How to run your own Electrum server =================================== Abstract -------- This document is an easy to follow guide to installing and running your own Electrum server on Linux. It is structured as a series of steps you need to follow, ordered in the most logical way. The next two sections describe some conventions we use in this document and hardware, software and expertise requirements. The most up-to date version of this document is available at: Conventions ----------- In this document, lines starting with a hash sign (#) or a dollar sign ($) contain commands. Commands starting with a hash should be run as root, commands starting with a dollar should be run as a normal user (in this document, we assume that user is called 'bitcoin'). We also assume the bitcoin user has sudo rights, so we use '$ sudo command' when we need to. Strings that are surrounded by "lower than" and "greater than" ( < and > ) should be replaced by the user with something appropriate. For example, should be replaced by a user chosen password. Do not confuse this notation with shell redirection ('command < file' or 'command > file')! Lines that lack hash or dollar signs are pastes from config files. They should be copied verbatim or adapted, without the indentation tab. Prerequisites ------------- **Expertise.** You should be familiar with Linux command line and standard Linux commands. You should have basic understanding of git, Python packages. You should have knowledge about how to install and configure software on your Linux distribution. You should be able to add commands to your distribution's startup scripts. If one of the commands included in this document is not available or does not perform the operation described here, you are expected to fix the issue so you can continue following this howto. **Software.** A recent Linux distribution with the following software installed: `python`, `easy_install`, `git`, standard C/C++ build chain. You will need root access in order to install other software or Python libraries. **Hardware.** The lightest setup is a pruning server with diskspace requirements well under 1 GB growing very moderately and less taxing on I/O and CPU once it's up and running. If you have more ressources to spare you can run the server with a higher limit of historic transactions per address. CPU speed is also important, mostly for the initial block chain import, but also if you plan to run a public Electrum server, which could serve tens of concurrent requests. Instructions ------------ ### Step 1. Create a user for running bitcoind and Electrum server This step is optional, but for better security and resource separation I suggest you create a separate user just for running `bitcoind` and Electrum. We will also use the `~/bin` directory to keep locally installed files (others might want to use `/usr/local/bin` instead). We will download source code files to the `~/src` directory. # sudo adduser bitcoin # su - bitcoin $ mkdir ~/bin ~/src $ echo $PATH If you don't see `/home/bitcoin/bin` in the output, you should add this line to your `.bashrc`, `.profile` or `.bash_profile`, then logout and relogin: PATH="$HOME/bin:$PATH" ### Step 2. Download and install Electrum We will download the latest git snapshot for Electrum and 'install' it in our ~/bin directory: $ mkdir -p ~/src/electrum $ cd ~/src/electrum $ git clone server $ chmod +x ~/src/electrum/server/ $ ln -s ~/src/electrum/server/ ~/bin/electrum ### Step 2. Download Bitcoind from git & patch it In order for the latest versions of Electrum to work properly we will need to use the latest build from Git and also patch it with an electrum specific patch. Please make sure you run a version of bitcoind from git from at least December 2012 or newer: $ cd src && git clone git:// $ cd bitcoin $ patch -p1 < ~/src/electrum/server/patch/patch $ cd src && make -f makefile.unix ### Step 3. Configure and start bitcoind In order to allow Electrum to "talk" to `bitcoind`, we need to set up a RPC username and password for `bitcoind`. We will then start `bitcoind` and wait for it to complete downloading the blockchain. $ mkdir ~/.bitcoin $ $EDITOR ~/.bitcoin/bitcoin.conf Write this in `bitcoin.conf`: rpcuser= rpcpassword= daemon=1 Restart `bitcoind`: $ bitcoind Allow some time to pass, so `bitcoind` connects to the network and starts downloading blocks. You can check its progress by running: $ bitcoind getinfo You should also set up your system to automatically start bitcoind at boot time, running as the 'bitcoin' user. Check your system documentation to find out the best way to do this. ### Step 5. Install Electrum dependencies and leveldb Electrum server depends on various standard Python libraries. These will be already installed on your distribution, or can be installed with your package manager. Electrum also depends on two Python libraries which we will need to install "by hand": `JSONRPClib`. $ sudo easy_install jsonrpclib Then carry out the steps in README.leveldb to get your system ready for leveldb setups. ### Step 6. Select your limit Electrum server uses leveldb to store transactions. You can choose how many spent transactions per address you want to store on the server. The default is 100, but there are also servers with 1000 or even 10000. Very few addresses have more than 10000 transactions. A limit this high can be considered to be equivalent to a "full" server. Full servers previously used abe to store the blockchain. The use of abe for electrum servers is now deprecated. The pruning server uses leveldb and keeps a smaller and faster database by pruning spent transactions. It's a lot quicker to get up and running and requires less maintenance and diskspace than abe. The section in the configuration file looks like this: [leveldb] path = /path/to/your/database # for each address, history will be pruned if it is longer than this limit pruning_limit = 100 ### Step 7. Import blockchain into the database or download it As of April 2013 it takes between 12-24 to import 230k of blocks, depending on CPU speed, I/O speed and selected pruning limit. It's considerably faster to index in memory. You can use /dev/shm or indexing in RAM or create a tmpfs which will also use swap if you run out of memory: $ sudo mount -t tmpfs -o rw,nodev,nosuid,noatime,size=6000M,mode=0777 none /tmpfs At limit 10000 the database comes to 3,5 GB with 230k blocks. Alternatively you can fetch a pre-processed leveldb from the net You can fetch recent copies of electrum leveldb databases and further instructions from the Electrum full archival server foundry at: ### Step 8. Configure Electrum server Electrum reads a config file (/etc/electrum.conf) when starting up. This file includes the database setup, bitcoind RPC setup, and a few other options. $ sudo cp ~/src/electrum/server/electrum.conf.sample /etc/electrum.conf $ sudo $EDITOR /etc/electrum.conf Go through the sample config options and set them to your liking. If you intend to run the server publicly have a look at If you're looking to run SSL / HTTPS you need to generate a self-signed certificate using openssl. Otherwise you can just comment out the SSL / HTTPS ports and run without. ### Step 9. (Finally!) Run Electrum server The magic moment has come: you can now start your Electrum server: $ server You should see this on the screen: starting Electrum server cache: yes If you want to stop Electrum server, open another shell and run: $ electrum-server stop You should also take a look at the 'start' and 'stop' scripts in `~/src/electrum/server`. You can use them as a starting point to create a init script for your system. ### Step 10. Test the Electrum server We will assume you have a working Electrum client, a wallet and some transactions history. You should start the client and click on the green checkmark (last button on the right of the status bar) to open the Server selection window. If your server is public, you should see it in the list and you can select it. If you server is private, you need to enter its IP or hostname and the port. Press Ok, the client will disconnect from the current server and connect to your new Electrum server. You should see your addresses and transactions history. You can see the number of blocks and response time in the Server selection window. You should send/receive some bitcoins to confirm that everything is working properly. ### Step 11. Join us on IRC, subscribe to the server thread Say hi to the dev crew, other server operators and fans on #electrum and we'll try to congratulate you on supporting the community by running an Electrum node If you're operating a public Electrum server please subscribe to or regulary check the following thread: It'll contain announcements about important updates to Electrum server required for a smooth user experience.