import ast import hashlib from json import dumps, loads import os from Queue import Queue import random import sys import time import threading import traceback import urllib from ltc_scrypt import getPoWHash from backends.bitcoind import deserialize from processor import Processor, print_log from utils import * from storage import Storage class BlockchainProcessor(Processor): def __init__(self, config, shared): Processor.__init__(self) self.mtimes = {} # monitoring self.shared = shared self.config = config self.up_to_date = False self.watch_lock = threading.Lock() self.watch_blocks = [] self.watch_headers = [] self.watched_addresses = {} self.history_cache = {} self.chunk_cache = {} self.cache_lock = threading.Lock() self.headers_data = '' self.headers_path = config.get('leveldb', 'path_fulltree') self.mempool_values = {} self.mempool_addresses = {} self.mempool_hist = {} self.mempool_hashes = set([]) self.mempool_lock = threading.Lock() self.address_queue = Queue() try: self.test_reorgs = config.getboolean('leveldb', 'test_reorgs') # simulate random blockchain reorgs except: self.test_reorgs = False = Storage(config, shared, self.test_reorgs) self.dblock = threading.Lock() self.bitcoind_url = 'http://%s:%s@%s:%s/' % ( config.get('bitcoind', 'user'), config.get('bitcoind', 'password'), config.get('bitcoind', 'host'), config.get('bitcoind', 'port')) while True: try: self.bitcoind('getinfo') break except: print_log('cannot contact bitcoind...') time.sleep(5) continue self.sent_height = 0 self.sent_header = None # catch_up headers self.init_headers( threading.Timer(0, lambda: self.catch_up(sync=False)).start() while not shared.stopped() and not self.up_to_date: try: time.sleep(1) except: print "keyboard interrupt: stopping threads" shared.stop() sys.exit(0) print_log("Blockchain is up to date.") self.memorypool_update() print_log("Memory pool initialized.") self.timer = threading.Timer(10, self.main_iteration) self.timer.start() def mtime(self, name): now = time.time() if name != '': delta = now - t = self.mtimes.get(name, 0) self.mtimes[name] = t + delta = now def print_mtime(self): s = '' for k, v in self.mtimes.items(): s += k+':'+"%.2f"%v+' ' print_log(s) def bitcoind(self, method, params=[]): postdata = dumps({"method": method, 'params': params, 'id': 'jsonrpc'}) try: respdata = urllib.urlopen(self.bitcoind_url, postdata).read() except: print_log("error calling bitcoind") traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) self.shared.stop() r = loads(respdata) if r['error'] is not None: raise BaseException(r['error']) return r.get('result') def block2header(self, b): return { "block_height": b.get('height'), "version": b.get('version'), "prev_block_hash": b.get('previousblockhash'), "merkle_root": b.get('merkleroot'), "timestamp": b.get('time'), "bits": int(b.get('bits'), 16), "nonce": b.get('nonce'), } def get_header(self, height): b = self.bitcoind('getblockbynumber', [height]) return self.block2header(b) def init_headers(self, db_height): self.chunk_cache = {} self.headers_filename = os.path.join(self.headers_path, 'blockchain_headers') if os.path.exists(self.headers_filename): height = os.path.getsize(self.headers_filename)/80 - 1 # the current height if height > 0: prev_hash = self.hash_header(self.read_header(height)) else: prev_hash = None else: open(self.headers_filename, 'wb').close() prev_hash = None height = -1 if height < db_height: print_log("catching up missing headers:", height, db_height) try: while height < db_height: height = height + 1 header = self.get_header(height) if height > 1: assert prev_hash == header.get('prev_block_hash') self.write_header(header, sync=False) prev_hash = self.hash_header(header) if (height % 1000) == 0: print_log("headers file:", height) except KeyboardInterrupt: self.flush_headers() sys.exit() self.flush_headers() def