from __future__ import division import hashlib import os import random import sys import time import math from twisted.python import log import p2pool from p2pool.bitcoin import data as bitcoin_data, script, sha256 from p2pool.util import math, forest, pack minout = pow(10, 6) / 100; # hashlink hash_link_type = pack.ComposedType([ ('state', pack.FixedStrType(32)), ('extra_data', pack.FixedStrType(0)), # bit of a hack, but since the donation script is at the end, const_ending is long enough to always make this empty ('length', pack.VarIntType()), ]) def prefix_to_hash_link(prefix, const_ending=''): assert prefix.endswith(const_ending), (prefix, const_ending) x = sha256.sha256(prefix) return dict(state=x.state, extra_data=x.buf[:max(0, len(x.buf)-len(const_ending))], length=x.length//8) def check_hash_link(hash_link, data, const_ending=''): extra_length = hash_link['length'] % (512//8) assert len(hash_link['extra_data']) == max(0, extra_length - len(const_ending)) extra = (hash_link['extra_data'] + const_ending)[len(hash_link['extra_data']) + len(const_ending) - extra_length:] assert len(extra) == extra_length return pack.IntType(256).unpack(hashlib.sha256(sha256.sha256(data, (hash_link['state'], extra, 8*hash_link['length'])).digest()).digest()) # shares share_type = pack.ComposedType([ ('type', pack.VarIntType()), ('contents', pack.VarStrType()), ]) def load_share(share, net, peer_addr): assert peer_addr is None or isinstance(peer_addr, tuple) if share['type'] in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]: from p2pool import p2p raise p2p.PeerMisbehavingError('sent an obsolete share') elif share['type'] == Share.VERSION: return Share(net, peer_addr, Share.share_type.unpack(share['contents'])) else: raise ValueError('unknown share type: %r' % (share['type'],)) DONATION_SCRIPT = '4104ffd03de44a6e11b9917f3a29f9443283d9871c9d743ef30d5eddcd37094b64d1b3d8090496b53256786bf5c82932ec23c3b74d9f05a6f95a8b5529352656664bac'.decode('hex') class Share(object): VERSION = 9 SUCCESSOR = None other_txs = None small_block_header_type = pack.ComposedType([ ('version', pack.VarIntType()), ('previous_block', pack.PossiblyNoneType(0, pack.IntType(256))), ('timestamp', pack.IntType(32)), ('bits', bitcoin_data.FloatingIntegerType()), ('nonce', pack.IntType(32)), ]) share_info_type = pack.ComposedType([ ('share_data', pack.ComposedType([ ('previous_share_hash', pack.PossiblyNoneType(0, pack.IntType(256))), ('coinbase', pack.VarStrType()), ('nonce', pack.IntType(32)), ('pubkey', pack.FixedStrType(33)), ('subsidy', pack.IntType(64)), ('donation', pack.IntType(16)), ('stale_info', pack.EnumType(pack.IntType(8), dict((k, {0: None, 253: 'orphan', 254: 'doa'}.get(k, 'unk%i' % (k,))) for k in xrange(256)))), ('desired_version', pack.VarIntType()), ])), ('new_transaction_hashes', pack.ListType(pack.IntType(256))), ('transaction_hash_refs', pack.ListType(pack.VarIntType(), 2)), # pairs of share_count, tx_count ('far_share_hash', pack.PossiblyNoneType(0, pack.IntType(256))), ('max_bits', bitcoin_data.FloatingIntegerType()), ('bits', bitcoin_data.FloatingIntegerType()), ('timestamp', pack.IntType(32)), ]) share_type = pack.ComposedType([ ('min_header', small_block_header_type), ('share_info', share_info_type), ('ref_merkle_link', pack.ComposedType([ ('branch', pack.ListType(pack.IntType(256))), ('index', pack.IntType(0)), ])), ('last_txout_nonce', pack.IntType(32)), ('hash_link', hash_link_type), ('merkle_link', pack.ComposedType([ ('branch', pack.ListType(pack.IntType(256))), ('index', pack.IntType(0)), # it will always be 0 ])), ]) ref_type = pack.ComposedType([ ('identifier', pack.FixedStrType(64//8)), ('share_info', share_info_type), ]) gentx_before_refhash = pack.VarStrType().pack(DONATION_SCRIPT) + pack.IntType(64).pack(minout) + pack.VarStrType().pack('\x24' + pack.IntType(256).pack(0) + pack.IntType(32).pack(0))[:2] @classmethod def generate_transaction(cls, tracker, share_data, block_target, desired_timestamp, desired_target, ref_merkle_link, desired_other_transaction_hashes_and_fees, net, known_txs=None, last_txout_nonce=0, base_subsidy=None): previous_share = tracker.items[share_data['previous_share_hash']] if share_data['previous_share_hash'] is not None else None def get_coinbase_fee(outpointsnum): # calculate neccessary coinbase fee coinbase_size = 59 + outpointsnum * 44 + 50 # if coinbase size is greater than 1000 bytes, it should pay fee (0.01 per 1000 bytes) if coinbase_size > 1000: return floor(coinbase_size / 1000.0) * minout return 0 if base_subsidy is None: base_subsidy = net.PARENT.SUBSIDY_FUNC(block_target) # current user payout script this_script = bitcoin_data.pubkey_to_script2(share_data['pubkey']) height, last = tracker.get_height_and_last(share_data['previous_share_hash']) assert height >= net.REAL_CHAIN_LENGTH or last is None if height < net.TARGET_LOOKBEHIND: pre_target3 = net.MAX_TARGET else: attempts_per_second = get_pool_attempts_per_second(tracker, share_data['previous_share_hash'], net.TARGET_LOOKBEHIND, min_work=True, integer=True) pre_target = 2**256//(net.SHARE_PERIOD*attempts_per_second) - 1 if attempts_per_second else 2**256-1 pre_target2 = math.clip(pre_target, (previous_share.max_target*9//10, previous_share.max_target*11//10)) pre_target3 = math.clip(pre_target2, (net.MIN_TARGET, net.MAX_TARGET)) max_bits = bitcoin_data.FloatingInteger.from_target_upper_bound(pre_target3) bits = bitcoin_data.FloatingInteger.from_target_upper_bound(math.clip(desired_target, (pre_target3//10, pre_target3))) new_transaction_hashes = [] new_transaction_size = 0 transaction_hash_refs = [] other_transaction_hashes = [] past_shares = list(tracker.get_chain(share_data['previous_share_hash'], min(height, 100))) tx_hash_to_this = {} for i, share in enumerate(past_shares): for j, tx_hash in enumerate(share.new_transaction_hashes): if tx_hash not in tx_hash_to_this: tx_hash_to_this[tx_hash] = [1+i, j] # share_count, tx_count for tx_hash, fee in desired_other_transaction_hashes_and_fees: if tx_hash in tx_hash_to_this: this = tx_hash_to_this[tx_hash] else: if known_txs is not None: this_size = bitcoin_data.tx_type.packed_size(known_txs[tx_hash]) if new_transaction_size + this_size > 50000: # only allow 50 kB of new txns/share break new_transaction_size += this_size new_transaction_hashes.append(tx_hash) this = [0, len(new_transaction_hashes)-1] transaction_hash_refs.extend(this) other_transaction_hashes.append(tx_hash) included_transactions = set(other_transaction_hashes) share_data = dict(share_data, subsidy=base_subsidy) weights, total_weight, donation_weight = tracker.get_cumulative_weights(share_data['previous_share_hash'], min(height, net.REAL_CHAIN_LENGTH), 65535*net.SPREAD*bitcoin_data.target_to_average_attempts(block_target), ) # calculate "raw" subsidy raw_subsidy = share_data['subsidy'] - 3 * minout - get_coinbase_fee(len(weights) + 1) # calculate "raw" amounts raw_amounts = dict((script, raw_subsidy*weight//total_weight) for script, weight in weights.iteritems()) total_remowed_weight = 0 # iterate list and collect all weights, which produces less than 0.01 payout # it's neccessary due to NVC/PPC protocol-level limitations for coinbase outpoint size for x in raw_amounts.keys(): if raw_amounts[x] < minout and x not in [this_script, DONATION_SCRIPT]: total_remowed_weight = total_remowed_weight + weights[x] weights.pop(x) total_weight = total_weight - total_remowed_weight assert total_weight == sum(weights.itervalues()) + donation_weight, (total_weight, sum(weights.itervalues()) + donation_weight) # base subsidy value calculated as: # [subsidy - (0.01 for donation + 0.01 for current user + 0.01 for p2pool outpoint) - netfee] my_subsidy = share_data['subsidy'] - 3 * minout - get_coinbase_fee(len(weights) + 1) # subsidy goes according to weights prior to this share amounts = dict((script, my_subsidy*weight//total_weight) for script, weight in weights.iteritems()) # all that's left over is the donation weight and some extra satoshis due to rounding amounts[DONATION_SCRIPT] = amounts.get(DONATION_SCRIPT, 0) + my_subsidy - sum(amounts.itervalues()) if sum(amounts.itervalues()) != my_subsidy or any(x < 0 for x in amounts.itervalues()): raise ValueError() # add 0.01 coin to donation, to satisfy the protocol amounts[DONATION_SCRIPT] = amounts[DONATION_SCRIPT] + minout # add 0.01 to current user output, to satisfy the protocol amounts[this_script] = amounts.get(this_script, 0) + minout # print amounts dests = sorted(amounts.iterkeys(), key=lambda script: (script == DONATION_SCRIPT, amounts[script], script))[-4000:] # block length limit, unlikely to ever be hit # print dests share_info = dict( share_data=share_data, far_share_hash=None if last is None and height < 99 else tracker.get_nth_parent_hash(share_data['previous_share_hash'], 99), max_bits=max_bits, bits=bits, timestamp=math.clip(desired_timestamp, ( (previous_share.timestamp + net.SHARE_PERIOD) - (net.SHARE_PERIOD - 1), # = previous_share.timestamp + 1 (previous_share.timestamp + net.SHARE_PERIOD) + (net.SHARE_PERIOD - 1), )) if previous_share is not None else desired_timestamp, new_transaction_hashes=new_transaction_hashes, transaction_hash_refs=transaction_hash_refs, ) gentx = dict( version=1, # coinbase timestamp must be older than share/block timestamp # maybe there are more elegant solution, but this hack works quite well for now timestamp=share_info['timestamp'], tx_ins=[dict( previous_output=None, sequence=None, script=share_data['coinbase'], )], tx_outs=[dict(value=amounts[script], script=script) for script in dests if amounts[script] or script == DONATION_SCRIPT] + [dict( # add 0.01 coin to service output, to satisfy the protocol value=minout, script='\x24' + cls.get_ref_hash(net, share_info, ref_merkle_link) + pack.IntType(32).pack(last_txout_nonce), )], lock_time=0, ) #print gentx def get_share(header, last_txout_nonce=last_txout_nonce): min_header = dict(header); del min_header['merkle_root'] share = cls(net, None, dict( min_header=min_header, share_info=share_info, ref_merkle_link=dict(branch=[], index=0), last_txout_nonce=last_txout_nonce, hash_link=prefix_to_hash_link(bitcoin_data.tx_type.pack(gentx)[:-32-4-4], cls.gentx_before_refhash), merkle_link=bitcoin_data.calculate_merkle_link([None] + other_transaction_hashes, 0), )) assert share.header == header # checks merkle_root return share return share_info, gentx, other_transaction_hashes, get_share @classmethod def get_ref_hash(cls, net, share_info, ref_merkle_link): return pack.IntType(256).pack(bitcoin_data.check_merkle_link(bitcoin_data.hash256(cls.ref_type.pack(dict( identifier=net.IDENTIFIER, share_info=share_info, ))), ref_merkle_link)) __slots__ = 'net peer_addr contents min_header share_info hash_link merkle_link hash share_data max_target target timestamp previous_hash new_script desired_version gentx_hash header pow_hash header_hash new_transaction_hashes time_seen'.split(' ') def __init__(self, net, peer_addr, contents): = net self.peer_addr = peer_addr self.contents = contents self.min_header = contents['min_header'] self.share_info = contents['share_info'] self.hash_link = contents['hash_link'] self.merkle_link = contents['merkle_link'] if not (2 <= len(self.share_info['share_data']['coinbase']) <= 100): raise ValueError('''bad coinbase size! %i bytes''' % (len(self.share_info['share_data']['coinbase']),)) if len(self.merkle_link['branch']) > 16: raise ValueError('merkle branch too long!') assert not self.hash_link['extra_data'], repr(self.hash_link['extra_data']) self.share_data = self.share_info['share_data'] self.max_target = self.share_info['max_bits'].target = self.share_info['bits'].target self.timestamp = self.share_info['timestamp'] self.previous_hash = self.share_data['previous_share_hash'] self.new_script = bitcoin_data.pubkey_to_script2(self.share_data['pubkey']) self.desired_version = self.share_data['desired_version'] n = set() for share_count, tx_count in self.iter_transaction_hash_refs(): assert share_count < 110 if share_count == 0: n.add(tx_count) assert n == set(range(len(self.share_info['new_transaction_hashes']))) self.gentx_hash = check_hash_link( self.hash_link, self.get_ref_hash(net, self.share_info, contents['ref_merkle_link']) + pack.IntType(32).pack(self.contents['last_txout_nonce']) + pack.IntType(32).pack(0), self.gentx_before_refhash, ) merkle_root = bitcoin_data.check_merkle_link(self.gentx_hash, self.merkle_link) self.header = dict(self.min_header, merkle_root=merkle_root) self.pow_hash = net.PARENT.POW_FUNC(bitcoin_data.block_header_type.pack(self.header)) self.hash = self.header_hash = net.PARENT.BLOCKHASH_FUNC(bitcoin_data.block_header_type.pack(self.header)) if > net.MAX_TARGET: from p2pool import p2p raise p2p.PeerMisbehavingError('share target invalid') if self.pow_hash > from p2pool import p2p raise p2p.PeerMisbehavingError('share PoW invalid') self.new_transaction_hashes = self.share_info['new_transaction_hashes'] # XXX eww self.time_seen = time.time() def __repr__(self): return 'Share' + repr((, self.peer_addr, self.contents)) def as_share(self): return dict(type=self.VERSION, contents=self.share_type.pack(self.contents)) def iter_transaction_hash_refs(self): return zip(self.share_info['transaction_hash_refs'][::2], self.share_info['transaction_hash_refs'][1::2]) def check(self, tracker): from p2pool import p2p if self.share_data['previous_share_hash'] is not None: previous_share = tracker.items[self.share_data['previous_share_hash']] if type(self) is type(previous_share): pass elif type(self) is type(previous_share).SUCCESSOR: if tracker.get_height(previous_share.hash) < from p2pool import p2p raise p2p.PeerMisbehavingError('switch without enough history') # switch only valid if 85% of hashes in [*9//10,] for new version counts = get_desired_version_counts(tracker, tracker.get_nth_parent_hash(previous_share.hash,*9//10), if counts.get(self.VERSION, 0) < sum(counts.itervalues())*85//100: raise p2p.PeerMisbehavingError('switch without enough hash power upgraded') else: raise p2p.PeerMisbehavingError('''%s can't follow %s''' % (type(self).__name__, type(previous_share).__name__)) other_tx_hashes = [tracker.items[tracker.get_nth_parent_hash(self.hash, share_count)].share_info['new_transaction_hashes'][tx_count] for share_count, tx_count in self.iter_transaction_hash_refs()] # print self share_info, gentx, other_tx_hashes2, get_share = self.generate_transaction( tracker, self.share_info['share_data'], self.header['bits'].target, self.share_info['timestamp'], self.share_info['bits'].target, self.contents['ref_merkle_link'], [(h, None) for h in other_tx_hashes],, last_txout_nonce=self.contents['last_txout_nonce'], base_subsidy=None ) assert other_tx_hashes2 == other_tx_hashes if share_info != self.share_info: print share_info, self.share_info raise ValueError('share_info invalid') if bitcoin_data.hash256(bitcoin_data.tx_type.pack(gentx)) != self.gentx_hash: raise ValueError('''gentx doesn't match hash_link''') if bitcoin_data.calculate_merkle_link([None] + other_tx_hashes, 0) != self.merkle_link: raise ValueError('merkle_link and other_tx_hashes do not match') return gentx # only used by as_block def get_other_tx_hashes(self, tracker): parents_needed = max(share_count for share_count, tx_count in self.iter_transaction_hash_refs()) if self.share_info['transaction_hash_refs'] else 0 parents = tracker.get_height(self.hash) - 1 if parents < parents_needed: return None last_shares = list(tracker.get_chain(self.hash, parents_needed + 1)) return [last_shares[share_count].share_info['new_transaction_hashes'][tx_count] for share_count, tx_count in self.iter_transaction_hash_refs()] def _get_other_txs(self, tracker, known_txs): other_tx_hashes = self.get_other_tx_hashes(tracker) if other_tx_hashes is None: return None # not all parents present if not all(tx_hash in known_txs for tx_hash in other_tx_hashes): return None # not all txs present return [known_txs[tx_hash] for tx_hash in other_tx_hashes] def should_punish_reason(self, previous_block, bits, tracker, known_txs): if (self.header['previous_block'], self.header['bits']) != (previous_block, bits) and self.header_hash != previous_block