Installation Instructions ========================= Step 0: Install novacoind It MUST be a recent version of novacoind Set it up and start it! Downloading the blockchain can take some time! Step 1: Install the stratum core git pull sudo easy_install stratum (or if using alternate python: sudo /usr/local/bin/easy_install stratum) Step 2: Pull a copy of the miner git pull Step 3: Configure the Miner cp conf/ conf/ make your changes to conf/ Make sure you set the values in BASIC SETTINGS! These are how to connect to novacoind and where your money goes! Please read comments carefully, this may be helpful. Step 4: Run the pool twistd -ny launcher.tac -l - OR - using alternate python /usr/local/bin/twistd -ny launcher.tac -l - You can now set the URL on your stratum proxy (or miner that supports stratum) to: http://YOURHOSTNAME:3333 Novacoindd blocknotify Setup ========================= Although scary (for me), this is actually pretty easy. Step 1: Set Admin Password Ensure that you have set the ADMIN_PASSWORD_SHA256 parameter in conf/ To make life easy you can run the generateAdminHash script to make the hash ./scripts/ Step 2: Test It Restart the pool if it's already running run ./scripts/ --password --host localhost --port 3333 Ensure everything is ok. Step 3: Run bitcoind with blocknotify Stop bitcoind if it's already running bitcoind stop Wait till it ends novacoind -blocknotify="/absolute/path/to/scripts/ --password --host localhost --port 3333" Step 4: Adjust pool polling Now you should be able to watch the pools debug messages for awhile and see the blocknotify come in once you are sure it's working edit conf/ and set PREVHASH_REFRESH_INTERVAL = to the same value as MERKLE_REFRESH_INTERVAL restart the pool Database Setup ========================= Table Creation: Tables are auto-created if they don't exist None: Well, this doesn't do anything, so there is nothing to set up Sqlite: THIS IS THE DEFAULT! Just set the file path in the config file (or keep the default.) Support for sqlite3 is built into recent python versions. A couple notes for Sqlite: - Sqlite and threading/concurancy just doesn't work right for that reason it is disabled. - Since threading is disabled, The server will "pause" when archiving happens, this will affect your miners. However this will not happen often (24 hours after finding a share) Postgresql: 1: Set up your parameters in the config file. 2: Install the postgresql libraries in your os: Redhat and the like: yum install postgresql-libs postgresql-devel Ubuntu and the like: apt-get install postgresql postgresql-devel 3: Install the python bindings easy_install psycopg2 Mysql: 1: Set up your parameters in the config file. 2: Install the postgresql libraries in your os: Redhat and the like: yum install mysql mysql-devel Ubuntu and the like: apt-get install mysql mysql-devel 3: Install the python bindings easy_install mysql-python Problems???? ========================= Is your firewall off? Is novacoind running? TODO: are there other problems?