import bitcoin from bitcoin import bind, _1, _2, _3 import threading import multimap import time class ExpiryQueue(threading.Thread): def __init__(self): self.lock = threading.Lock() self.items = [] threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.daemon = True def run(self): # Garbage collection while True: with self.lock: self.items = [i for i in self.items if not i.stopped()] time.sleep(0.1) def add(self, item): with self.lock: self.items.append(item) expiry_queue = ExpiryQueue() class MemoryPoolBuffer: def __init__(self, txpool, chain, monitor): self.txpool = txpool self.chain = chain self.monitor = monitor # prevout: inpoint self.lookup_input = {} # payment_address: outpoint self.lookup_address = multimap.MultiMap() # transaction timestamps self.timestamps = {} def recv_tx(self, tx, handle_store): tx_hash = str(bitcoin.hash_transaction(tx)) desc = (tx_hash, [], []) for input in tx.inputs: prevout = input.previous_output desc[1].append((str(prevout.hash), prevout.index)) for idx, output in enumerate(tx.outputs): address = bitcoin.payment_address() if address.extract(output.output_script): desc[2].append((idx, str(address))), bind(self.confirmed, _1, desc), bind(self.mempool_stored, _1, desc, handle_store)) def mempool_stored(self, ec, desc, handle_store): tx_hash, prevouts, addrs = desc if ec: handle_store(ec) return for idx, prevout in enumerate(prevouts): #inpoint = bitcoin.input_point() #inpoint.hash, inpoint.index = tx_hash, idx prevout = "%s:%s" % prevout self.lookup_input[prevout] = tx_hash, idx for idx, address in addrs: #outpoint = bitcoin.output_point() #outpoint.hash, outpoint.index = tx_hash, idx self.lookup_address[str(address)] = tx_hash, idx self.timestamps[tx_hash] = int(time.time()) handle_store(ec) self.monitor.tx_stored(desc) def confirmed(self, ec, desc): tx_hash, prevouts, addrs = desc if ec: print "Problem confirming transaction", tx_hash, ec return print "Confirmed", tx_hash for idx, prevout in enumerate(prevouts): #inpoint = bitcoin.input_point() #inpoint.hash, inpoint.index = tx_hash, idx prevout = "%s:%s" % prevout assert self.lookup_input[prevout] == (tx_hash, idx) del self.lookup_input[prevout] for idx, address in addrs: #outpoint = bitcoin.output_point() #outpoint.hash, outpoint.index = tx_hash, idx outpoint = tx_hash, idx self.lookup_address.delete(str(address), outpoint) del self.timestamps[tx_hash] self.monitor.tx_confirmed(desc) def check(self, output_points, address, handle): class ExtendableDict(dict): pass result = [] for outpoint in output_points: if self.lookup_input.has_key(str(outpoint)): point = self.lookup_input[str(outpoint)] info = ExtendableDict() info["tx_hash"] = point[0] info["index"] = point[1] info["is_input"] = 1 info["timestamp"] = self.timestamps[info["tx_hash"]] result.append(info) if self.lookup_address.has_key(str(address)): addr_points = self.lookup_address[str(address)] for point in addr_points: info = ExtendableDict() info["tx_hash"] = str(point.hash) info["index"] = point.index info["is_input"] = 0 info["timestamp"] = self.timestamps[info["tx_hash"]] result.append(info) handle(result) class PaymentEntry: def __init__(self, output_point): self.lock = threading.Lock() self.output_point = output_point self.output_loaded = None self.input_point = None self.input_loaded = None self.raw_output_script = None def is_loaded(self): with self.lock: if self.output_loaded is None: return False elif self.has_input() and self.input_loaded is None: return False return True def has_input(self): return self.input_point is not False class History: def __init__(self, chain, txpool, membuf): self.chain = chain self.txpool = txpool self.membuf = membuf self.lock = threading.Lock() self._stopped = False def start(self, address, handle_finish): self.statement = [] self.membuf_result = None self.address = address self.handle_finish = handle_finish address = bitcoin.payment_address(address) # To begin we fetch all the outputs (payments in) # associated with this address self.chain.fetch_outputs(address, bind(self.check_membuf, _1, _2)) def stop(self): with self.lock: assert self._stopped == False self._stopped = True def stopped(self): with self.lock: return self._stopped def stop_on_error(self, ec): if ec: self.handle_finish(None) self.stop() return self.stopped() def check_membuf(self, ec, output_points): if self.stop_on_error(ec): return self.membuf.check(output_points, self.address, bind(self.start_loading, _1, output_points)) def start_loading(self, membuf_result, output_points): if len(membuf_result) == 0 and len(output_points) == 0: self.handle_finish([]) self.stopped() # Create a bunch of entry lines which are outputs and # then their corresponding input (if it exists) for outpoint in output_points: entry = PaymentEntry(outpoint) with self.lock: