// Copyright (c) 2009-2012 Bitcoin Developers // Distributed under the MIT/X11 software license, see the accompanying // file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. #include "bitcoinrpc.h" #include "alert.h" #include "wallet.h" #include "db.h" #include "walletdb.h" #include "net.h" #include "ntp.h" using namespace json_spirit; using namespace std; Value getconnectioncount(const Array& params, bool fHelp) { if (fHelp || params.size() != 0) throw runtime_error( "getconnectioncount\n" "Returns the number of connections to other nodes."); LOCK(cs_vNodes); return (int)vNodes.size(); } static void CopyNodeStats(std::vector& vstats) { vstats.clear(); LOCK(cs_vNodes); vstats.reserve(vNodes.size()); BOOST_FOREACH(CNode* pnode, vNodes) { CNodeStats stats; pnode->copyStats(stats); vstats.push_back(stats); } } struct addrManItemSort { bool operator()(const CAddrInfo &leftItem, const CAddrInfo &rightItem) { int64_t nTime = GetTime(); return leftItem.GetChance(nTime) > rightItem.GetChance(nTime); } }; Value getaddrmaninfo(const Array& params, bool fHelp) { if (fHelp || params.size() > 1) throw runtime_error( "getaddrmaninfo [networkType]\n" "Returns a dump of addrman data."); // Get a full list of "online" address items vector vAddr = addrman.GetOnlineAddr(); // Sort by the GetChance result backwardly sort(vAddr.begin(), vAddr.end(), addrManItemSort()); string strFilterNetType = ""; if (params.size() == 1) strFilterNetType = params[0].get_str(); Array ret; BOOST_FOREACH(const CAddrInfo &addr, vAddr) { if (!addr.IsRoutable() || addr.IsLocal()) continue; Object addrManItem; addrManItem.push_back(Pair("address", addr.ToString())); string strNetType; switch(addr.GetNetwork()) { case NET_TOR: strNetType = "tor"; break; // case NET_I2P: // strNetType = "i2p"; // break; case NET_IPV6: strNetType = "ipv6"; break; default: case NET_IPV4: strNetType = "ipv4"; } if (strFilterNetType.size() != 0 && strNetType != strFilterNetType) continue; addrManItem.push_back(Pair("chance", addr.GetChance(GetTime()))); addrManItem.push_back(Pair("type", strNetType)); addrManItem.push_back(Pair("time", (int64_t)addr.nTime)); ret.push_back(addrManItem); } return ret; } Value getpeerinfo(const Array& params, bool fHelp) { if (fHelp || params.size() != 0) throw runtime_error( "getpeerinfo\n" "Returns data about each connected network node."); vector vstats; CopyNodeStats(vstats); Array ret; BOOST_FOREACH(const CNodeStats& stats, vstats) { Object obj; obj.push_back(Pair("addr", stats.addrName)); obj.push_back(Pair("services", strprintf("%08" PRIx64, stats.nServices))); obj.push_back(Pair("lastsend", (int64_t)stats.nLastSend)); obj.push_back(Pair("lastrecv", (int64_t)stats.nLastRecv)); obj.push_back(Pair("bytessent", (int64_t)stats.nSendBytes)); obj.push_back(Pair("bytesrecv", (int64_t)stats.nRecvBytes)); obj.push_back(Pair("conntime", (int64_t)stats.nTimeConnected)); obj.push_back(Pair("version", stats.nVersion)); obj.push_back(Pair("subver", stats.strSubVer)); obj.push_back(Pair("inbound", stats.fInbound)); obj.push_back(Pair("releasetime", (int64_t)stats.nReleaseTime)); obj.push_back(Pair("startingheight", stats.nStartingHeight)); obj.push_back(Pair("banscore", stats.nMisbehavior)); if (stats.fSyncNode) obj.push_back(Pair("syncnode", true)); ret.push_back(obj); } return ret; } Value addnode(const Array& params, bool fHelp) { string strCommand; if (params.size() == 2) strCommand = params[1].get_str(); if (fHelp || params.size() != 2 || (strCommand != "onetry" && strCommand != "add" && strCommand != "remove")) throw runtime_error( "addnode \n" "Attempts add or remove from the addnode list or try a connection to once."); string strNode = params[0].get_str(); if (strCommand == "onetry") { CAddress addr; OpenNetworkConnection(addr, NULL, strNode.c_str()); return Value::null; } LOCK(cs_vAddedNodes); vector::iterator it = vAddedNodes.begin(); for(; it != vAddedNodes.end(); it++) if (strNode == *it) break; if (strCommand == "add") { if (it != vAddedNodes.end()) throw JSONRPCError(-23, "Error: Node already added"); vAddedNodes.push_back(strNode); } else if(strCommand == "remove") { if (it == vAddedNodes.end()) throw JSONRPCError(-24, "Error: Node has not been added."); vAddedNodes.erase(it); } return Value::null; } Value getaddednodeinfo(const Array& params, bool fHelp) { if (fHelp || params.size() < 1 || params.size() > 2) throw runtime_error( "getaddednodeinfo [node]\n" "Returns information about the given added node, or all added nodes\n" "(note that onetry addnodes are not listed here)\n" "If dns is false, only a list of added nodes will be provided,\n" "otherwise connected information will also be available."); bool fDns = params[0].get_bool(); list laddedNodes(0); if (params.size() == 1) { LOCK(cs_vAddedNodes); BOOST_FOREACH(string& strAddNode, vAddedNodes) laddedNodes.push_back(strAddNode); } else { string strNode = params[1].get_str(); LOCK(cs_vAddedNodes); BOOST_FOREACH(string& strAddNode, vAddedNodes) if (strAddNode == strNode) { laddedNodes.push_back(strAddNode); break; } if (laddedNodes.size() == 0) throw JSONRPCError(-24, "Error: Node has not been added."); } if (!fDns) { Object ret; BOOST_FOREACH(string& strAddNode, laddedNodes) ret.push_back(Pair("addednode", strAddNode)); return ret; } Array ret; list > > laddedAddreses(0); BOOST_FOREACH(string& strAddNode, laddedNodes) { vector vservNode(0); if(Lookup(strAddNode.c_str(), vservNode, GetDefaultPort(), fNameLookup, 0)) laddedAddreses.push_back(make_pair(strAddNode, vservNode)); else { Object obj; obj.push_back(Pair("addednode", strAddNode)); obj.push_back(Pair("connected", false)); Array addresses; obj.push_back(Pair("addresses", addresses)); } } LOCK(cs_vNodes); for (list > >::iterator it = laddedAddreses.begin(); it != laddedAddreses.end(); it++) { Object obj; obj.push_back(Pair("addednode", it->first)); Array addresses; bool fConnected = false; BOOST_FOREACH(CService& addrNode, it->second) { bool fFound = false; Object node; node.push_back(Pair("address", addrNode.ToString())); BOOST_FOREACH(CNode* pnode, vNodes) if (pnode->addr == addrNode) { fFound = true; fConnected = true; node.push_back(Pair("connected", pnode->fInbound ? "inbound" : "outbound")); break; } if (!fFound) node.push_back(Pair("connected", "false")); addresses.push_back(node); } obj.push_back(Pair("connected", fConnected)); obj.push_back(Pair("addresses", addresses)); ret.push_back(obj); } return ret; } // There is a known deadlock situation with ThreadMessageHandler // ThreadMessageHandler: holds cs_vSend and acquiring cs_main in SendMessages() // ThreadRPCServer: holds cs_main and acquiring cs_vSend in alert.RelayTo()/PushMessage()/BeginMessage() Value sendalert(const Array& params, bool fHelp) { if (fHelp || params.size() < 6) throw