import binascii import halfnode import struct import util class CoinbaseTransaction(halfnode.CTransaction): '''Construct special transaction used for coinbase tx. It also implements quick serialization using pre-cached scriptSig template.''' extranonce_type = '>Q' extranonce_placeholder = struct.pack(extranonce_type, int('f000000ff111111f', 16)) extranonce_size = struct.calcsize(extranonce_type) def __init__(self, timestamper, coinbaser, value, flags, height, data, ntime): super(CoinbaseTransaction, self).__init__() #self.extranonce = 0 if len(self.extranonce_placeholder) != self.extranonce_size: raise Exception("Extranonce placeholder don't match expected length!") tx_in = halfnode.CTxIn() tx_in.prevout.hash = 0L tx_in.prevout.n = 2**32-1 tx_in._scriptSig_template = ( util.ser_number(height) + binascii.unhexlify(flags) + util.ser_number(int(timestamper.time())) + \ chr(self.extranonce_size), util.ser_string(coinbaser.get_coinbase_data() + data) ) tx_in.scriptSig = tx_in._scriptSig_template[0] + self.extranonce_placeholder + tx_in._scriptSig_template[1] tx_out = halfnode.CTxOut() tx_out.nValue = value tx_out.scriptPubKey = coinbaser.get_script_pubkey() self.nTime = ntime # Coinbase timestamp self.vout.append(tx_out) # Two parts of serialized coinbase, just put part1 + extranonce + part2 to have final serialized tx self._serialized = super(CoinbaseTransaction, self).serialize().split(self.extranonce_placeholder) def set_extranonce(self, extranonce): if len(extranonce) != self.extranonce_size: raise Exception("Incorrect extranonce size") (part1, part2) =[0]._scriptSig_template[0].scriptSig = part1 + extranonce + part2