=int, action='store', default=None, dest='bitcoind_p2p_port') bitcoind_group.add_argument(metavar='BITCOIND_RPCUSER', help='bitcoind RPC interface username (default: empty)', type=str, action='store', default='', nargs='?', dest='bitcoind_rpc_username') bitcoind_group.add_argument(metavar='BITCOIND_RPCPASSWORD', help='bitcoind RPC interface password', type=str, action='store', dest='bitcoind_rpc_password') args = parser.parse_args() if args.debug: p2pool_init.DEBUG = True if args.logfile is None: args.logfile = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]), args.net_name + ('_testnet' if args.testnet else '') + '.log') class LogFile(object): def __init__(self, filename): self.filename = filename self.inner_file = None self.reopen() def reopen(self): if self.inner_file is not None: self.inner_file.close() open(self.filename, 'a').close() f = open(self.filename, 'rb') f.seek(0, os.SEEK_END) length = f.tell() if length > 100*1000*1000: f.seek(-1000*1000, os.SEEK_END) while True: if f.read(1) in ('', '\n'): break data = f.read() f.close() f = open(self.filename, 'wb') f.write(data) f.close() self.inner_file = open(self.filename, 'a') def write(self, data): self.inner_file.write(data) def flush(self): self.inner_file.flush() class TeePipe(object): def __init__(self, outputs): self.outputs = outputs def write(self, data): for output in self.outputs: output.write(data) def flush(self): for output in self.outputs: output.flush() class TimestampingPipe(object): def __init__(self, inner_file): self.inner_file = inner_file self.buf = '' self.softspace = 0 def write(self, data): buf = self.buf + data lines = buf.split('\n') for line in lines[:-1]: self.inner_file.write('%s %s\n' % (datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%H:%M:%S.%f"), line)) self.inner_file.flush() self.buf = lines[-1] def flush(self): pass logfile = LogFile(args.logfile) sys.stdout = sys.stderr = log.DefaultObserver.stderr = TimestampingPipe(TeePipe([sys.stderr, logfile])) if hasattr(signal, "SIGUSR1"): def sigusr1(signum, frame): print 'Caught SIGUSR1, closing %r...' % (args.logfile,) logfile.reopen() print '...and reopened %r after catching SIGUSR1.' % (args.logfile,) signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, sigusr1) task.LoopingCall(logfile.reopen).start(5) args.net = p2pool.nets[args.net_name + ('_testnet' if args.testnet else '')] if args.bitcoind_rpc_port is None: args.bitcoind_rpc_port = args.net.BITCOIN_RPC_PORT if args.bitcoind_p2p_port is None: args.bitcoind_p2p_port = args.net.BITCOIN_P2P_PORT if args.p2pool_port is None: args.p2pool_port = args.net.P2P_PORT if args.worker_port is None: args.worker_port = args.net.WORKER_PORT if args.address is not None: try: args.pubkey_hash = bitcoin.data.address_to_pubkey_hash(args.address, args.net) except Exception, e: parser.error('error parsing address: ' + repr(e)) else: args.pubkey_hash = None if (args.merged_url is None) ^ (args.merged_userpass is None): parser.error('must specify --merged-url and --merged-userpass') reactor.callWhenRunning(main, args) reactor.run()