using System; namespace Novacoin { internal class NetUtils { public static uint256 nProofOfWorkLimit = ~(new uint256(0)) >> 20; // "standard" scrypt target limit for proof of work, results with 0,000244140625 proof-of-work difficulty public static uint256 nProofOfStakeLegacyLimit = ~(new uint256(0)) >> 24; // proof of stake target limit from block #15000 and until 20 June 2013, results with 0,00390625 proof of stake difficulty public static uint256 nProofOfStakeLimit = ~(new uint256(0)) >> 27; // proof of stake target limit since 20 June 2013, equal to 0.03125 proof of stake difficulty public static uint256 nProofOfStakeHardLimit = ~(new uint256(0)) >> 30; // disabled temporarily, will be used in the future to fix minimal proof of stake difficulty at 0.25 public static uint256 nPoWBase = new uint256("00000000ffff0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"); // difficulty-1 target public static readonly uint nLockTimeThreshold = 500000000; private static readonly uint nDrift = 7200; public static uint GetAdjustedTime() { return Interop.GetTime(); } public static uint FutureDrift(uint nTime) { return nTime + nDrift; // up to 2 hours from the future } public static uint PastDrift(uint nTime) { return nTime - nDrift; // up to 2 hours from the past } } }