#include "uint256.h" #include "kernel.h" #include "kernel_worker.h" using namespace std; KernelWorker::KernelWorker(unsigned char *kernel, uint32_t nBits, uint32_t nInputTxTime, int64_t nValueIn, uint32_t nIntervalBegin, uint32_t nIntervalEnd) : kernel(kernel), nBits(nBits), nInputTxTime(nInputTxTime), bnValueIn(nValueIn), nIntervalBegin(nIntervalBegin), nIntervalEnd(nIntervalEnd) { solutions = vector >(); } void KernelWorker::Do_generic() { SetThreadPriority(THREAD_PRIORITY_LOWEST); // Compute maximum possible target to filter out majority of obviously insufficient hashes CBigNum bnTargetPerCoinDay; bnTargetPerCoinDay.SetCompact(nBits); uint256 nMaxTarget = (bnTargetPerCoinDay * bnValueIn * nStakeMaxAge / COIN / nOneDay).getuint256(); SHA256_CTX ctx, workerCtx; // Init new sha256 context and update it // with first 24 bytes of kernel SHA256_Init(&ctx); SHA256_Update(&ctx, kernel, 8 + 16); workerCtx = ctx; // save context // Sha256 result buffer uint32_t hashProofOfStake[8]; uint256 *pnHashProofOfStake = (uint256 *)&hashProofOfStake; // Search forward in time from the given timestamp // Stopping search in case of shutting down for (uint32_t nTimeTx=nIntervalBegin, nMaxTarget32 = nMaxTarget.Get32(7); nTimeTx nMaxTarget32) continue; CBigNum bnCoinDayWeight = bnValueIn * GetWeight((int64_t)nInputTxTime, (int64_t)nTimeTx) / COIN / nOneDay; CBigNum bnTargetProofOfStake = bnCoinDayWeight * bnTargetPerCoinDay; if (bnTargetProofOfStake >= CBigNum(*pnHashProofOfStake)) solutions.push_back(std::pair(*pnHashProofOfStake, nTimeTx)); } } void KernelWorker::Do() { Do_generic(); } vector >& KernelWorker::GetSolutions() { return solutions; } // Scan given kernel for solutions bool ScanKernelBackward(unsigned char *kernel, uint32_t nBits, uint32_t nInputTxTime, int64_t nValueIn, std::pair &SearchInterval, std::pair &solution) { CBigNum bnTargetPerCoinDay; bnTargetPerCoinDay.SetCompact(nBits); CBigNum bnValueIn(nValueIn); // Get maximum possible target to filter out the majority of obviously insufficient hashes uint256 nMaxTarget = (bnTargetPerCoinDay * bnValueIn * nStakeMaxAge / COIN / nOneDay).getuint256(); SHA256_CTX ctx, workerCtx; // Init new sha256 context and update it // with first 24 bytes of kernel SHA256_Init(&ctx); SHA256_Update(&ctx, kernel, 8 + 16); workerCtx = ctx; // save context // Search backward in time from the given timestamp // Stopping search in case of shutting down for (uint32_t nTimeTx=SearchInterval.first; nTimeTx>SearchInterval.second && !fShutdown; nTimeTx--) { // Complete first hashing iteration uint256 hash1; SHA256_Update(&ctx, (unsigned char*)&nTimeTx, 4); SHA256_Final((unsigned char*)&hash1, &ctx); // Restore context ctx = workerCtx; // Finally, calculate kernel hash uint256 hashProofOfStake; SHA256((unsigned char*)&hash1, sizeof(hashProofOfStake), (unsigned char*)&hashProofOfStake); // Skip if hash doesn't satisfy the maximum target if (hashProofOfStake > nMaxTarget) continue; CBigNum bnCoinDayWeight = bnValueIn * GetWeight((int64_t)nInputTxTime, (int64_t)nTimeTx) / COIN / nOneDay; CBigNum bnTargetProofOfStake = bnCoinDayWeight * bnTargetPerCoinDay; if (bnTargetProofOfStake >= CBigNum(hashProofOfStake)) { solution.first = hashProofOfStake; solution.second = nTimeTx; return true; } } return false; }