#ifndef GUIUTIL_H #define GUIUTIL_H #include QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE class QFont; class QLineEdit; class QWidget; class QDateTime; class QUrl; QT_END_NAMESPACE class SendCoinsRecipient; class GUIUtil { public: // Create human-readable string from date static QString dateTimeStr(qint64 nTime); static QString dateTimeStr(const QDateTime &datetime); // Render bitcoin addresses in monospace font static QFont bitcoinAddressFont(); // Set up widgets for address and amounts static void setupAddressWidget(QLineEdit *widget, QWidget *parent); static void setupAmountWidget(QLineEdit *widget, QWidget *parent); // Parse "bitcoin:" URL into recipient object, return true on succesful parsing // See Bitcoin URL definition discussion here: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=33490.0 static bool parseBitcoinURL(const QUrl *url, SendCoinsRecipient *out); static bool parseBitcoinURL(QString url, SendCoinsRecipient *out); /** Get save file name, mimics QFileDialog::getSaveFileName, except that it appends a default suffix when no suffix is provided by the user. @param[in] parent Parent window (or 0) @param[in] caption Window caption (or empty, for default) @param[in] dir Starting directory (or empty, to default to documents directory) @param[in] filter Filter specification such as "Comma Separated Files (*.csv)" @param[out] selectedSuffixOut Pointer to return the suffix (file type) that was selected (or 0). Can be useful when choosing the save file format based on suffix. */ static QString getSaveFileName(QWidget *parent=0, const QString &caption=QString(), const QString &dir=QString(), const QString &filter=QString(), QString *selectedSuffixOut=0); }; #endif // GUIUTIL_H