and self.peer_addr is not None: return True, 'Block-stale detected! %x < %x' % (self.header['previous_block'], previous_block) if self.pow_hash <= self.header['bits'].target: return -1, 'block solution' other_txs = self._get_other_txs(tracker, known_txs) if other_txs is None: if self.time_seen != 0: # ignore if loaded from ShareStore return True, 'not all txs present' else: all_txs_size = sum(bitcoin_data.tx_type.packed_size(tx) for tx in other_txs) if all_txs_size > 1000000: return True, 'txs over block size limit' new_txs_size = sum(bitcoin_data.tx_type.packed_size(known_txs[tx_hash]) for tx_hash in self.share_info['new_transaction_hashes']) if new_txs_size > 50000: return True, 'new txs over limit' return False, None def as_block(self, tracker, known_txs): other_txs = self._get_other_txs(tracker, known_txs) if other_txs is None: return None # not all txs present return dict(header=self.header, txs=[self.check(tracker)] + other_txs, signature='') class WeightsSkipList(forest.TrackerSkipList): # share_count, weights, total_weight def get_delta(self, element): from p2pool.bitcoin import data as bitcoin_data share = self.tracker.items[element] att = bitcoin_data.target_to_average_attempts( return 1, {share.new_script: att*(65535-share.share_data['donation'])}, att*65535, att*share.share_data['donation'] def combine_deltas(self, (share_count1, weights1, total_weight1, total_donation_weight1), (share_count2, weights2, total_weight2, total_donation_weight2)): return share_count1 + share_count2, math.add_dicts(weights1, weights2), total_weight1 + total_weight2, total_donation_weight1 + total_donation_weight2 def initial_solution(self, start, (max_shares, desired_weight)): assert desired_weight % 65535 == 0, divmod(desired_weight, 65535) return 0, None, 0, 0 def apply_delta(self, (share_count1, weights_list, total_weight1, total_donation_weight1), (share_count2, weights2, total_weight2, total_donation_weight2), (max_shares, desired_weight)): if total_weight1 + total_weight2 > desired_weight and share_count2 == 1: assert (desired_weight - total_weight1) % 65535 == 0 script, = weights2.iterkeys() new_weights = {script: (desired_weight - total_weight1)//65535*weights2[script]//(total_weight2//65535)} return share_count1 + share_count2, (weights_list, new_weights), desired_weight, total_donation_weight1 + (desired_weight - total_weight1)//65535*total_donation_weight2//(total_weight2//65535) return share_count1 + share_count2, (weights_list, weights2), total_weight1 + total_weight2, total_donation_weight1 + total_donation_weight2 def judge(self, (share_count, weights_list, total_weight, total_donation_weight), (max_shares, desired_weight)): if share_count > max_shares or total_weight > desired_weight: return 1 elif share_count == max_shares or total_weight == desired_weight: return 0 else: return -1 def finalize(self, (share_count, weights_list, total_weight, total_donation_weight), (max_shares, desired_weight)): assert share_count <= max_shares and total_weight <= desired_weight assert share_count == max_shares or total_weight == desired_weight return math.add_dicts(*math.flatten_linked_list(weights_list)), total_weight, total_donation_weight class OkayTracker(forest.Tracker): def __init__(self, net): forest.Tracker.__init__(self, delta_type=forest.get_attributedelta_type(dict(forest.AttributeDelta.attrs, work=lambda share: bitcoin_data.target_to_average_attempts(, min_work=lambda share: bitcoin_data.target_to_average_attempts(share.max_target), ))) = net self.verified = forest.SubsetTracker(delta_type=forest.get_attributedelta_type(dict(forest.AttributeDelta.attrs, work=lambda share: bitcoin_data.target_to_average_attempts(, )), subset_of=self) self.get_cumulative_weights = WeightsSkipList(self) def attempt_verify(self, share): if share.hash in self.verified.items: return True height, last = self.get_height_and_last(share.hash) if height < + 1 and last is not None: raise AssertionError() try: share.check(self) except: log.err(None, 'Share check failed:') return False