// Copyright (c) 2009-2012 The Bitcoin developers // Distributed under the MIT/X11 software license, see the accompanying // file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. #include #include "checkpoints.h" #include "txdb.h" #include "main.h" #include "uint256.h" using namespace std; namespace Checkpoints { typedef map > MapCheckpoints; typedef list ListBannedBlocks; // // What makes a good checkpoint block? // + Is surrounded by blocks with reasonable timestamps // (no blocks before with a timestamp after, none after with // timestamp before) // + Contains no strange transactions // static MapCheckpoints mapCheckpoints = { { 0, { hashGenesisBlock, 1360105017 } }, { 13560, { uint256("0xa1591a0fcbf11f282d671581edb9f0aadcd06fee69761081e0a3245914c13729"), 1364674052 } }, { 143990, { uint256("0x00000000001ff5c3940a9f73ad4a990f64955179bde0f743c76dbf0031429efc"), 1418953493 } }, { 149000, { uint256("0x7a24acfcadcf43054e7f7d9f273522c0dfc5791ba4006e0273e7521a8d36c525"), 1420872125 } }, { 160000, { uint256("0x000000000001cb1133043d38d077c0e93f66c8b2566779f10f182137d1e34a68"), 1425150237 } }, { 200000, { uint256("0x0000000000029f8bbf66e6ea6f3e5db55009404aae0fe395a53dd33142b2bff2"), 1441127233 } }, { 221047, { uint256("0xa28aef712e7aa0c285bfe29351ca21ed416689139e3063ef770fc826a8b9e9da"), 1449431646 } }, { 243100, { uint256("0x000000000006522d1ebc0734cb0e6b83f5d4da0c3cbc72bd91b82016f611c4f0"), 1458215793 } }, }; static ListBannedBlocks listBanned = { // Invalid block #221047 with future timestamp of 2016/02/23 09:24:17 UTC uint256("0x46223e5432ceffe650d5729b4bb8479dcdf0ca1e534fa8e69382dc87b42ea94b") }; // TestNet has no checkpoints static MapCheckpoints mapCheckpointsTestnet = { { 0, { hashGenesisBlockTestNet, 1360105017 } } }; bool CheckHardened(int nHeight, const uint256& hash) { auto& checkpoints = (fTestNet ? mapCheckpointsTestnet : mapCheckpoints); auto i = checkpoints.find(nHeight); if (i == checkpoints.end()) return true; return hash == i->second.first; } bool CheckBanned(const uint256 &nHash) { if (fTestNet) // Testnet has no banned blocks return true; auto it = find(listBanned.begin(), listBanned.end(), nHash); return it == listBanned.end(); } int GetTotalBlocksEstimate() { auto& checkpoints = (fTestNet ? mapCheckpointsTestnet : mapCheckpoints); return checkpoints.rbegin()->first; } unsigned int GetLastCheckpointTime() { auto& checkpoints = (fTestNet ? mapCheckpointsTestnet : mapCheckpoints); return checkpoints.rbegin()->second.second; } CBlockIndex* GetLastCheckpoint(const map& mapBlockIndex) { auto& checkpoints = (fTestNet ? mapCheckpointsTestnet : mapCheckpoints); for(auto it = checkpoints.rbegin(); it != checkpoints.rend(); ++it) { auto& hash = it->second.first; auto t = mapBlockIndex.find(hash); if (t != mapBlockIndex.end()) return t->second; } return NULL; } // ppcoin: synchronized checkpoint (centrally broadcasted) uint256 hashSyncCheckpoint = 0; uint256 hashPendingCheckpoint = 0; CSyncCheckpoint checkpointMessage; CSyncCheckpoint checkpointMessagePending; uint256 hashInvalidCheckpoint = 0; CCriticalSection cs_hashSyncCheckpoint; // ppcoin: get last synchronized checkpoint