from service import MiningService from subscription import MiningSubscription from twisted.internet import defer import time @defer.inlineCallbacks def setup(on_startup): '''Setup mining service internal environment. You should not need to change this. If you want to use another Worker manager or Share manager, you should set proper reference to Interfaces class *before* you call setup() in the launcher script.''' from stratum import settings from interfaces import Interfaces # Let's wait until share manager and worker manager boot up (yield Interfaces.share_manager.on_load) (yield Interfaces.worker_manager.on_load) from lib.block_updater import BlockUpdater from lib.template_registry import TemplateRegistry from lib.bitcoin_rpc import BitcoinRPC from lib.block_template import BlockTemplate from lib.coinbaser import SimpleCoinbaser bitcoin_rpc = BitcoinRPC(settings.BITCOIN_TRUSTED_HOST, settings.BITCOIN_TRUSTED_PORT, settings.BITCOIN_TRUSTED_USER, settings.BITCOIN_TRUSTED_PASSWORD) import stratum.logger log = stratum.logger.get_logger('mining')'Waiting for bitcoin RPC...') while True: try: result = (yield bitcoin_rpc.getblocktemplate()) if isinstance(result, dict):'Response from bitcoin RPC OK') break except: time.sleep(1) coinbaser = SimpleCoinbaser(bitcoin_rpc, settings.CENTRAL_WALLET) (yield coinbaser.on_load) registry = TemplateRegistry(BlockTemplate, coinbaser, bitcoin_rpc, settings.INSTANCE_ID, MiningSubscription.on_template, Interfaces.share_manager.on_network_block) # Template registry is the main interface between Stratum service # and pool core logic Interfaces.set_template_registry(registry) # Set up polling mechanism for detecting new block on the network # This is just failsafe solution when -blocknotify # mechanism is not working properly BlockUpdater(registry, bitcoin_rpc)"MINING SERVICE IS READY") on_startup.callback(True)