#include "serialize.h" #include "hash.h" template void WriteCompactSize(Stream& os, uint64_t nSize) { if (nSize < 0xfd) { auto chSize = (uint8_t)nSize; WRITEDATA(os, chSize); } else if (nSize <= std::numeric_limits::max()) { uint8_t chSize = 0xfd; auto xSize = (uint16_t)nSize; WRITEDATA(os, chSize); WRITEDATA(os, xSize); } else if (nSize <= std::numeric_limits::max()) { uint8_t chSize = 0xfe; auto xSize = (uint32_t)nSize; WRITEDATA(os, chSize); WRITEDATA(os, xSize); } else { uint8_t chSize = 0xff; auto xSize = nSize; WRITEDATA(os, chSize); WRITEDATA(os, xSize); } return; } template uint64_t ReadCompactSize(Stream& is) { uint8_t chSize; READDATA(is, chSize); uint64_t nSizeRet = 0; if (chSize < 0xfd) { nSizeRet = chSize; } else if (chSize == 0xfd) { uint16_t xSize; READDATA(is, xSize); nSizeRet = xSize; } else if (chSize == 0xfe) { uint32_t xSize; READDATA(is, xSize); nSizeRet = xSize; } else { uint64_t xSize; READDATA(is, xSize); nSizeRet = xSize; } if (nSizeRet > (uint64_t)MAX_SIZE) throw std::ios_base::failure("ReadCompactSize() : size too large"); return nSizeRet; } // Template instantiation template void WriteCompactSize(CAutoFile&, uint64_t); template void WriteCompactSize(CDataStream&, uint64_t); template void WriteCompactSize(CHashWriter&, uint64_t); template uint64_t ReadCompactSize(CAutoFile&); template uint64_t ReadCompactSize(CDataStream&); // //CAutoFile // CAutoFile::CAutoFile(FILE* filenew, int nTypeIn, int nVersionIn) { file = filenew; nType = nTypeIn; nVersion = nVersionIn; state = 0; exceptmask = std::ios::badbit | std::ios::failbit; } CAutoFile::~CAutoFile() { fclose(); } void CAutoFile::fclose() { if (file != NULL && file != stdin && file != stdout && file != stderr) ::fclose(file); file = NULL; } void CAutoFile::setstate(short bits, const char* psz) { state |= bits; if (state & exceptmask) throw std::ios_base::failure(psz); } CAutoFile& CAutoFile::read(char* pch, size_t nSize) { if (!file) throw std::ios_base::failure("CAutoFile::read : file handle is NULL"); if (fread(pch, 1, nSize, file) != nSize) setstate(std::ios::failbit, feof(file) ? "CAutoFile::read : end of file" : "CAutoFile::read : fread failed"); return (*this); } CAutoFile& CAutoFile::write(const char* pch, size_t nSize) { if (!file) throw std::ios_base::failure("CAutoFile::write : file handle is NULL"); if (fwrite(pch, 1, nSize, file) != nSize) setstate(std::ios::failbit, "CAutoFile::write : write failed"); return (*this); } // //CBufferedFile // void CBufferedFile::setstate(short bits, const char *psz) { state |= bits; if (state & exceptmask) throw std::ios_base::failure(psz); } bool CBufferedFile::Fill() { auto pos = (uint32_t)(nSrcPos % vchBuf.size()); auto readNow = (uint32_t)(vchBuf.size() - pos); auto nAvail = (uint32_t)(vchBuf.size() - (nSrcPos - nReadPos) - nRewind); if (nAvail < readNow) readNow = nAvail; if (readNow == 0) return false; size_t read = fread((void*)&vchBuf[pos], 1, readNow, src); if (read == 0) { setstate(std::ios_base::failbit, feof(src) ? "CBufferedFile::Fill : end of file" : "CBufferedFile::Fill : fread failed"); return false; } else { nSrcPos += read; return true; } } CBufferedFile::CBufferedFile(FILE *fileIn, uint64_t nBufSize, uint64_t nRewindIn, int nTypeIn, int nVersionIn) : src(fileIn), nSrcPos(0), nReadPos(0), nReadLimit(std::numeric_limits::max()), nRewind(nRewindIn), vchBuf(nBufSize, 0), state(0), exceptmask(std::ios_base::badbit | std::ios_base::failbit), nType(nTypeIn), nVersion(nVersionIn) { } bool CBufferedFile::good() const { return state == 0; } bool CBufferedFile::eof() const { return nReadPos == nSrcPos && feof(src); } CBufferedFile& CBufferedFile::read(char *pch, size_t nSize) { if (nSize + nReadPos > nReadLimit) throw std::ios_base::failure("Read attempted past buffer limit"); if (nSize + nRewind > vchBuf.size()) throw std::ios_base::failure("Read larger than buffer size"); while (nSize > 0) { if (nReadPos == nSrcPos) Fill(); auto pos = (uint32_t)(nReadPos % vchBuf.size()); auto nNow = nSize; if (nNow + pos > vchBuf.size()) nNow = vchBuf.size() - pos; if (nNow + nReadPos > nSrcPos) nNow = (size_t)(nSrcPos - nReadPos); memcpy(pch, &vchBuf[pos], nNow); nReadPos += nNow; pch += nNow; nSize -= nNow; } return (*this); } uint64_t CBufferedFile::GetPos() { return nReadPos; } bool CBufferedFile::SetPos(uint64_t nPos) { nReadPos = nPos; if (nReadPos + nRewind < nSrcPos) { nReadPos = nSrcPos - nRewind; return false; } else if (nReadPos > nSrcPos) { nReadPos = nSrcPos; return false; } else { return true; } } bool CBufferedFile::Seek(uint64_t nPos) { long nLongPos = (long)nPos; if (nPos != (uint64_t)nLongPos) return false; if (fseek(src, nLongPos, SEEK_SET)) return false; nLongPos = ftell(src); nSrcPos = nLongPos; nReadPos = nLongPos; state = 0; return true; } bool CBufferedFile::SetLimit(uint64_t nPos) { if (nPos < nReadPos) return false; nReadLimit = nPos; return true; } void CBufferedFile::FindByte(char ch) { for ( ; ; ) { if (nReadPos == nSrcPos) Fill(); if (vchBuf[nReadPos % vchBuf.size()] == ch) break; nReadPos++; } }