CBlockIndex* GetLastSyncCheckpoint() { LOCK(cs_hashSyncCheckpoint); if (!mapBlockIndex.count(hashSyncCheckpoint)) error("GetSyncCheckpoint: block index missing for current sync-checkpoint %s", hashSyncCheckpoint.ToString().c_str()); else return mapBlockIndex[hashSyncCheckpoint]; return NULL; } // ppcoin: only descendant of current sync-checkpoint is allowed bool ValidateSyncCheckpoint(uint256 hashCheckpoint) { if (!mapBlockIndex.count(hashSyncCheckpoint)) return error("ValidateSyncCheckpoint: block index missing for current sync-checkpoint %s", hashSyncCheckpoint.ToString().c_str()); if (!mapBlockIndex.count(hashCheckpoint)) return error("ValidateSyncCheckpoint: block index missing for received sync-checkpoint %s", hashCheckpoint.ToString().c_str()); auto pindexSyncCheckpoint = mapBlockIndex[hashSyncCheckpoint]; auto pindexCheckpointRecv = mapBlockIndex[hashCheckpoint]; if (pindexCheckpointRecv->nHeight <= pindexSyncCheckpoint->nHeight) { // Received an older checkpoint, trace back from current checkpoint // to the same height of the received checkpoint to verify // that current checkpoint should be a descendant block auto pindex = pindexSyncCheckpoint; while (pindex->nHeight > pindexCheckpointRecv->nHeight) if ((pindex = pindex->pprev) == NULL) return error("ValidateSyncCheckpoint: pprev null - block index structure failure"); if (pindex->GetBlockHash() != hashCheckpoint) { hashInvalidCheckpoint = hashCheckpoint; return error("ValidateSyncCheckpoint: new sync-checkpoint %s is conflicting with current sync-checkpoint %s", hashCheckpoint.ToString().c_str(), hashSyncCheckpoint.ToString().c_str()); } return false; // ignore older checkpoint } // Received checkpoint should be a descendant block of the current // checkpoint. Trace back to the same height of current checkpoint // to verify. auto pindex = pindexCheckpointRecv; while (pindex->nHeight > pindexSyncCheckpoint->nHeight) if ((pindex = pindex->pprev) == NULL) return error("ValidateSyncCheckpoint: pprev2 null - block index structure failure"); if (pindex->GetBlockHash() != hashSyncCheckpoint) { hashInvalidCheckpoint = hashCheckpoint; return error("ValidateSyncCheckpoint: new sync-checkpoint %s is not a descendant of current sync-checkpoint %s", hashCheckpoint.ToString().c_str(), hashSyncCheckpoint.ToString().c_str()); } return true; } bool WriteSyncCheckpoint(const uint256& hashCheckpoint) { CTxDB txdb; txdb.TxnBegin(); if (!txdb.WriteSyncCheckpoint(hashCheckpoint)) { txdb.TxnAbort(); return error("WriteSyncCheckpoint(): failed to write to db sync checkpoint %s", hashCheckpoint.ToString().c_str()); } if (!txdb.TxnCommit()) return error("WriteSyncCheckpoint(): failed to commit to db sync checkpoint %s", hashCheckpoint.ToString().c_str()); #ifndef USE_LEVELDB txdb.Close(); #endif Checkpoints::hashSyncCheckpoint = hashCheckpoint; return true; } bool AcceptPendingSyncCheckpoint() { LOCK(cs_hashSyncCheckpoint); if (hashPendingCheckpoint != 0 && mapBlockIndex.count(hashPendingCheckpoint)) { if (!ValidateSyncCheckpoint(hashPendingCheckpoint)) { hashPendingCheckpoint = 0; checkpointMessagePending.SetNull(); return false; } CTxDB txdb; auto pindexCheckpoint = mapBlockIndex[hashPendingCheckpoint]; if (!pindexCheckpoint->IsInMainChain()) { CBlock block; if (!block.ReadFromDisk(pindexCheckpoint)) return error("AcceptPendingSyncCheckpoint: ReadFromDisk failed for sync checkpoint %s", hashPendingCheckpoint.ToString().c_str()); if (!block.SetBestChain(txdb, pindexCheckpoint)) { hashInvalidCheckpoint = hashPendingCheckpoint; return error("AcceptPendingSyncCheckpoint: SetBestChain failed for sync checkpoint %s", hashPendingCheckpoint.ToString().c_str()); } } #ifndef USE_LEVELDB txdb.Close(); #endif if (!WriteSyncCheckpoint(hashPendingCheckpoint)) return error("AcceptPendingSyncCheckpoint(): failed to write sync checkpoint %s", hashPendingCheckpoint.ToString().c_str()); hashPendingCheckpoint = 0; checkpointMessage = checkpointMessagePending; checkpointMessagePending.SetNull(); printf("AcceptPendingSyncCheckpoint : sync-checkpoint at %s\n", hashSyncCheckpoint.ToString().c_str()); // relay the checkpoint if (!checkpointMessage.IsNull()) { for (auto it = vNodes.begin(); it != vNodes.end(); ++it) checkpointMessage.RelayTo(*it); } return true; } return false; } // Automatically select a suitable sync-checkpoint uint256 AutoSelectSyncCheckpoint() { auto pindex = pindexBest; // Search backward for a block within max span and maturity window while (pindex->pprev && (pindex->GetBlockTime() + CHECKPOINT_MAX_SPAN > pindexBest->GetBlockTime() || pindex->nHeight + 8 > pindexBest->nHeight)) pindex = pindex->pprev; return pindex->GetBlockHash(); } // Check against synchronized checkpoint bool CheckSync(const uint256& hashBlock, const CBlockIndex* pindexPrev) { if (fTestNet) return true; // Testnet has no checkpoints int nHeight = pindexPrev->nHeight + 1; LOCK(cs_hashSyncCheckpoint); // sync-checkpoint should always be accepted block assert(mapBlockIndex.count(hashSyncCheckpoint)); auto pindexSync = mapBlockIndex[hashSyncCheckpoint]; if (nHeight > pindexSync->nHeight) { // trace back to same height as sync-checkpoint auto pindex = pindexPrev; while (pindex->nHeight > pindexSync->nHeight) if ((pindex = pindex->pprev) == NULL) return error("CheckSync: pprev null - block index structure failure"); if (pindex->nHeight < pindexSync->nHeight || pindex->GetBlockHash() != hashSyncCheckpoint) return false; // only descendant of sync-checkpoint can pass check } if (nHeight == pindexSync->nHeight && hashBlock != hashSyncCheckpoint) return false; // same height with sync-checkpoint if (nHeight < pindexSync->nHeight && !mapBlockIndex.count(hashBlock)) return false; // lower height than sync-checkpoint return true; } bool WantedByPendingSyncCheckpoint(uint256 hashBlock) { LOCK(cs_hashSyncCheckpoint); if (hashPendingCheckpoint == 0) return false; if (hashBlock == hashPendingCheckpoint) return true; if (mapOrphanBlocks.count(hashPendingCheckpoint) && hashBlock == WantedByOrphan(mapOrphanBlocks[hashPendingCheckpoint])) return true; return false; } // ppcoin: reset synchronized checkpoint to last hardened checkpoint bool ResetSyncCheckpoint() { LOCK(cs_hashSyncCheckpoint); const auto& hash = mapCheckpoints.rbegin()->second.first; if (mapBlockIndex.count(hash) && !mapBlockIndex[hash]->IsInMainChain()) { // checkpoint