#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright(C) 2012 thomasv@gitorious # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public # License along with this program. If not, see # . import ConfigParser import logging import socket import sys import time import threading import traceback import json import os logging.basicConfig() if sys.maxsize <= 2**32: print "Warning: it looks like you are using a 32bit system. You may experience crashes caused by mmap" def attempt_read_config(config, filename): try: with open(filename, 'r') as f: config.readfp(f) except IOError: pass def create_config(): config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() # set some defaults, which will be overwritten by the config file config.add_section('server') config.set('server', 'banner', 'Welcome to Electrum!') config.set('server', 'host', 'localhost') config.set('server', 'report_host', '') config.set('server', 'stratum_tcp_port', '50001') config.set('server', 'stratum_http_port', '8081') config.set('server', 'stratum_tcp_ssl_port', '50002') config.set('server', 'stratum_http_ssl_port', '8082') config.set('server', 'report_stratum_tcp_port', '') config.set('server', 'report_stratum_http_port', '') config.set('server', 'report_stratum_tcp_ssl_port', '') config.set('server', 'report_stratum_http_ssl_port', '') config.set('server', 'ssl_certfile', '') config.set('server', 'ssl_keyfile', '') config.set('server', 'password', '') config.set('server', 'irc', 'no') config.set('server', 'irc_nick', '') config.set('server', 'novacoin', '') config.set('server', 'datadir', '') # use leveldb as default config.set('server', 'backend', 'leveldb') config.add_section('leveldb') config.set('leveldb', 'path_fulltree', '/dev/shm/electrum_db') config.set('leveldb', 'pruning_limit', '100') for path in ('/etc/', ''): filename = path + 'electrum.conf' attempt_read_config(config, filename) try: with open('/etc/electrum.banner', 'r') as f: config.set('server', 'banner', f.read()) except IOError: pass return config def run_rpc_command(params): cmd = params[0] import xmlrpclib server = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy('http://localhost:8000') func = getattr(server, cmd) r = func(*params[1:]) if cmd == 'info': now = time.time() print 'type address sub version time' for item in r: print '%4s %21s %3s %7s %.2f' % (item.get('name'), item.get('address'), item.get('subscriptions'), item.get('version'), (now - item.get('time')), ) else: print r def cmd_info(): return map(lambda s: {"time": s.time, "name": s.name, "address": s.address, "version": s.version, "subscriptions": len(s.subscriptions)}, dispatcher.request_dispatcher.get_sessions()) def cmd_debug(s): if s: from guppy import hpy h = hpy() bp = dispatcher.request_dispatcher.processors['blockchain'] try: result = str(eval(s)) except: result = "error" return result def get_port(config, name): try: return config.getint('server', name) except: return None if __name__ == '__main__': config = create_config() password = config.get('server', 'password') host = config.get('server', 'host') stratum_tcp_port = get_port(config, 'stratum_tcp_port') stratum_http_port = get_port(config, 'stratum_http_port') stratum_tcp_ssl_port = get_port(config, 'stratum_tcp_ssl_port') stratum_http_ssl_port = get_port(config, 'stratum_http_ssl_port') ssl_certfile = config.get('server', 'ssl_certfile') ssl_keyfile = config.get('server', 'ssl_keyfile') if stratum_tcp_ssl_port or stratum_http_ssl_port: assert ssl_certfile and ssl_keyfile if len(sys.argv) > 1: try: run_rpc_command(sys.argv[1:]) except socket.error: print "server not running" sys.exit(1) sys.exit(0) try: run_rpc_command(['getpid']) is_running = True except socket.error: is_running = False if is_running: print "server already running" sys.exit(1) from processor import Dispatcher, print_log from backends.irc import ServerProcessor from transports.stratum_tcp import TcpServer from transports.stratum_http import HttpServer backend_name = config.get('server', 'backend') if backend_name == 'libbitcoin': from backends.libbitcoin import BlockchainProcessor elif backend_name == 'leveldb': from backends.bitcoind import BlockchainProcessor else: print "Unknown backend '%s' specified\n" % backend_name sys.exit(1) print "\n\n\n\n\n" print_log("Starting Electrum server on", host) # Create hub dispatcher = Dispatcher(config) shared = dispatcher.shared # handle termination signals import signal def handler(signum = None, frame = None): print_log('Signal handler called with signal', signum) shared.stop() for sig in [signal.SIGTERM, signal.SIGHUP, signal.SIGQUIT]: signal.signal(sig, handler) # Create and register processors chain_proc = BlockchainProcessor(config, shared) dispatcher.register('blockchain', chain_proc) server_proc = ServerProcessor(config) dispatcher.register('server', server_proc) transports = [] # Create various transports we need if stratum_tcp_port: tcp_server = TcpServer(dispatcher, host, stratum_tcp_port, False, None, None) transports.append(tcp_server) if stratum_tcp_ssl_port: tcp_server = TcpServer(dispatcher, host, stratum_tcp_ssl_port, True, ssl_certfile, ssl_keyfile) transports.append(tcp_server) if stratum_http_port: http_server = HttpServer(dispatcher, host, stratum_http_port, False, None, None) transports.append(http_server) if stratum_http_ssl_port: http_server = HttpServer(dispatcher, host, stratum_http_ssl_port, True, ssl_certfile, ssl_keyfile) transports.append(http_server) for server in transports: server.start() from SimpleXMLRPCServer import SimpleXMLRPCServer server = SimpleXMLRPCServer(('localhost',8000), allow_none=True, logRequests=False) server.register_function(lambda: os.getpid(), 'getpid') server.register_function(shared.stop, 'stop') server.register_function(cmd_info, 'info') server.register_function(cmd_debug, 'debug') server.socket.settimeout(1) while not shared.stopped(): try: server.handle_request() except socket.timeout: continue except: shared.stop() server_proc.join() chain_proc.join() print_log("Electrum Server stopped")