import time from stratum import settings import stratum.logger log = stratum.logger.get_logger('DB_Mysql') import MySQLdb class DB_Mysql(): def __init__(self): log.debug("Connecting to DB") self.dbh = MySQLdb.connect(settings.DB_MYSQL_HOST,settings.DB_MYSQL_USER,settings.DB_MYSQL_PASS,settings.DB_MYSQL_DBNAME) self.dbc = self.dbh.cursor() def updateStats(self,averageOverTime): log.debug("Updating Stats") # Note: we are using transactions... so we can set the speed = 0 and it doesn't take affect until we are commited. #self.dbc.execute("update pool_worker set speed = 0, alive = 0"); #stime = '%.0f' % ( time.time() - averageOverTime ); #self.dbc.execute("select username,SUM(difficulty) from shares where time > FROM_UNIXTIME(%s) group by username", (stime,)) #total_speed = 0 #for name,shares in self.dbc.fetchall(): # speed = int(int(shares) * pow(2,32)) / ( int(averageOverTime) * 1000 * 1000) # total_speed += speed # self.dbc.execute("update pool_worker set speed = %s, alive = 1 where username = %s", (speed,name)) #self.dbc.execute("update pool set value = %s where parameter = 'pool_speed'",[total_speed]) self.dbh.commit() def archive_check(self): # Check for found shares to archive #self.dbc.execute("select time from shares where upstream_result = 1 order by time limit 1") #data = self.dbc.fetchone() #if data is None or (data[0] + settings.ARCHIVE_DELAY) > time.time() : # return False return data[0] def archive_found(self,found_time): self.dbc.execute("insert into shares_archive_found select * from shares where upstream_result = 'Y' and time <= FROM_UNIXTIME(%s)", (found_time,)) self.dbh.commit() def archive_to_db(self,found_time): self.dbc.execute("insert into shares_archive select * from shares where time <= FROM_UNIXTIME(%s)",(found_time,)) self.dbh.commit() def archive_cleanup(self,found_time): self.dbc.execute("delete from shares where time <= FROM_UNIXTIME(%s)",(found_time,)) self.dbh.commit() def archive_get_shares(self,found_time): #self.dbc.execute("select * from shares where time <= FROM_UNIXTIME(%s)",(found_time,)) return self.dbc def import_shares(self,data): log.debug("Importing Shares") # 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 # data: [worker_name,block_header,block_hash,difficulty,timestamp,is_valid,ip,block_height,prev_hash,invalid_reason,best_diff] checkin_times = {} total_shares = 0 best_diff = 0 for k,v in enumerate(data): self.dbc.execute("insert into shares (rem_host,username,our_result,upstream_result,reason,share_diff) VALUES " +\ "(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)", (v[6],v[0],v[5],'N',v[9],v[3]) ) self.dbh.commit() def found_block(self,data): # Note: difficulty = -1 here self.dbc.execute("update shares set upstream_result = %s, solution = %s where time = FROM_UNIXTIME(%s) and username = %s limit 1", (data[5],data[2],data[4],data[0])) self.dbh.commit() def delete_user(self,username): log.debug("Deleting Username") self.dbc.execute("delete from pool_worker where username = %s", (username )) self.dbh.commit() def insert_user(self,username,password): log.debug("Adding Username/Password") self.dbc.execute("insert into pool_worker (username,password) VALUES (%s,%s)", (username, password )) self.dbh.commit() def update_user(self,username,password): log.debug("Updating Username/Password") self.dbc.execute("update pool_worker set password = %(pass)s where username = %(uname)s", (username, password )) self.dbh.commit() def update_worker_diff(self,username,diff): if settings.DATABASE_EXTEND == True : self.dbc.execute("update pool_worker set difficulty = %s where username = %s",(diff,username)) self.dbh.commit() def clear_worker_diff(self): if settings.DATABASE_EXTEND == True : self.dbc.execute("update pool_worker set difficulty = 0") self.dbh.commit() def check_password(self,username,password): log.debug("Checking Username/Password") self.dbc.execute("select COUNT(*) from pool_worker where username = %s and password = %s", (username, password )) data = self.dbc.fetchone() if data[0] > 0 : return True return False def update_pool_info(self,pi): self.dbc.executemany("update pool set value = %s where parameter = %s",[(pi['blocks'],"bitcoin_blocks"), (pi['balance'],"bitcoin_balance"), (pi['connections'],"bitcoin_connections"), (pi['difficulty'],"bitcoin_difficulty"), (time.time(),"bitcoin_infotime") ]) self.dbh.commit() def get_pool_stats(self): self.dbc.execute("select * from pool") ret = {} for data in self.dbc.fetchall(): ret[data[0]] = data[1] return ret def get_workers_stats(self): self.dbc.execute("select username,speed,last_checkin,total_shares,total_rejects,total_found,alive,difficulty from pool_worker") ret = {} for data in