runtime_error( "sendalert [cancelupto]\n" " is the alert text message\n" " is hex string of alert master private key\n" " is the minimum applicable internal client version\n" " is the maximum applicable internal client version\n" " is integer priority number\n" " is the alert id\n" "[cancelupto] cancels all alert id's up to this number\n" "Returns true or false."); CAlert alert; CKey key; alert.strStatusBar = params[0].get_str(); alert.nMinVer = params[2].get_int(); alert.nMaxVer = params[3].get_int(); alert.nPriority = params[4].get_int(); alert.nID = params[5].get_int(); if (params.size() > 6) alert.nCancel = params[6].get_int(); alert.nVersion = PROTOCOL_VERSION; alert.nRelayUntil = GetAdjustedTime() + 365*24*60*60; alert.nExpiration = GetAdjustedTime() + 365*24*60*60; CDataStream sMsg(SER_NETWORK, PROTOCOL_VERSION); sMsg << (CUnsignedAlert)alert; alert.vchMsg = vector(sMsg.begin(), sMsg.end()); vector vchPrivKey = ParseHex(params[1].get_str()); key.SetPrivKey(CPrivKey(vchPrivKey.begin(), vchPrivKey.end())); // if key is not correct openssl may crash if (!key.Sign(Hash(alert.vchMsg.begin(), alert.vchMsg.end()), alert.vchSig)) throw runtime_error( "Unable to sign alert, check private key?\n"); if(!alert.ProcessAlert()) throw runtime_error( "Failed to process alert.\n"); // Relay alert { LOCK(cs_vNodes); BOOST_FOREACH(CNode* pnode, vNodes) alert.RelayTo(pnode); } Object result; result.push_back(Pair("strStatusBar", alert.strStatusBar)); result.push_back(Pair("nVersion", alert.nVersion)); result.push_back(Pair("nMinVer", alert.nMinVer)); result.push_back(Pair("nMaxVer", alert.nMaxVer)); result.push_back(Pair("nPriority", alert.nPriority)); result.push_back(Pair("nID", alert.nID)); if (alert.nCancel > 0) result.push_back(Pair("nCancel", alert.nCancel)); return result; } Value getnettotals(const Array& params, bool fHelp) { if (fHelp || params.size() > 0) throw runtime_error( "getnettotals\n" "Returns information about network traffic, including bytes in, bytes out,\n" "and current time."); Object obj; obj.push_back(Pair("totalbytesrecv", static_cast(CNode::GetTotalBytesRecv()))); obj.push_back(Pair("totalbytessent", static_cast(CNode::GetTotalBytesSent()))); obj.push_back(Pair("timemillis", static_cast(GetTimeMillis()))); return obj; } /* 05:53:45 ntptime 05:53:48 { "epoch" : 1442494427, "time" : "2015-09-17 12:53:47 UTC" } 05:53:56 ntptime time.windows.com 05:53:57 { "epoch" : 1442494436, "time" : "2015-09-17 12:53:56 UTC" } 05:53:59 ntptime time.windows.com 05:54:00 { "epoch" : 1442494439, "time" : "2015-09-17 12:53:59 UTC" } 05:54:33 ntptime time-a.nist.gov 05:54:34 { "epoch" : 1442494473, "time" : "2015-09-17 12:54:33 UTC" }*/ Value ntptime(const Array& params, bool fHelp) { if (fHelp || params.size() > 1) throw runtime_error( "ntptime [ntpserver]\n" "Returns current time from specific or random NTP server."); int64_t nTime; if (params.size() > 0) { string strHostName = params[0].get_str(); nTime = NtpGetTime(strHostName); } else nTime = NtpGetTime(); Object obj; switch (nTime) { case -1: throw runtime_error("Socket initialization error"); case -2: throw runtime_error("Switching socket mode to non-blocking failed"); case -3: throw runtime_error("Unable to send data"); case -4: throw runtime_error("Receive timed out"); default: obj.push_back(Pair("epoch", nTime)); obj.push_back(Pair("time", DateTimeStrFormat(nTime))); } return obj; }