block accepted but not yet in main chain printf("ResetSyncCheckpoint: SetBestChain to hardened checkpoint %s\n", hash.ToString().c_str()); CTxDB txdb; CBlock block; if (!block.ReadFromDisk(mapBlockIndex[hash])) return error("ResetSyncCheckpoint: ReadFromDisk failed for hardened checkpoint %s", hash.ToString().c_str()); if (!block.SetBestChain(txdb, mapBlockIndex[hash])) { return error("ResetSyncCheckpoint: SetBestChain failed for hardened checkpoint %s", hash.ToString().c_str()); } #ifndef USE_LEVELDB txdb.Close(); #endif } else if(!mapBlockIndex.count(hash)) { // checkpoint block not yet accepted hashPendingCheckpoint = hash; checkpointMessagePending.SetNull(); printf("ResetSyncCheckpoint: pending for sync-checkpoint %s\n", hashPendingCheckpoint.ToString().c_str()); } for(auto it = mapCheckpoints.rbegin(); it != mapCheckpoints.rend(); ++it) { const auto& hash = it->second.first; if (mapBlockIndex.count(hash) && mapBlockIndex[hash]->IsInMainChain()) { if (!WriteSyncCheckpoint(hash)) return error("ResetSyncCheckpoint: failed to write sync checkpoint %s", hash.ToString().c_str()); printf("ResetSyncCheckpoint: sync-checkpoint reset to %s\n", hashSyncCheckpoint.ToString().c_str()); return true; } } return false; } void AskForPendingSyncCheckpoint(CNode* pfrom) { LOCK(cs_hashSyncCheckpoint); if (pfrom && hashPendingCheckpoint != 0 && (!mapBlockIndex.count(hashPendingCheckpoint)) && (!mapOrphanBlocks.count(hashPendingCheckpoint))) pfrom->AskFor(CInv(MSG_BLOCK, hashPendingCheckpoint)); } bool SetCheckpointPrivKey(string strPrivKey) { // Test signing a sync-checkpoint with genesis block CSyncCheckpoint checkpoint; checkpoint.hashCheckpoint = !fTestNet ? hashGenesisBlock : hashGenesisBlockTestNet; CDataStream sMsg(SER_NETWORK, PROTOCOL_VERSION); sMsg << (CUnsignedSyncCheckpoint)checkpoint; checkpoint.vchMsg = vector(sMsg.begin(), sMsg.end()); auto vchPrivKey = ParseHex(strPrivKey); CKey key; key.SetPrivKey(CPrivKey(vchPrivKey.begin(), vchPrivKey.end())); // if key is not correct openssl may crash if (!key.Sign(Hash(checkpoint.vchMsg.begin(), checkpoint.vchMsg.end()), checkpoint.vchSig)) return false; // Test signing successful, proceed CSyncCheckpoint::strMasterPrivKey = strPrivKey; return true; } bool SendSyncCheckpoint(uint256 hashCheckpoint) { CSyncCheckpoint checkpoint; checkpoint.hashCheckpoint = hashCheckpoint; CDataStream sMsg(SER_NETWORK, PROTOCOL_VERSION); sMsg << (CUnsignedSyncCheckpoint)checkpoint; checkpoint.vchMsg = vector(sMsg.begin(), sMsg.end()); if (CSyncCheckpoint::strMasterPrivKey.empty()) return error("SendSyncCheckpoint: Checkpoint master key unavailable."); auto vchPrivKey = ParseHex(CSyncCheckpoint::strMasterPrivKey); CKey key; key.SetPrivKey(CPrivKey(vchPrivKey.begin(), vchPrivKey.end())); // if key is not correct openssl may crash if (!key.Sign(Hash(checkpoint.vchMsg.begin(), checkpoint.vchMsg.end()), checkpoint.vchSig)) return error("SendSyncCheckpoint: Unable to sign checkpoint, check private key?"); if(!checkpoint.ProcessSyncCheckpoint(NULL)) { printf("WARNING: SendSyncCheckpoint: Failed to process checkpoint.