else: self.verified.add(share) return True def think(self, block_rel_height_func, previous_block, bits, known_txs): desired = set() # O(len(self.heads)) # make 'unverified heads' set? # for each overall head, attempt verification # if it fails, attempt on parent, and repeat # if no successful verification because of lack of parents, request parent bads = set() for head in set(self.heads) - set(self.verified.heads): head_height, last = self.get_height_and_last(head) for share in self.get_chain(head, head_height if last is None else min(5, max(0, head_height - if self.attempt_verify(share): break if share.hash in self.heads: bads.add(share.hash) else: if last is not None: desired.add(( self.items[random.choice(list(self.reverse[last]))].peer_addr, last, max(x.timestamp for x in self.get_chain(head, min(head_height, 5))), min( for x in self.get_chain(head, min(head_height, 5))), )) for bad in bads: assert bad not in self.verified.items assert bad in self.heads if p2pool.DEBUG: print "BAD", bad self.remove(bad) # try to get at least CHAIN_LENGTH height for each verified head, requesting parents if needed for head in list(self.verified.heads): head_height, last_hash = self.verified.get_height_and_last(head) last_height, last_last_hash = self.get_height_and_last(last_hash) # XXX review boundary conditions want = max( - head_height, 0) can = max(last_height - 1 -, 0) if last_last_hash is not None else last_height get = min(want, can) #print 'Z', head_height, last_hash is None, last_height, last_last_hash is None, want, can, get for share in self.get_chain(last_hash, get): if not self.attempt_verify(share): break if head_height < and last_last_hash is not None: desired.add(( self.items[random.choice(list(self.verified.reverse[last_hash]))].peer_addr, last_last_hash, max(x.timestamp for x in self.get_chain(head, min(head_height, 5))), min( for x in self.get_chain(head, min(head_height, 5))), )) # decide best tree decorated_tails = sorted((self.score(max(self.verified.tails[tail_hash], key=self.verified.get_work), block_rel_height_func), tail_hash) for tail_hash in self.verified.tails) if p2pool.DEBUG: print len(decorated_tails), 'tails:' for score, tail_hash in decorated_tails: print format_hash(tail_hash), score best_tail_score, best_tail = decorated_tails[-1] if decorated_tails else (None, None) # decide best verified head decorated_heads = sorted((( self.verified.get_work(self.verified.get_nth_parent_hash(h, min(5, self.verified.get_height(h)))), #self.items[h].peer_addr is None, -self.items[h].should_punish_reason(previous_block, bits, self, known_txs)[0], -self.items[h].time_seen, ), h) for h in self.verified.tails.get(best_tail, [])) if p2pool.DEBUG: print len(decorated_heads), 'heads. Top 10:' for score, head_hash in decorated_heads[-10:]: print ' ', format_hash(head_hash), format_hash(self.items[head_hash].previous_hash), score best_head_score, best = decorated_heads[-1] if decorated_heads else (None, None) if best is not None: best_share = self.items[best] punish, punish_reason = best_share.should_punish_reason(previous_block, bits, self, known_txs) if punish > 0: print 'Punishing share for %r! Jumping from %s to %s!' % (punish_reason, format_hash(best), format_hash(best_share.previous_hash)) best = best_share.previous_hash timestamp_cutoff = min(int(time.time()), best_share.timestamp) - 3600 target_cutoff = 2**256//(*best_tail_score[1] + 1) * 2 if best_tail_score[1] is not None else 2**256-1 else: timestamp_cutoff = int(time.time()) - 24*60*60 target_cutoff = 2**256-1 if p2pool.DEBUG: print 'Desire %i shares. Cutoff: %s old diff>%.2f' % (len(desired), math.format_dt(time.time() - timestamp_cutoff), bitcoin_data.target_to_difficulty(target_cutoff)) for peer_addr, hash, ts, targ in desired: print ' ', '%s:%i' % peer_addr, format_hash(hash), math.format_dt(time.time() - ts), bitcoin_data.target_to_difficulty(targ), ts >= timestamp_cutoff, targ <= target_cutoff return best, [(peer_addr, hash) for peer_addr, hash, ts, targ in desired if ts >= timestamp_cutoff], decorated_heads