hash_header(self, header): return rev_hex(getPoWHash(header_to_string(header).decode('hex')).encode('hex')) def read_header(self, block_height): if os.path.exists(self.headers_filename): with open(self.headers_filename, 'rb') as f: * 80) h = if len(h) == 80: h = header_from_string(h) return h def read_chunk(self, index): with open(self.headers_filename, 'rb') as f:*2016*80) chunk =*80) return chunk.encode('hex') def write_header(self, header, sync=True): if not self.headers_data: self.headers_offset = header.get('block_height') self.headers_data += header_to_string(header).decode('hex') if sync or len(self.headers_data) > 40*100: self.flush_headers() with self.cache_lock: chunk_index = header.get('block_height')/2016 if self.chunk_cache.get(chunk_index): self.chunk_cache.pop(chunk_index) def pop_header(self): # we need to do this only if we have not flushed if self.headers_data: self.headers_data = self.headers_data[:-40] def flush_headers(self): if not self.headers_data: return with open(self.headers_filename, 'rb+') as f:*80) f.write(self.headers_data) self.headers_data = '' def get_chunk(self, i): # store them on disk; store the current chunk in memory with self.cache_lock: chunk = self.chunk_cache.get(i) if not chunk: chunk = self.read_chunk(i) self.chunk_cache[i] = chunk return chunk def get_mempool_transaction(self, txid): try: raw_tx = self.bitcoind('getrawtransaction', [txid, 0]) except: return None vds = deserialize.BCDataStream() vds.write(raw_tx.decode('hex')) try: return deserialize.parse_Transaction(vds, is_coinbase=False, is_coinstake=False) except: print_log("ERROR: cannot parse", txid) return None def get_history(self, addr, cache_only=False): with self.cache_lock: hist = self.history_cache.get(addr) if hist is not None: return hist if cache_only: return -1 with self.dblock: try: hist = is_known = True except: print_log("error get_history") traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) raise if hist: is_known = True else: hist = [] is_known = False # add memory pool with self.mempool_lock: for txid, delta in self.mempool_hist.get(addr, []): hist.append({'tx_hash':txid, 'height':0}) # add something to distinguish between unused and empty addresses if hist == [] and is_known: hist = ['*'] with self.cache_lock: self.history_cache[addr] = hist return hist def get_unconfirmed_value(self, addr): v = 0 with self.mempool_lock: for txid, delta in self.mempool_hist.get(addr, []): v += delta return v def get_status(self, addr, cache_only=False): tx_points = self.get_history(addr, cache_only) if cache_only and tx_points == -1: return -1 if not tx_points: return None if tx_points == ['*']: return '*' status = '' for tx in tx_points: status += tx.get('tx_hash') + ':%d:' % tx.get('height') return hashlib.sha256(status).digest().encode('hex') def get_merkle(self, tx_hash, height): b = self.bitcoind('getblockbynumber', [height]) tx_list = b.get('tx') tx_pos = tx_list.index(tx_hash) merkle = map(hash_decode, tx_list) target_hash = hash_decode(tx_hash) s = [] while len(merkle) != 1: if len(merkle) % 2: merkle.append(merkle[-1]) n = [] while merkle: new_hash = Hash(merkle[0] + merkle[1]) if merkle[0] == target_hash: s.append(hash_encode(merkle[1])) target_hash = new_hash elif merkle[1] == target_hash: s.append(hash_encode(merkle[0])) target_hash = new_hash n.append(new_hash) merkle = merkle[2:] merkle = n return {"block_height": height, "merkle": s, "pos": tx_pos} def add_to_history(self, addr, tx_hash, tx_pos, tx_height): # keep it sorted s = self.serialize_item(tx_hash, tx_pos, tx_height) + 40*chr(0) assert len(s) == 80 serialized_hist = self.batch_list[addr] l = len(serialized_hist)/80 for i in range(l-1, -1, -1): item = serialized_hist[80*i:80*(i+1)] item_height = int(rev_hex(item[36:39].encode('hex')), 16) if item_height <= tx_height: serialized_hist = serialized_hist[0:80*(i+1)] + s + serialized_hist[80*(i+1):] break else: serialized_hist = s + serialized_hist self.batch_list[addr] = serialized_hist # backlink txo = (tx_hash + int_to_hex(tx_pos, 4)).decode('hex') self.batch_txio[txo] = addr def deserialize_block(self, block): is_stake_block = False txlist = block.get('tx') if "proof-of-stake" in block.get('flags'): # scan block flags list for is_stake_block = True # "proof-of-stake" substring tx_hashes = [] # ordered txids txdict = {} # deserialized tx for i in xrange(len(txlist)): if is_stake_block and i == 0: # skip coinbase for continue # stake block tx_hash = hash_encode(Hash(txlist[i].decode('hex'))) vds = deserialize.BCDataStream() vds.write(txlist[i].decode('hex')) try: tx = deserialize.parse_Transaction(vds, i == 0, is_stake_block and i == 1) # first transaction is always coinbase except: # second transaction is coinstake if we have a stake block print_log("ERROR: cannot parse", tx_hash) continue tx_hashes.append(tx_hash) txdict[tx_hash] = tx return tx_hashes, txdict def import_block(self, block, block_hash, block_height, sync, revert=False): touched_addr = set([]) # deserialize transactions tx_hashes, txdict = self.deserialize_block(block) # undo info if revert: undo_info = tx_hashes.reverse() else: undo_info = {} for txid in tx_hashes: # must be ordered tx = txdict[txid] if not revert: undo =, tx, block_height, touched_addr) undo_info[txid] = undo else: undo = undo_info.pop(txid), tx, block_height, touched_addr, undo) if revert: assert undo_info == {} # add undo info if not revert:, self.bitcoind_height, undo_info) # add the max'height', repr( (block_hash, block_height, )) for addr in touched_addr: self.invalidate_cache(addr) def add_request(self, session, request): # see if we can get if from cache. if not, add to queue if self.process(session, request, cache_only=True) == -1: self.queue.put((session, request)) def do_subscribe(self, method, params, session): with self.watch_lock: if method == 'blockchain.numblocks.subscribe': if session not in self.watch_blocks: self.watch_blocks.append(session) elif method == 'blockchain.headers.subscribe': if session not in self.watch_headers: self.watch_headers.append(session) elif method == 'blockchain.address.subscribe': address = params[0] l = self.watched_addresses.get(address) if l is None: self.watched_addresses[address] = [session] elif session not in l: l.append(session) def do_unsubscribe(self, method, params, session): with self.watch_lock: if method == 'blockchain.numblocks.subscribe': if session in self.watch_blocks: self.watch_blocks.remove(session) elif method == 'blockchain.headers.subscribe': if session in self.watch_headers: self.watch_headers.remove(session) elif method == "blockchain.address.subscribe": addr = params[0] l = self.watched_addresses.get(addr) if not l: return if session in l: l.remove(session) if session in l: print_log("error rc!!") self.shared.stop() if l == []: self.watched_addresses.pop(addr) def process(self, session, request, cache_only=False): message_id = request['id'] method = request['method'] params = request.get('params', []) result = None error = None if method == 'blockchain.numblocks.subscribe': result = elif method == 'blockchain.headers.subscribe': result = self.header elif method == 'blockchain.address.subscribe': try: address = str(params[0]) result = self.get_status(address, cache_only) except BaseException, e: error = str(e) + ': ' + address print_log("error:", error) elif method == 'blockchain.address.get_history': try: address = str(params[0]) result = self.get_history(address, cache_only) except BaseException, e: error = str(e) + ': ' + address print_log("error:", error) elif method == 'blockchain.address.get_mempool': try: address = str(params[0]) result = self.get_unconfirmed_history(address, cache_only) except BaseException, e: error = str(e) + ': ' + address print_log("error:", error) elif method == 'blockchain.address.get_balance': try: address = str(params[0]) confirmed = unconfirmed = self.get_unconfirmed_value(address) result = { 'confirmed':confirmed, 'unconfirmed':unconfirmed } except BaseException, e: error = str(e) + ': ' + address print_log("error:", error) elif method == 'blockchain.address.get_proof': try: address = str(params[0]) result = except BaseException, e: error = str(e) + ': ' + address print_log("error:", error) elif method == 'blockchain.address.listunspent': try: address = str(params[0]) result = except BaseException, e: error = str(e) + ': ' + address print_log("error:", error) elif method == 'blockchain.utxo.get_address': try: txid = str(params[0]) pos = int(params[1]) txi = (txid + int_to_hex(pos, 4)).decode('hex') result = except BaseException, e: error = str(e) print_log("error:", error, params) elif method == 'blockchain.block.get_header': if cache_only: result = -1 else: try: height = int(params[0]) result = self.get_header(height) except BaseException, e: error = str(e) + ': %d' % height print_log("error:", error) elif method == 'blockchain.block.get_chunk': if cache_only: result = -1 else: try: index = int(params[0]) result = self.get_chunk(index) except BaseException, e: error = str(e) + ': %d' % index print_log("error:", error) elif method == 'blockchain.transaction.broadcast': try: txo = self.bitcoind('sendrawtransaction', params) print_log("sent tx:", txo) result = txo except BaseException, e: result = str(e) # do not send an error print_log("error:", result, params) elif method == 'blockchain.transaction.get_merkle': if cache_only: result = -1 else: try: tx_hash = params[0] tx_height = params[1] result = self.get_merkle(tx_hash, tx_height) except BaseException, e: error = str(e) + ': ' + repr(params) print_log("get_merkle error:", error) elif method == 'blockchain.transaction.get': try: tx_hash = params[0] result = self.bitcoind('getrawtransaction', [tx_hash, 0]) except BaseException, e: error = str(e) + ': ' + repr(params) print_log("tx get error:", error) else: error = "unknown method:%s" % method if cache_only and result == -1: return -1 if error: self.push_response(session, {'id': message_id, 'error': error}) elif result != '': self.push_response(session, {'id': message_id, 'result': result}) def catch_up(self, sync=True): prev_root_hash = None while not self.shared.stopped(): self.mtime('') # are we done yet? info = self.bitcoind('getinfo') self.bitcoind_height = info.get('blocks') bitcoind_block_hash = self.bitcoind('getblockhash', [self.bitcoind_height]) if == bitcoind_block_hash: self.up_to_date = True break # not done.. self.up_to_date = False next_block = self.bitcoind('getblockbynumber', [ + 1, True]) next_block_hash = next_block.get('hash') self.mtime('daemon') # fixme: this is unsafe, if we revert when the undo info is not yet written revert = (random.randint(1, 100) == 1) if self.test_reorgs else False if (next_block.get('previousblockhash') == and not revert: prev_root_hash = self.import_block(next_block, next_block_hash,, sync) = + 1 self.write_header(self.block2header(next_block), sync) = next_block_hash self.mtime('import') if % 1000 == 0 and not sync: t_daemon = self.mtimes.get('daemon') t_import = self.mtimes.get('import') print_log("catch_up: block %d (%.3fs %.3fs)" % (, t_daemon, t_import),'hex')) self.mtimes['daemon'] = 0 self.mtimes['import'] = 0 else: # revert current block block = self.bitcoind('getblock', [, True]) print_log("blockchain reorg",, block.get('previousblockhash'), self.import_block(block,,, sync, revert=True) self.pop_header() self.flush_headers() -= 1 # read previous header from disk self.header = self.read_header( = self.hash_header(self.header) if