self.statement.append(entry) # Attempt to fetch the spend of this output self.chain.fetch_spend(outpoint, bind(self.load_spend, _1, _2, entry)) self.load_tx_info(outpoint, entry, False) # Load memory pool transactions with self.lock: self.membuf_result = membuf_result for info in self.membuf_result: self.txpool.fetch(bitcoin.hash_digest(info["tx_hash"]), bind(self.load_pool_tx, _1, _2, info)) def load_spend(self, ec, inpoint, entry): # Need a custom self.stop_on_error(...) as a missing spend # is not an error in this case. if not self.stopped() and ec and ec != bitcoin.error.unspent_output: self.handle_finish(None) self.stop() if self.stopped(): return with entry.lock: if ec == bitcoin.error.unspent_output: # This particular entry.output_point # has not been spent yet entry.input_point = False else: entry.input_point = inpoint if ec == bitcoin.error.unspent_output: # Attempt to stop if all the info for the inputs and outputs # has been loaded. self.finish_if_done() else: # We still have to load at least one more payment outwards self.load_tx_info(inpoint, entry, True) def finish_if_done(self): with self.lock: # Still have more entries to finish loading, so return if any(not entry.is_loaded() for entry in self.statement): return # Memory buffer transactions finished loading? if any(not info.has_key("height") for info in self.membuf_result): return # Whole operation completed successfully! Finish up. result = [] for entry in self.statement: if entry.input_point: # value of the input is simply the inverse of # the corresponding output entry.input_loaded["value"] = -entry.output_loaded["value"] # output should come before the input as it's chronological result.append(entry.output_loaded) result.append(entry.input_loaded) else: # Unspent outputs have a raw_output_script field assert entry.raw_output_script is not None entry.output_loaded["raw_output_script"] = \ entry.raw_output_script result.append(entry.output_loaded) mempool_result = [] for info in self.membuf_result: # Lookup prevout in result # Set "value" field if info["is_input"] == 1: prevout_tx = None for prevout_info in result: if prevout_info["tx_hash"] == info.previous_output.hash: prevout_tx = prevout_info assert prevout_tx is not None info["value"] = -prevout_info["value"] mempool_result.append(info) result.extend(mempool_result) self.handle_finish(result) self.stop() def load_tx_info(self, point, entry, is_input): info = {} info["tx_hash"] = str(point.hash) info["index"] = point.index info["is_input"] = 1 if is_input else 0 # Before loading the transaction, Stratum requires the hash # of the parent block, so we load the block depth and then # fetch the block header and hash it. self.chain.fetch_transaction_index(point.hash, bind(self.tx_index, _1, _2, _3, entry, info)) def tx_index(self, ec, block_depth, offset, entry, info): if self.stop_on_error(ec): return info["height"] = block_depth # And now for the block hash self.chain.fetch_block_header_by_depth(block_depth, bind(self.block_header, _1, _2, entry, info)) def block_header(self, ec, blk_head, entry, info): if self.stop_on_error(ec): return info["timestamp"] = blk_head.timestamp info["block_hash"] = str(bitcoin.hash_block_header(blk_head)) tx_hash = bitcoin.hash_digest(info["tx_hash"]) # Now load the actual main transaction for this input or output self.chain.fetch_transaction(tx_hash, bind(self.load_chain_tx, _1, _2, entry, info)) def load_pool_tx(self, ec, tx, info): if self.stop_on_error(ec): return # block_hash = mempool:5 # inputs (load from prevtx) # outputs (load from tx) # raw_output_script (load from tx) # height is always None # value (get from finish_if_done) self.load_tx(tx, info) if info["is_input"] == 0: our_output = tx.outputs[info["index"]] info["value"] = our_output.value # Save serialised output script in case this output is unspent info["raw_output_script"] = \ str(bitcoin.save_script(our_output.output_script)) else: assert(info["is_input"] == 1) info.previous_output = tx.inputs[info["index"]].previous_output # If all the inputs are loaded if self.inputs_all_loaded(info["inputs"]): # We are the sole input assert(info["is_input"] == 1) # No more inputs left to load # This info has finished loading info["height"] = None info["block_hash"] = "mempool" self.finish_if_done() create_handler = lambda prevout_index, input_index: \ bind(self.load_input_pool_tx, _1, _2, prevout_index, info, input_index) self.fetch_input_txs(tx, info, create_handler) def load_tx(self, tx, info): # List of output addresses outputs = [] for tx_out in tx.outputs: address = bitcoin.payment_address() # Attempt to extract address from output script if address.extract(tx_out.output_script): outputs.append(address.encoded()) else: # ... otherwise append "Unknown" outputs.append("Unknown") info["outputs"] = outputs # For the inputs, we need the originator address which has to # be looked up in the blockchain. # Create list of Nones and then populate it. # Loading has finished when list is no longer all None. info["inputs"] = [None for i in tx.inputs] # If this transaction was loaded for an input, then we already # have a source address for at least one input. if info["is_input"] == 1: info["inputs"][info["index"]] = self.address def fetch_input_txs(self, tx, info, create_handler): # Load the previous_output for every input so we can get # the output address for input_index, tx_input in enumerate(tx.inputs): if info["is_input"] == 1 and info["index"] == input_index: continue prevout = tx_input.previous_output handler = create_handler(prevout.index, input_index) self.chain.fetch_transaction(prevout.hash, handler) def load_chain_tx(self, ec, tx, entry, info): if self.stop_on_error(ec): return self.load_tx(tx, info) if info["is_input"] == 0: our_output = tx.outputs[info["index"]] info["value"] = our_output.value # Save serialised output script in case this output is unspent with entry.lock: entry.raw_output_script = \ str(bitcoin.save_script(our_output.output_script)) # If all the inputs are loaded if self.inputs_all_loaded(info["inputs"]): # We are the sole input assert(info["is_input"] == 1) with entry.lock: entry.input_loaded = info self.finish_if_done() create_handler = lambda prevout_index, input_index: \ bind(self.load_input_chain_tx, _1, _2, prevout_index, entry, info, input_index) self.fetch_input_txs(tx, info, create_handler) def inputs_all_loaded(self, info_inputs): return not [empty_in for empty_in in info_inputs if empty_in is None] def load_input_tx(self, tx, output_index, info, input_index): # For our input, we load the previous tx so we can get the # corresponding output. # We need the output to extract the address. script = tx.outputs[output_index].output_script address = bitcoin.payment_address() if address.extract(script): info["inputs"][input_index] = address.encoded() else: info["inputs"][input_index] = "Unknown" def load_input_chain_tx(self, ec, tx, output_index, entry, info, input_index): if self.stop_on_error(ec): return self.load_input_tx(tx, output_index, info, input_index) # If all the inputs are loaded, then we have finished loading # the info for this input-output entry pair if self.inputs_all_loaded(info["inputs"]): with entry.lock: if info["is_input"] == 1: entry.input_loaded = info else: entry.output_loaded = info self.finish_if_done() def load_input_pool_tx(self, ec, tx, output_index, info, input_index): if self.stop_on_error(ec): return self.load_input_tx(tx, output_index, info, input_index) if not [inp for inp in info["inputs"] if inp is None]: # No more inputs left to load # This info has finished loading info["height"] = None info["block_hash"] = "mempool" self.finish_if_done() def payment_history(chain, txpool, membuf, address, handle_finish): h = History(chain, txpool, membuf) expiry_queue.add(h) h.start(address, handle_finish) if __name__ == "__main__": ex = bitcoin.satoshi_exporter() tx_a = bitcoin.data_chunk("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") tx_a = ex.load_transaction(tx_a) assert bitcoin.hash_transaction(tx_a) == "e72e4f025695446cfd5c5349d1720beb38801f329a00281f350cb7e847153397" tx_b = bitcoin.data_chunk("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") tx_b = ex.load_transaction(tx_b) assert bitcoin.hash_transaction(tx_b) == "acfda6dbf4ae1b102326bfb7c9541702d5ebb0339bc57bd74d36746855be8eac" def blockchain_started(ec, chain): print "Blockchain initialisation:", ec def store_tx(ec): print "Tx", ec def finish(result): print "Finish" if result is None: return for line in result: for k, v in line.iteritems(): begin = k + ":" print begin, " " * (12 - len(begin)), v print class FakeMonitor: def tx_stored(self, tx): pass def tx_confirmed(self, tx): pass service = bitcoin.async_service(1) prefix = "/home/genjix/libbitcoin/database" chain = bitcoin.bdb_blockchain(service, prefix, blockchain_started) txpool = bitcoin.transaction_pool(service, chain) membuf = MemoryPoolBuffer(txpool, chain, FakeMonitor()) membuf.recv_tx(tx_a, store_tx) membuf.recv_tx(tx_b, store_tx) txdat = bitcoin.data_chunk("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") req = {"id": 110, "params": ["1GULoCDnGjhfSWzHs6zDzBxbKt9DR7uRbt"]} ex = bitcoin.satoshi_exporter() tx = ex.load_transaction(txdat) time.sleep(4) membuf.recv_tx(tx, store_tx) raw_input() address = "1Jqu2PVGDvNv4La113hgCJsvRUCDb3W65D", "1GULoCDnGjhfSWzHs6zDzBxbKt9DR7uRbt" #address = "1Pbn3DLXfjqF1fFV9YPdvpvyzejZwkHhZE" print "Looking up", address payment_history(chain, txpool, membuf, address[0], finish) #payment_history(chain, txpool, membuf, address[1], finish) raw_input() print "Stopping..."