def score(self, share_hash, block_rel_height_func): # returns approximate lower bound on chain's hashrate in the last*15//16* time head_height = self.verified.get_height(share_hash) if head_height < return head_height, None end_point = self.verified.get_nth_parent_hash(share_hash,*15//16) block_height = max(block_rel_height_func(share.header['previous_block']) for share in self.verified.get_chain(end_point, return, self.verified.get_delta(share_hash, end_point).work/((0 - block_height + 1)* def get_pool_attempts_per_second(tracker, previous_share_hash, dist, min_work=False, integer=False): assert dist >= 2 near = tracker.items[previous_share_hash] far = tracker.items[tracker.get_nth_parent_hash(previous_share_hash, dist - 1)] attempts = tracker.get_delta(near.hash, far.hash).work if not min_work else tracker.get_delta(near.hash, far.hash).min_work time = near.timestamp - far.timestamp if time <= 0: time = 1 if integer: return attempts//time return attempts/time def get_average_stale_prop(tracker, share_hash, lookbehind): stales = sum(1 for share in tracker.get_chain(share_hash, lookbehind) if share.share_data['stale_info'] is not None) return stales/(lookbehind + stales) def get_stale_counts(tracker, share_hash, lookbehind, rates=False): res = {} for share in tracker.get_chain(share_hash, lookbehind - 1): res['good'] = res.get('good', 0) + bitcoin_data.target_to_average_attempts( s = share.share_data['stale_info'] if s is not None: res[s] = res.get(s, 0) + bitcoin_data.target_to_average_attempts( if rates: dt = tracker.items[share_hash].timestamp - tracker.items[tracker.get_nth_parent_hash(share_hash, lookbehind - 1)].timestamp res = dict((k, v/dt) for k, v in res.iteritems()) return res def get_user_stale_props(tracker, share_hash, lookbehind): res = {} for share in tracker.get_chain(share_hash, lookbehind - 1): stale, total = res.get(share.share_data['pubkey'], (0, 0)) total += 1 if share.share_data['stale_info'] is not None: stale += 1 total += 1 res[share.share_data['pubkey']] = stale, total return dict((pubkey, stale/total) for pubkey, (stale, total) in res.iteritems()) def calculate_payout(weight, total_weight, subsidy): global minout payout = (subsidy - 3*minout) * weight//total_weight if payout < minout: payout = 0 return payout def get_expected_payouts(tracker, best_share_hash, block_target, subsidy, net): weights, total_weight, donation_weight = tracker.get_cumulative_weights(best_share_hash, min(tracker.get_height(best_share_hash), net.REAL_CHAIN_LENGTH), 65535*net.SPREAD*bitcoin_data.target_to_average_attempts(block_target)) #res = dict((script, subsidy*weight//total_weight) for script, weight in weights.iteritems()) res = dict((script, calculate_payout(weight, total_weight, subsidy)) for script, weight in weights.iteritems()) res[DONATION_SCRIPT] = res.get(DONATION_SCRIPT, 0) + subsidy - sum(res.itervalues()) return res def get_desired_version_counts(tracker, best_share_hash, dist): res = {} for share in tracker.get_chain(best_share_hash, dist): res[share.desired_version] = res.get(share.desired_version, 0) + bitcoin_data.target_to_average_attempts( return res def get_warnings(tracker, best_share, net, bitcoind_warning, bitcoind_work_value): res = [] desired_version_counts = get_desired_version_counts(tracker, best_share, min(net.CHAIN_LENGTH, 60*60//net.SHARE_PERIOD, tracker.get_height(best_share))) majority_desired_version = max(desired_version_counts, key=lambda k: desired_version_counts[k]) if majority_desired_version > 11 and desired_version_counts[majority_desired_version] > sum(desired_version_counts.itervalues())/2: res.append('A MAJORITY OF SHARES CONTAIN A VOTE FOR AN UNSUPPORTED SHARE IMPLEMENTATION! (v%i with %i%% support)\n' 'An upgrade is likely necessary. Check for more information.' % ( majority_desired_version, 100*desired_version_counts[majority_desired_version]/sum(desired_version_counts.itervalues()))) if bitcoind_warning is not None: if 'This is a pre-release test build' not in bitcoind_warning: res.append('(from