self.dbc.fetchall(): ret[data[0]] = { "username" : data[0], "speed" : data[1], "last_checkin" : time.mktime(data[2].timetuple()), "total_shares" : data[3], "total_rejects" : data[4], "total_found" : data[5], "alive" : data[6], "difficulty" : data[7] } return ret def close(self): self.dbh.close() def check_tables(self): log.debug("Checking Tables") # Do we have our tables? shares_exist = False self.dbc.execute("select COUNT(*) from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.STATISTICS " +\ "where table_schema = %(schema)s and table_name = 'shares' and index_name = 'shares_username'", {"schema": settings.DB_MYSQL_DBNAME }) data = self.dbc.fetchone() if data[0] <= 0 : self.update_version_1() # no, we don't, so create them if settings.DATABASE_EXTEND == True : self.update_tables() def update_tables(self): version = 0 current_version = 6 while version < current_version : self.dbc.execute("select value from pool where parameter = 'DB Version'") data = self.dbc.fetchone() version = int(data[0]) if version < current_version :"Updating Database from %i to %i" % (version, version +1)) getattr(self, 'update_version_' + str(version) )() def update_version_1(self): if settings.DATABASE_EXTEND == True : self.dbc.execute("create table if not exists shares " +\ "(id serial primary key,time timestamp,rem_host TEXT, username TEXT, our_result BOOLEAN, upstream_result BOOLEAN, reason TEXT, solution TEXT, " +\ "block_num INTEGER, prev_block_hash TEXT, useragent TEXT, difficulty INTEGER) ENGINE = MYISAM;") self.dbc.execute("create index shares_username ON shares(username(10))") self.dbc.execute("create table if not exists pool_worker" +\ "(id serial primary key,username TEXT, password TEXT, speed INTEGER, last_checkin timestamp" +\ ") ENGINE = MYISAM") self.dbc.execute("create index pool_worker_username ON pool_worker(username(10))") self.dbc.execute("create table if not exists pool(parameter TEXT, value TEXT)") self.dbc.execute("alter table pool_worker add total_shares INTEGER default 0") self.dbc.execute("alter table pool_worker add total_rejects INTEGER default 0") self.dbc.execute("alter table pool_worker add total_found INTEGER default 0") self.dbc.execute("insert into pool (parameter,value) VALUES ('DB Version',2)") else : self.dbc.execute("create table if not exists shares" + \ "(id serial,time timestamp,rem_host TEXT, username TEXT, our_result INTEGER, upstream_result INTEGER, reason TEXT, solution TEXT) ENGINE = MYISAM") self.dbc.execute("create index shares_username ON shares(username(10))") self.dbc.execute("create table if not exists pool_worker(id serial,username TEXT, password TEXT) ENGINE = MYISAM") self.dbc.execute("create index pool_worker_username ON pool_worker(username(10))") self.dbh.commit() def update_version_2(self):"running update 2") self.dbc.executemany("insert into pool (parameter,value) VALUES (%s,%s)",[('bitcoin_blocks',0), ('bitcoin_balance',0), ('bitcoin_connections',0), ('bitcoin_difficulty',0), ('pool_speed',0), ('pool_total_found',0), ('round_shares',0), ('round_progress',0), ('round_start',time.time()) ]) self.dbc.execute("update pool set value = 3 where parameter = 'DB Version'") self.dbh.commit() def update_version_3(self):"running update 3") self.dbc.executemany("insert into pool (parameter,value) VALUES (%s,%s)",[ ('round_best_share',0), ('bitcoin_infotime',0) ]) self.dbc.execute("alter table pool_worker add alive BOOLEAN") self.dbc.execute("update pool set value = 4 where parameter = 'DB Version'") self.dbh.commit() def update_version_4(self):"running update 4") self.dbc.execute("alter table pool_worker add difficulty INTEGER default 0") self.dbc.execute("create table if not exists shares_archive " +\ "(id serial primary key,time timestamp,rem_host TEXT, username TEXT, our_result BOOLEAN, upstream_result BOOLEAN, reason TEXT, solution TEXT, " +\ "block_num INTEGER, prev_block_hash TEXT, useragent TEXT, difficulty INTEGER) ENGINE = MYISAM;") self.dbc.execute("create table if not exists shares_archive_found " +\ "(id serial primary key,time timestamp,rem_host TEXT, username TEXT, our_result BOOLEAN, upstream_result BOOLEAN, reason TEXT, solution TEXT, " +\ "block_num INTEGER, prev_block_hash TEXT, useragent TEXT, difficulty INTEGER) ENGINE = MYISAM;") self.dbc.execute("update pool set value = 5 where parameter = 'DB Version'") self.dbh.commit() def update_version_5(self):"running update 5") # Adding Primary key to table: pool self.dbc.execute("alter table pool add primary key (parameter(100))") self.dbh.commit() # Adjusting indicies on table: shares self.dbc.execute("DROP INDEX shares_username ON shares") self.dbc.execute("CREATE INDEX shares_time_username ON shares(time,username(10))") self.dbc.execute("CREATE INDEX shares_upstreamresult ON shares(upstream_result)") self.dbh.commit() self.dbc.execute("update pool set value = 6 where parameter = 'DB Version'") self.dbh.commit()