from stratum.pubsub import Pubsub, Subscription from mining.interfaces import Interfaces import stratum.logger log = stratum.logger.get_logger('subscription') class MiningSubscription(Subscription): '''This subscription object implements logic for broadcasting new jobs to the clients.''' event = 'mining.notify' @classmethod def on_template(cls, is_new_block): '''This is called when TemplateRegistry registers new block which we have to broadcast clients.''' start = Interfaces.timestamper.time() clean_jobs = is_new_block (job_id, prevhash, coinb1, coinb2, merkle_branch, version, nbits, ntime, _) = \ Interfaces.template_registry.get_last_broadcast_args() # Push new job to subscribed clients cls.emit(job_id, prevhash, coinb1, coinb2, merkle_branch, version, nbits, ntime, clean_jobs) cnt = Pubsub.get_subscription_count(cls.event)"BROADCASTED to %d connections in %.03f sec" % (cnt, (Interfaces.timestamper.time() - start))) def _finish_after_subscribe(self, result): '''Send new job to newly subscribed client''' try: (job_id, prevhash, coinb1, coinb2, merkle_branch, version, nbits, ntime, _) = \ Interfaces.template_registry.get_last_broadcast_args() except Exception: log.error("Template not ready yet") return result # Force set higher difficulty # TODO #self.connection_ref().rpc('mining.set_difficulty', [2,], is_notification=True) #self.connection_ref().rpc('client.get_version', []) # Force client to remove previous jobs if any (eg. from previous connection) clean_jobs = True self.emit_single(job_id, prevhash, coinb1, coinb2, merkle_branch, version, nbits, ntime, True) return result def after_subscribe(self, *args): '''This will send new job to the client *after* he receive subscription details. on_finish callback solve the issue that job is broadcasted *during* the subscription request and client receive messages in wrong order.''' self.connection_ref().on_finish.addCallback(self._finish_after_subscribe)