bitcoind) %s' % (bitcoind_warning,)) if time.time() > bitcoind_work_value['last_update'] + 60: res.append('''LOST CONTACT WITH BITCOIND for %s! Check that it isn't frozen or dead!''' % (math.format_dt(time.time() - bitcoind_work_value['last_update']),)) return res def format_hash(x): if x is None: return 'xxxxxxxx' return '%08x' % (x % 2**32) class ShareStore(object): def __init__(self, prefix, net): self.filename = prefix self.dirname = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(prefix)) self.filename = os.path.basename(os.path.abspath(prefix)) = net self.known = None # will be filename -> set of share hashes, set of verified hashes self.known_desired = None def get_shares(self): if self.known is not None: raise AssertionError() known = {} filenames, next = self.get_filenames_and_next() for filename in filenames: share_hashes, verified_hashes = known.setdefault(filename, (set(), set())) with open(filename, 'rb') as f: for line in f: try: type_id_str, data_hex = line.strip().split(' ') type_id = int(type_id_str) if type_id == 0: pass elif type_id == 1: pass elif type_id == 2: verified_hash = int(data_hex, 16) yield 'verified_hash', verified_hash verified_hashes.add(verified_hash) elif type_id == 5: raw_share = share_type.unpack(data_hex.decode('hex')) if raw_share['type'] in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]: continue share = load_share(raw_share,, None) yield 'share', share share_hashes.add(share.hash) else: raise NotImplementedError("share type %i" % (type_id,)) except Exception: log.err(None, "HARMLESS error while reading saved shares, continuing where left off:") self.known = known self.known_desired = dict((k, (set(a), set(b))) for k, (a, b) in known.iteritems()) def _add_line(self, line): filenames, next = self.get_filenames_and_next() if filenames and os.path.getsize(filenames[-1]) < 10e6: filename = filenames[-1] else: filename = next with open(filename, 'ab') as f: f.write(line + '\n') return filename def add_share(self, share): for filename, (share_hashes, verified_hashes) in self.known.iteritems(): if share.hash in share_hashes: break else: filename = self._add_line("%i %s" % (5, share_type.pack(share.as_share()).encode('hex'))) share_hashes, verified_hashes = self.known.setdefault(filename, (set(), set())) share_hashes.add(share.hash) share_hashes, verified_hashes = self.known_desired.setdefault(filename, (set(), set())) share_hashes.add(share.hash) def add_verified_hash(self, share_hash): for filename, (share_hashes, verified_hashes) in self.known.iteritems(): if share_hash in verified_hashes: break else: filename = self._add_line("%i %x" % (2, share_hash)) share_hashes, verified_hashes = self.known.setdefault(filename, (set(), set())) verified_hashes.add(share_hash) share_hashes, verified_hashes = self.known_desired.setdefault(filename, (set(), set())) verified_hashes.add(share_hash) def get_filenames_and_next(self): suffixes = sorted(int(x[len(self.filename):]) for x in os.listdir(self.dirname) if x.startswith(self.filename) and x[len(self.filename):].isdigit()) return [os.path.join(self.dirname, self.filename + str(suffix)) for suffix in suffixes], os.path.join(self.dirname, self.filename + (str(suffixes[-1] + 1) if suffixes else str(0))) def forget_share(self, share_hash): for filename, (share_hashes, verified_hashes) in self.known_desired.iteritems(): if share_hash in share_hashes: share_hashes.remove(share_hash) self.check_remove() def forget_verified_share(self, share_hash): for filename, (share_hashes, verified_hashes) in self.known_desired.iteritems(): if share_hash in verified_hashes: verified_hashes.remove(share_hash) self.check_remove() def check_remove(self): to_remove = set() for filename, (share_hashes, verified_hashes) in self.known_desired.iteritems(): #print filename, len(share_hashes) + len(verified_hashes) if not share_hashes and not verified_hashes: to_remove.add(filename) for filename in to_remove: self.known.pop(filename) self.known_desired.pop(filename) os.remove(filename) print "REMOVED", filename