''' Generic message-based protocol used by Bitcoin and P2Pool for P2P communication ''' import hashlib import struct from twisted.internet import protocol from twisted.python import log import p2pool from p2pool.util import datachunker, variable class TooLong(Exception): pass class Protocol(protocol.Protocol): def __init__(self, message_prefix, max_payload_length, traffic_happened=variable.Event(), ignore_trailing_payload=False): self._message_prefix = message_prefix self._max_payload_length = max_payload_length self.dataReceived2 = datachunker.DataChunker(self.dataReceiver()) self.traffic_happened = traffic_happened self.ignore_trailing_payload = ignore_trailing_payload def dataReceived(self, data): self.traffic_happened.happened('p2p/in', len(data)) self.dataReceived2(data) def dataReceiver(self): while True: start = '' while start != self._message_prefix: start = (start + (yield 1))[-len(self._message_prefix):] command = (yield 12).rstrip('\0') length, = struct.unpack(' self._max_payload_length: print 'length too large' continue checksum = yield 4 payload = yield length if hashlib.sha256(hashlib.sha256(payload).digest()).digest()[:4] != checksum: print 'invalid hash for', self.transport.getPeer().host, repr(command), length, checksum.encode('hex'), hashlib.sha256(hashlib.sha256(payload).digest()).digest()[:4].encode('hex'), payload.encode('hex') self.badPeerHappened() continue type_ = getattr(self, 'message_' + command, None) if type_ is None: if p2pool.DEBUG: print 'no type for', repr(command) continue try: self.packetReceived(command, type_.unpack(payload, self.ignore_trailing_payload)) except: print 'RECV', command, payload[:100].encode('hex') + ('...' if len(payload) > 100 else '') log.err(None, 'Error handling message: (see RECV line)') self.disconnect() def packetReceived(self, command, payload2): handler = getattr(self, 'handle_' + command, None) if handler is None: if p2pool.DEBUG: print 'no handler for', repr(command) return if getattr(self, 'connected', True) and not getattr(self, 'disconnecting', False): handler(**payload2) def disconnect(self): if hasattr(self.transport, 'abortConnection'): # Available since Twisted 11.1 self.transport.abortConnection() else: # This doesn't always close timed out connections! warned about in main self.transport.loseConnection() def badPeerHappened(self): self.disconnect() def sendPacket(self, command, payload2): if len(command) >= 12: raise ValueError('command too long') type_ = getattr(self, 'message_' + command, None) if type_ is None: raise ValueError('invalid command') #print 'SEND', command, repr(payload2)[:500] payload = type_.pack(payload2) if len(payload) > self._max_payload_length: raise TooLong('payload too long') data = self._message_prefix + struct.pack('<12sI', command, len(payload)) + hashlib.sha256(hashlib.sha256(payload).digest()).digest()[:4] + payload self.traffic_happened.happened('p2p/out', len(data)) self.transport.write(data) def __getattr__(self, attr): prefix = 'send_' if attr.startswith(prefix): command = attr[len(prefix):] return lambda **payload2: self.sendPacket(command, payload2) #return protocol.Protocol.__getattr__(self, attr) raise AttributeError(attr)