prev_root_hash: assert prev_root_hash == prev_root_hash = None self.header = self.block2header(self.bitcoind('getblock', [])) self.header['utxo_root'] ='hex') if self.shared.stopped(): print_log( "closing database" ) def memorypool_update(self): mempool_hashes = set(self.bitcoind('getrawmempool')) touched_addresses = set([]) # get new transactions new_tx = {} for tx_hash in mempool_hashes: if tx_hash in self.mempool_hashes: continue tx = self.get_mempool_transaction(tx_hash) if not tx: continue new_tx[tx_hash] = tx self.mempool_hashes.add(tx_hash) # remove older entries from mempool_hashes self.mempool_hashes = mempool_hashes # check all tx outputs for tx_hash, tx in new_tx.items(): mpa = self.mempool_addresses.get(tx_hash, {}) out_values = [] for x in tx.get('outputs'): out_values.append( x['value'] ) addr = x.get('address') if not addr: continue v = mpa.get(addr,0) v += x['value'] mpa[addr] = v touched_addresses.add(addr) self.mempool_addresses[tx_hash] = mpa self.mempool_values[tx_hash] = out_values # check all inputs for tx_hash, tx in new_tx.items(): mpa = self.mempool_addresses.get(tx_hash, {}) for x in tx.get('inputs'): # we assume that the input address can be parsed by deserialize(); this is true for Electrum transactions addr = x.get('address') if not addr: continue v = self.mempool_values.get(x.get('prevout_hash')) if v: value = v[ x.get('prevout_n')] else: txi = (x.get('prevout_hash') + int_to_hex(x.get('prevout_n'), 4)).decode('hex') try: value =,txi) except: print_log("utxo not in database; postponing mempool update") return v = mpa.get(addr,0) v -= value mpa[addr] = v touched_addresses.add(addr) self.mempool_addresses[tx_hash] = mpa # remove deprecated entries from mempool_addresses for tx_hash, addresses in self.mempool_addresses.items(): if tx_hash not in self.mempool_hashes: self.mempool_addresses.pop(tx_hash) self.mempool_values.pop(tx_hash) for addr in addresses: touched_addresses.add(addr) # rebuild mempool histories new_mempool_hist = {} for tx_hash, addresses in self.mempool_addresses.items(): for addr, delta in addresses.items(): h = new_mempool_hist.get(addr, []) if tx_hash not in h: h.append((tx_hash, delta)) new_mempool_hist[addr] = h with self.mempool_lock: self.mempool_hist = new_mempool_hist # invalidate cache for touched addresses for addr in touched_addresses: self.invalidate_cache(addr) def invalidate_cache(self, address): with self.cache_lock: if address in self.history_cache: print_log("cache: invalidating", address) self.history_cache.pop(address) with self.watch_lock: sessions = self.watched_addresses.get(address) if sessions: # TODO: update cache here. if new value equals cached value, do not send notification self.address_queue.put((address,sessions)) def close(self): self.timer.join() print_log("Closing database...") print_log("Database is closed") def main_iteration(self): if self.shared.stopped(): print_log("Stopping timer") return with self.dblock: t1 = time.time() self.catch_up() t2 = time.time() self.memorypool_update() if self.sent_height != self.sent_height = for session in self.watch_blocks: self.push_response(session, { 'id': None, 'method': 'blockchain.numblocks.subscribe', 'params': [], }) if self.sent_header != self.header: print_log("blockchain: %d (%.3fs)" % (, t2 - t1)) self.sent_header = self.header for session in self.watch_headers: self.push_response(session, { 'id': None, 'method': 'blockchain.headers.subscribe', 'params': [self.header], }) while True: try: addr, sessions = self.address_queue.get(False) except: break status = self.get_status(addr) for session in sessions: self.push_response(session, { 'id': None, 'method': 'blockchain.address.subscribe', 'params': [addr, status], }) # next iteration self.timer = threading.Timer(10, self.main_iteration) self.timer.start()