\n"); return false; } // Relay checkpoint { LOCK(cs_vNodes); for(auto pnode : vNodes) checkpoint.RelayTo(pnode); } return true; } // Is the sync-checkpoint outside maturity window? bool IsMatureSyncCheckpoint() { LOCK(cs_hashSyncCheckpoint); // sync-checkpoint should always be accepted block assert(mapBlockIndex.count(hashSyncCheckpoint)); const auto pindexSync = mapBlockIndex[hashSyncCheckpoint]; return (nBestHeight >= pindexSync->nHeight + nCoinbaseMaturity || pindexSync->GetBlockTime() + nStakeMinAge < GetAdjustedTime()); } } // ppcoin: sync-checkpoint master key const string CSyncCheckpoint::strMasterPubKey = "04a51b735f816de4ec3f891d5b38bbc91e1f7245c7c08d17990760b86b4d8fc3910a850ffecf73bfa8886f01739a0c4c4322201282d07b6e48ce931cc92af94850"; string CSyncCheckpoint::strMasterPrivKey = ""; // ppcoin: verify signature of sync-checkpoint message bool CSyncCheckpoint::CheckSignature() { CPubKey key(ParseHex(CSyncCheckpoint::strMasterPubKey)); if (!key.Verify(Hash(vchMsg.begin(), vchMsg.end()), vchSig)) return error("CSyncCheckpoint::CheckSignature() : verify signature failed"); // Now unserialize the data CDataStream sMsg(vchMsg, SER_NETWORK, PROTOCOL_VERSION); sMsg >> *(CUnsignedSyncCheckpoint*)this; return true; } // process synchronized checkpoint bool CSyncCheckpoint::ProcessSyncCheckpoint(CNode* pfrom) { if (!CheckSignature()) return false; LOCK(Checkpoints::cs_hashSyncCheckpoint); if (!mapBlockIndex.count(hashCheckpoint)) { // We haven't received the checkpoint chain, keep the checkpoint as pending Checkpoints::hashPendingCheckpoint = hashCheckpoint; Checkpoints::checkpointMessagePending = *this; printf("ProcessSyncCheckpoint: pending for sync-checkpoint %s\n", hashCheckpoint.ToString().c_str()); // Ask this guy to fill in what we're missing if (pfrom) { pfrom->PushGetBlocks(pindexBest, hashCheckpoint); // ask directly as well in case rejected earlier by duplicate // proof-of-stake because getblocks may not get it this time pfrom->AskFor(CInv(MSG_BLOCK, mapOrphanBlocks.count(hashCheckpoint)? WantedByOrphan(mapOrphanBlocks[hashCheckpoint]) : hashCheckpoint)); } return false; } if (!Checkpoints::ValidateSyncCheckpoint(hashCheckpoint)) return false; CTxDB txdb; auto pindexCheckpoint = mapBlockIndex[hashCheckpoint]; if (!pindexCheckpoint->IsInMainChain()) { // checkpoint chain received but not yet main chain CBlock block; if (!block.ReadFromDisk(pindexCheckpoint)) return error("ProcessSyncCheckpoint: ReadFromDisk failed for sync checkpoint %s", hashCheckpoint.ToString().c_str()); if (!block.SetBestChain(txdb, pindexCheckpoint)) { Checkpoints::hashInvalidCheckpoint = hashCheckpoint; return error("ProcessSyncCheckpoint: SetBestChain failed for sync checkpoint %s", hashCheckpoint.ToString().c_str()); } } #ifndef USE_LEVELDB txdb.Close(); #endif if (!Checkpoints::WriteSyncCheckpoint(hashCheckpoint)) return error("ProcessSyncCheckpoint(): failed to write sync checkpoint %s", hashCheckpoint.ToString().c_str()); Checkpoints::checkpointMessage = *this; Checkpoints::hashPendingCheckpoint = 0; Checkpoints::checkpointMessagePending.SetNull(); printf("ProcessSyncCheckpoint: sync-checkpoint at %s\n", hashCheckpoint.ToString().c_str()); return true; }