How to run a pruning node with leveldb Pruning nodes use a lightweight database to store address histories. Only unspent coins are kept in that database; spent outputs are pruned. __________________________________________________________ 1. patch and compile bitcoind. Install version 0.8 or equivalent. Note: Even though Electrum's database uses pruning, you cannot use it with a pruning bitcoind. A full bitcoin node is required in order to know for each address if it has been used. Pruning occurs only at the level of the Electrum database. __________________________________________________________ 2. Install python-leveldb: sudo apt-get install python-leveldb __________________________________________________________ 3. edit /etc/electrum.conf : [server] backend = leveldb [leveldb] path = /path/to/your/database ______________________________________________________________ 4. catch up with the blockchain. In order to speed up the initial catch_up phase, it is recommended to locate your database in shared memory: dbpath = /run/shm/electrum_db Once your server has finished catching up, copy your database to disk and update the path in /etc/electrum.conf During the catch_up phase, you can interrupt the server with Ctrl-C; it will safely write the current status in the database and exit. _________________________________ 5. enjoy! Once the server is synchronized, it will listen to ports, and the normal way to stop it is to type: ./ stop Other commands are available: ./server info : view connections ./server load : view the size of the queue